Having a high sex drive VS. not getting enough sex

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by iaj, Nov 1, 2018.

  1. iaj

    iaj Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Where's the (thin) line between having a high sex drive and not getting enough sex?

    I ask this because I've been going through some relationship issues with my SO (significant other). In fact, last week we took some "space" which then led to breaking up, just yesterday.

    A friend of mine said: "You've been in a relationship yet you've been feeling lonely." She was right. My GF and I haven't gotten to see each other much this year. You would think that when we did meet up- we would be jumping into bed together straight away! That wasn't the case. It's been months since her and I have been intimate. Many months. It started to worry me and after I googled it (the search engine predicted what I was going to ask which made me feel relief), I realised that we were far beyond the common "dry period."

    When we met, I was clean. During our relationship, I've been on and off abstinence. I've relapsed and I've rebooted. She doesn't know about my addiction, but she does know about my NoFap attempts as she's familiar with my self-development and self-discipline interests. I began to wonder whether it was me and the "pornification" of my mind that was becoming less attracted to her or whether it was just us, losing our spark. Perhaps both. There was something between us in the beginning, although she wasn't my usual "type", I fell for her personality, her heart and her looks. Maybe this was inevitable because of that? Physical attraction is also important and while she was (and still is) attractive, I don't feel attracted to her now.

    Love and lust are different entities. In the past I've lusted for women and then fallen in love with some of them. Or I've fallen in love and then lusted for them afterwards. But I'm not feeling lust for my girlfriend. Just love.

    Hence the question; where's the line between having a high sex drive and not getting enough sex? I understand that I need to learn how to have sex again without the corrupted thoughts. But the fact that we haven't been doing it has made me wonder whether our chemistry is clashing. Am I better off seeing someone else? Or is it something that we can work on and potentially get back? Even though it was never electric to begin with and sex is like dancing; when the mind gets involved, you mess up the steps and before you know it, you're not dancing anymore.

    Your comments and thoughts are welcome...
    Last edited: May 17, 2019
  2. Reverent

    Reverent Fapstronaut

    This may not apply here, but here it goes.

    The line isn't so thin. Sex isn't the end-all, be-all. It is certainly nice and can enhance a relationship, but if it isn't fulfilling why force it?

    I must say first, a person certainly can not adequately evaluate whether they have a high sex drive or not if they are actively engaging in PMO. It would take 60-90days free minimum, imho, to be clear headed enough to evaluate such a thing. One would already have learned to bade triggers and have self control enough to see what was really governing personal desires.

    How could a person know thier sex drive if theve been counterfeiting it's drive responses frequently? PMO decieves the mind.

    2nd if PMO influence is out of the picture then I ask what is keeping one from being fulfilled? Often times craving sex is a cry for some other kind of connection or intimacy wherein is lacking. We believe we need sex because we need to connect somehow. If our immature expression of deep heartfealt connection and intimacy is always sex than we may never be satisfied. There are other ways to become connected that are as intense and rewarding as sex. Maybe you both could explore what those are.

    Finally, 3rd, "not getting enough sex' can be born out of control or resentment. If we were to use our partner for mere sexual gratification and little else we are no different than wanking to webwhores. I don't think sex should really be about our needs anyway if we are doing it right. Easier said than done. It is an expression of giving, based out of love. When it becomes selfish or owed, it can't be fulfilling.
    Also when resentment creeps into a relationship it's easy to thin our partner NEEDS to much sex or we are NOT GETTING IT ENOUGH. Heal the resentments, show kindness, be patient and loving and this question is really a non issue.

    I have plenty more to say on this topic, but here is a start.

    Also what I didn't gather from your OP, is it you or her that has the high sex drive. And who is not getting enough?

    Best of luck.
  3. i’ve been wondering the same thing. excellent response by reverent

    Also @justafriend
    this is what u was wondering. i guess it’s possible to love then lust or lust then love. Hopefully whichever way it is, love will always be number one
    iaj and justafriend like this.
  4. JKnight

    JKnight Fapstronaut

    I have quite a high sex drive, most of the time, as does my wife. There were many reasons I became an addict, but I realised that a major one was control. I didn't want to have to depend on someone else and opportunity in order to have that need realised. PMO was, in the beginning, me taking control over my own sexual gratification. Which then led to an addiction, when meant losing control; isn't that ironic.

    I realised after a while that sex was only fulfilling if both my wife and myself enjoyed the event. Otherwise, it just led to more issues. My wife, like many women, I assume, don't want to be used in a relationship for sex. Sex was to be a reflection of the level of emotional intimacy that poured into physical intimacy. In the new relationship phase, they overlap because of excitement, but after a while it requires some effort.

    This means that I had to work hard on areas within the relationship itself in order to have a fulfilling intimate session, which generally led to more. Which satisfied both my wife and myself's sex drive. Being addicted, focuses our mind on a single outcome and makes our actions geared towards that purpose. That's where lust, even within a loving relationship, can form, fester and corrupt.
  5. iaj

    iaj Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Thank you. I appreciate the time you took to respond and sorry for the late reply from me.
  6. iaj

    iaj Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Helpful insight. Thank you!
  7. noted thank you, i will remember this for the future. Awesome advice
    JKnight and iaj like this.