Loneliness is a trigger for me

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Trying_to_Quit1, Nov 1, 2018.

  1. Trying_to_Quit1

    Trying_to_Quit1 Fapstronaut

    I have not been in a serious long-term relationship in over 10 years. And it's actually closer to 15 than ten at this point.

    Now that I am 40, and totally outside the dating scene, I don't think I will ever find anyone again. Of course, this thread is not about dating, but about loneliness. I do have a lot of friends and support, but I still feel that nagging loneliness that seems to bother me a lot. I don't know why, but being lonely makes me want to act out sexually even more.

    I have set another thread that chat is a big problem for me. When I'm lonely, I want to chat. And I want to chat about sexual things. I am at the end of day three at this point, and I'm trying to make it today four. I have not done PMO in three days. Now I have to keep going. So far it is been fairly easy, but I know challenges arise sometimes.

    Today I wanted to act out sexually for a while. I didn't do it, but I really wanted to. I didn't have much of an opportunity though, but still, loneliness creeps in, and it makes me want to act out all the more. How do you deal with loneliness when it comes upon you?
    AUTiger7222 likes this.
  2. I have been lonely most of my life, but fortunately I have a partner nowadays. I think if she would leave me I'd never try to find anyone else again. I'd just be porn addict no remorse with no ambition to get out of it.

    How do I deal with loneliness? Probably not very well, i just got used to it. I think there were always point in my life where I realised that I am the only one who will help myself. So pulled myself together in efforts to get out of the hole that I was stuck in. Sometimes it worked so I got into new situations.
    AUTiger7222 likes this.
  3. countitjoy5

    countitjoy5 Fapstronaut

    The way I feel is that giving into sexual desire in an inappropriate way will only make me feel more isolated, lonely and miserable - if I do feel loneliness it will only amplify the pain. Is that what you want? To bring more alienation, sorrow and misery into your life... all for the mere sake of an empty orgasm? I pass - I've had my fill of death, I don't want anymore.
  4. countitjoy5

    countitjoy5 Fapstronaut

    That's a really terrible mindset, is porn induced orgasm your only hope in this life outside of being with someone? Your internal beliefs lead me to wonder if you can maintain long-term. Examine yourself.
  5. AUTiger7222

    AUTiger7222 Fapstronaut

    @Trying_to_Quit1 I completely understand what you're dealing with. I deal loneliness a ton too. It makes me even more sexually frustrated than I already am. But right now I'm so desperate to even have just regular friend time. I don't even get that anymore. I want to talk to people and there's no one to talk to. I don't handle my loneliness well. It's the primary cause of my PMO problem.
  6. countitjoy5

    countitjoy5 Fapstronaut

    I understand your frustration, but you do realize the habit is only exacerbating what you complain is causing you pain? Do you want to bring more pain and loneliness into your life? It's absurd if you think about it - the very thing you say you want, is thwarted by what you are choosing to do. And even if you do have to suffer loneliness how is PMO even remotely a solution?
  7. Porn soothes the lonely without being able to fulfil them. We want to be with people, we want to be sexual. Not just watching as others copulate on the screen.

    So if you are lonely, you have good reasons to PMO, but will it help you get out of that hole? No, it will rather hinder you. It works like a cushion that makes the hard ground you are on a bit more bearable.

    You can stay on that cushion or do the hard work trying to get out of your misery. No one is doing that work for you, there is no guarantee that you will succeed.

    I have been in that hole very deeply, and i am happy I am not in there right now. I have been without sexual partners for most of my adult life. It was horrible. All I am saying is that if I would be alone again, I would not have the strength to even try to pull myself up again. I couldn't bear the pain of trying to find another partner. I would rather be alone with porn. That is a legitimate personal choice, admittedly a weak one.
    AUTiger7222 likes this.
  8. AUTiger7222

    AUTiger7222 Fapstronaut

    I realize it only makes me feel even more alone. Hence the reason I'm here and trying to quit.

    Also, no, PMO isn't keeping me from getting a woman. What's keeping me from getting a woman is meeting one that is actually single as I pointed out in my other thread. I don't have social anxiety caused by my porn use. I have no trouble talking to women. I have problem with them actually seeing me as boyfriend material instead of "let's just be friends" material. I don't have a clue how to avoid the dreaded friend zone crap.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  9. Trying_to_Quit1

    Trying_to_Quit1 Fapstronaut

    I know that is frustrating. I find it hard to talk to men sometimes too. I am a gay man, and there aren't as many of us. So it is difficult to find a long-term relationship, or even someone who wants to spend time getting to know you.

    I can imagine that straight men have the same sorts of problems. A lot of straight men complain that women are already married, women aren't interested, etc. I know that is difficult. I feel your pain.

    I think that is why loneliness is such a problem for me. And it's not just a painful problem. It is actually the reason I PMO.
    AUTiger7222 likes this.
  10. countitjoy5

    countitjoy5 Fapstronaut

    I can guarantee you, while PMO may not seem to be affecting your interactions with women, it is. PMO makes you effeminate and emasculates your personality, so they are picking up on it in a big way.
  11. AUTiger7222

    AUTiger7222 Fapstronaut

    It does not do that to me. You do not even know me and here you are saying I act like less of a man and more like a woman because of my PMO problem. How on earth can you possibly come to such a conclusion without even knowing me?