What's wrong if I PMO ??

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Killua1, Jan 22, 2015.

  1. Killua1

    Killua1 Fapstronaut

    I am wondering , What are the bad things that ruin your life and that are caused by PMO ? I don't really find much things,Whenever I PMO ,I feel that short depression phase but then I go and wash my face or take a shower and I don't feel bad anymore ~ so what's wrong with PMOing? If you will list for me some disadvantages of it ,then please tell me why is that ~ for example if you want to say 'it makes you a loser with girls' tell me why ~

    It's not that I'm for PMOing but I want to be more motivated to quit it if it's really harmful for me ~ Have a nice day :D
  2. Well, masturbation itself isn't all that harmful. Without it, your body "cleans the pipes" naturally through your sleep. With it, the wet dreams won't be necessary. Your body may use a little more energy to create what you just lost, thus making you a little less energetic.
    The biggest culprit's porn. Orgasm gives you such a strong rush of dopamine, so MOing to P makes you addicted to it very easily. What happens then? You go further, you get all hardcore and all, and your brain gets less sensitive, so you won't be as easily attracted like usual. You'll very likely develop porn-induced ED. Also, the fact that you're pleasuring yourself through a screen and all, getting all sad and guilty after that, you may have decreased confidence and self-esteem.
    That's all I can say. Good luck with your journey and I hope you can get motivation! :D
  3. ds112358

    ds112358 Fapstronaut

    For me it was always a choice. There were right choices (doing my work, attending my lectures, working out, reading, going out to meet people) and there was PMO. Guess which one I chose? More difficult, guess which one I enjoyed more? PMO is always an easy reward with no costs. With my PMO habit, it made me unaware and insensitive about things that were actually worth doing. I still wonder if PMO in itself was the problem, but it sure as hell did intensify all the other problems in my life.
  4. The only person who can answer the question of why masturbation or porn are bad for you…is you. If you can live a healthy life and still do it then continue doing it. For me personally, it becomes compulsive and takes up a lot of my time. From a physiological perspective it also drains your energy. And in my opinion if you can’t go even a few weeks without getting heavy sweats and urges and pains in your head you're probably addicted. It IS a modern-day drug.

    Also I don’t care who you are. Saying that you actively masturbate to porn is not the first thing you want to tell your friends, family, or girls you meet at school or work. I’m extremely self-conscious after jerking off. I usually can’t look people straight in the eye. And my natural charisma is replaced by insecurity. You might be different. But I doubt you’d be comfortable telling your mom or dad about what you do.
  5. psy001

    psy001 Fapstronaut

    PMO is not bad by itself... BUT ..... when you are used to get easy rewards like (pornography,video games,drugs etc etc) you will (for sure) find difficult to get physical rewards like enjoy a walk or drink coffee with friends or cook a meal or read a book. That is because your brain learned this behavior. you do not to be a scientist of brain to understand this. It is called behaviorism. If you learn to something then your body asks for it. so simple. Now if you get rid of all this crap you will enjoy more natural rewards and that is the ultimate challenge my friend :) greetings
  6. alphaphaedrus

    alphaphaedrus New Fapstronaut

    As with the other responses here, and in my own experience after about 20 years of PMO; your brain keeps adjusting and you want more. What's more? That varies by person. I found myself more and more needing that rush. For me it evolved from porn into fantasies about every woman I saw. That in turn evolved into seeking out women on Ashley Madison. Thankfully my wife discovered what I was up to before I had done anything otherwise I'd have lost my wife, family, and life as I know it.
  7. immanuel.iitd

    immanuel.iitd Fapstronaut

    nice post and much helpful
  8. Haggis

    Haggis Fapstronaut

    Hey Killua,

    I used to think there wasn't a thing wrong with it either. I had a fiancee (now my wife) and I was perfectly content keeping my PMO habits separate from my normal sex life. Sex with my girl was fine and PMO was just a fun little side deal for me. My increasing PMO habits, however, led to a slow, almost imperceptible change in my thinking.

    I no longer found myself fantasizing about the things I could do to my partner when I got home, I was fantasizing about what I could look up on the internet and when I could do it. I was slowly building a wall between myself and the woman I loved and I didn't even realize it. It finally culminated for me in the last 6 months to a year. I noticed that I wasn't able to have sex and keep my erection up for as long as I was before my PMO got really bad. Since my PMO sessions were usually short (5-10 minutes) and I would immediately want my erection to go away (to hide the evidence) I feel like I trained body to only be aroused for short periods at a time.

    I then began to experience flat-out ED more and more frequently as the feelings of guilt and shame simply overwhelmed and numbed me. I would barely acknowledge her when I came home and just put more and more distance between us. When I was caught a few days and ago and finally came clean, my wife was naturally devastated. I nearly lost her and its taken every scrap of myself that I can pull together to keep her from leaving me.

    Long story short man, I think the most dangerous thing about PMO is its slow, creeping desensitization. Your attitudes about women will shift so slowly you might not even notice (or they could change rapidly and you might not care, I'm not sure which is worse).

    Good luck mate.
  9. oni543nanog

    oni543nanog Fapstronaut

    One time i reach 68 days, and only strenght increases, my failure with girls don´t changed, PMO is only psychological
  10. NoBrainer

    NoBrainer Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Read these articles:



    Other than that, here is my personal list of reasons to stop PMOing. I've never suffered from PIED or DE, probably because I'm a virgin! I could never initiate flirting with a girl, let alone a relationship as I was always thinking objectifying women. When I was PMOing, I didn't treat women as people, rather as objects I would've like to 'fuck' in all different positions to fulfill my own sexual fantasies.

    From my journal:

    Reasons to stop:

    - I will never be able to justify/ live with the guilt of watching it, now knowing the scientific perspective of how it's affecting me.
    - Porn promotes objectification of women (and men sometimes) and sexist thinking
    - Porn promotes human trafficking
    - Porn is not real. The sex is completely unrealistic
    - I will never be able to initiate a relationship if I'm masturbating and/ or watching porn
    - It's a huge waste of time
    - It's a waste of money (through data use)
    - It's degrading
  11. NoBrainer

    NoBrainer Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Yes, this is gold! One of the tings that meant it took me so long to quit was that I didn't even know porn was affecting me. I could sense my self esteem and confidence going down the plughole, yet I din't know why. I was a depressed, and slightly anxious person when I was watching porn, yet I didn't know why. My social ability was getting worse and worse, and I could feel myself drifting away from people. I could sense a lack of respect from my peers. I didn't have any respect for myself even. Yet I had no idea why!

    When I saw Gary Wilson's TED talk, and heard the scientific perspective of porn addiction, everything clicked into place. From that point on I started trying to quit.
  12. mrlaw

    mrlaw Fapstronaut

    There's nothing wrong if you only PMO once in 14days. Do NOT binge! Once and that it. You wait 14day later for your next one.

    You see most of the guys on here with long a$$ counter of quiting PMOing aren't practising HARD MODE. They think every one is like them aka married or have some damn girlfriend!
  13. mrlaw

    mrlaw Fapstronaut


    "The biggest culprit's porn. Orgasm gives you such a strong rush of dopamine, so MOing to P makes you addicted to it very easily. What happens then? You go further, you get all hardcore and all, and your brain gets less sensitive, so you won't be as easily attracted like usual. You'll very likely develop porn-induced ED"

    I kind of agree with this. I had problem gettiing it up with the prostitute I saw last week.
  14. harkin

    harkin Fapstronaut

    Watching P for hours and wasting the day is one of the things I kick myself for and one of the reasons I need to get this under control. Moving down the ladder to more extreme and disgusting forms of P, with an increase of shame and guilt has been causing me problems too.
    As NoBrainer put, P is linked to trafficking and degrading people but also lives hand in hand with the drugs trade.
    The ethical issues aside, I know I have an addictive personality. Alcohol, drugs, sex, porn, food. I've had to and am fighting them all. I would probably get addicted to the Simpsons if I got the complete box set!
    But some people can use P without it being a problem for them behaviourally, just as some people can drink alcohol with no ill effects.

    Make sure the reasons you want to stop are your reasons, and if nothing else, even if you keep Ming to P at least you will have knowledge to help it not get out of hand.
  15. NoBrainer

    NoBrainer Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Even if you are PMOing once every two weeks, you are still reinforcing PMO related reward circuitry in your brain, so that your brain associates sexual release with jacking off to internet porn. Many of us here know that it is near impossible not to binge if you relapse, and very difficult to get another streak going. The last time I relapsed I PMOd once every 3 days for a month before getting back on the wagon.

    PMOing fortnightly by choice will make it much harder on yourself, not easier, and you will most likely end up never rebooting.

    Most guys on here are under the age of 30. Many are single. It is fair to say many guys on here don't have a natural sexual release by choice, after years of taking the easy option and getting off by themselves (me included). We are practicing hard mode with no other option.

    And many married guys on here are practicing hard mode because they know it's the fastest way to reboot. Don't be so resentful of other users here. You want results? Then put in the work.
  16. mrlaw

    mrlaw Fapstronaut

    "Many of us here know that it is near impossible not to binge if you relapse, and very difficult to get another streak going"

    You were right. I ended up PMOing once again.A total of twice within a day. Don't know if that count as a binge. The urges were just too damn strong!
  17. heartpower

    heartpower Fapstronaut

    Only you can know how it affects your life. I don't think you would be here if everything was jolly.
  18. AStrongBear

    AStrongBear Fapstronaut
