Science in Adam and Eve?

A group for members of all religions, or no religion at all, to talk about religion

  1. parkurman123

    parkurman123 Fapstronaut

    Science in Adam and Eve:
    In the story of Adam and Eve, God created Adam from the surface of the ground, every element that exists in the ground is also found in humans. Out of the 206 bones in the human body, a rib is only one that can grow back again if surgically removed correctly. Doctors and scientists do not know why rib is the only bone that can grow back. What's inside of a rib. Bone marrow can be infused back into your body and it can help regrow damaged organs, there are 5 common donor spots: the cranium or the skull, the sternum, vertebrae in the back, the pelvis and you guessed it the rib. What bone marrow transplantation can actually do: now if you look up bone marrow transplantation and stem cell transplantation you will find there's not a whole lot of difference the only difference is you're getting stem cells, now whether you get them from the bones or from blood, that's the two differences, but stem cells can actually regrow organs. They've actually shown that you can actually regrow tiny livers, they call liver buds, there are people who are working on being able to eventually regrow a brain. Now story says that God created
    Eve only by one bone that contains stem cells that in reality can regrow organs. This is not so strange considering that it is possible to create a human clone with a small sample.
  2. If we're gonna personify "God", then it's safe to say that the creation of the human body is an absolute miracle rather than a setback. Again that's if you personify God, which I definitely don't. But just for the sake of this convo lets do
    Romans 6 23 and parkurman123 like this.

    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    Nothing is impossible with God. His actions don’t need to be described with science.

    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    There are many things I disagree with Islam, and it does need a reformation movement (figures such as Imam of Peace and Maajid Nawaz being good examples) but I’m sure you’ll be having a miserable life if there were truly 1.8 billion terrorists in the world.
    LEPAGE and Deleted Account like this.
  5. Huh, interesting. It's almost as if the stuff in the Bible actually happened. ;)

    You should check out this video of scientific facts that were written in the Bible long before we discovered them. It's interesting stuff.

  6. "facts" such as these?
  7. Science "facts" in the Bible that are kinda misleading and not always true:
  8. Christian fundamentalists are never interested in facts. Your video is laughable btw
  9. It's always good to keep an open mind and seek truth to the best of your ability. I wish you all the best.
  10. Ok I dont want to come across as rude first of all. It definitely came across as hostile I bet. Anyways, it just ticks me off when religious people try to (mis)use science in an attempt to support rediculous things such as creationism or the great flood or whatever. If you are religious and go by science, just go with the good old "evolution was gods plan" routine, whereas if you still believe that earth is 7000 years old, then just say that you go by your faith and your book. Dont get science involved.
  11. As I said, I have zero interest in a debate with you. Have a good night.
  12. The truth is emotionally-invested topics such as this one (mainly religion & politics), isn't worth debating over. Most people are "set in their ways" when it comes to this stuff. And impressions on one another can be negatively impacted from a differing opinion in some cases bc these are peoples' livelihood we're talking about afterall.

    My view is pretty straightfoward: I believe "life" as we know it is not so simple, it's a very complex subject that I personally (although idk) would say nobody has a complete picture on what's going to happen when we "pass on." That being said, I say what's gonna happen is going to happen & there's no changing that, I just gotta go w it. I have personal views on religion I don't intend on discussing rn, but overall I would say religions aren't bad. They provide standards, order, & (most importantly) hope. Faith is something beautiful that perhaps I can discover someday.
    Hros likes this.
  13. Khufu

    Khufu Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    bible also forbids us eatting certain meats, swine being one of them, i always knew this as a kid but as i grew older i learnt swine has similar dna then us, that blows my mind,
  14. SanSolo

    SanSolo Fapstronaut

    I learned on the internet that the Earth is flat. Who knew?
  15. parkurman123

    parkurman123 Fapstronaut

    Adam lived 800 years in that time you can make a lot of children, to live so long you have to have a perfect gene and non-damaged chromosomes, so their children inherited it and there was no risk in incest like today. Today this is different, everyone in your family often have the same damaged genes but not always. If those damaged genes and chromosomes would not exist there would be no risk for incest.
  16. parkurman123

    parkurman123 Fapstronaut

    The Fossil Record: Proof of Noah's Flood or Evolution
  17. this is absolutely fucking retarded. Evolution is a fact.
  18. parkurman123

    parkurman123 Fapstronaut

    no transitional fossil has ever been found.
    5 Scientific Facts Prove the Theory of Evolution is False | Hidden Truth

    The Failure of Darwin's Theory
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2018
  19. Yeah this just tells me that you have never even bothered to educate yourself on the science of evolution. This is a fallacy that someone with even highschool-level biology education should be able to rebuke.
    No transitional fossils you say?