I'm finally taking this struggle serious...

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Javi5891, Nov 1, 2018.

  1. Javi5891

    Javi5891 Fapstronaut

    Hello gents,

    My name is Frank and I'm here in hopes of taking this fight seriously. I first got into porn at 12 years old and it took a hold of me. I'm very shy and not outgoing and this has allowed myself to dig myself deeper into a hole. Growing up with an abusive father who took advantage of my mother who eventually left him, being sexually molested as a teenager, serving 4 years in the Corps, a divorce after 9 years of marriage due to to my selfishness, and hitting rock bottom after it all. I find myself in a place that grows darker due to my unwillingness to break through. I recently started going to the VA for psychiatric help. I started to have withdrawal and anger issues. Mainly with my father, my guilt of a failed marriage, and failures. I don't feel the sessions are helping and he shrugged it off when I mentioned this struggle. I fell hard into alcohol and drugs after my separation and since I've been sober this has been an escape. I'm here to hopefully end this one and for all. I've held it off before but always fall back, I want to take this on. I want to be free....
  2. Septimus

    Septimus Fapstronaut

    Welcome Frank, I'm glad you're here. I'm so sorry about the abuse you suffered as a child, and the hardships that have come your way since. Thank you for your service in the Marine Corps!

    I hope the VA can help; I'm glad you reached out for help. And, I hope this site will help, and if I can do anything, just ask.
    Javi5891 likes this.
  3. Javi5891

    Javi5891 Fapstronaut

    Thank you guys for having a community where anyone can come seeking freedom. Thanks for the warm welcome!
  4. Diamond Cutter

    Diamond Cutter Fapstronaut

    Frank... I hope today went well. The day I first found my dads Playboy I was forever hooked on porn. It is now about 45 years later. It has torn me up internally. At one time, only a year ago I was able to manage to stay porn free for about 90 days and all I can say is that they were about the most positive days of my life. I fell off the wagon when I had a fight with my wife and went into the Who-Cares mode. I wish I never crashed because I felt pretty fierce at that point and I had more fight in me than ever before. What I learned is that when things are tough focus on the grand plan - YOU. Gen Patten was quoted as saying "When you are going through hell... Keep going". Now that I wrote that I am going to have that as my fall back saying.
    Good luck to you... You sound like a caring guy to me. Keep it up. The world needs more people like you.

    This is my first post. I just signed up on this ride after reading about it recently.
    I am porn free for, well, 90 minutes!
    Javi5891 likes this.
  5. Javi5891

    Javi5891 Fapstronaut

    Thanks man, for the encouraging words. There's a lot of people who agree with you, but the darkness inside keeps convincing me otherwise. I want to be the best version of me for my kids. I want to be everything my father fell short of being. Good luck with your journey man, I've gone a good while also. Don't recall how long but it was a good chunk. I want to finally face this thing head on. Good thing is we're giving hell a run for its money....