What is this thing about cold showers ?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Haddock, Oct 30, 2018.

  1. Haddock

    Haddock Fapstronaut

    Hi everyone !

    I spent some time on youtube watching videos about nofap, why to quit etc... Then, thanks to the magic of youtube's suggestions, I ended up on videos about waking up early on the morning (like 5:30 am) and taking cold showers. This was not very convincing to me (as I'm speaking it's 1°C outside...) but there were many of those videos.

    What do you think ? Do you use to take cold showers ? I would be interested in hearing about your experience.

    PS : I'm not speaking about occasional cold shower to kill urges. This I know it works !
  2. TrynaStayClean

    TrynaStayClean Fapstronaut

    I like contrast showers personally. Start off with your usual hot temperature then for the last minute or so bring it down as cold as you can bear. That way you get the best of both worlds.
  3. Headspace

    Headspace Fapstronaut

    I did cold showers for a while, but I stopped it. I saw it as a sort of mental training, but I just don't see the point much anymore. Nevertheless, it was a rewarding experience for a while. Just don't start to believe that cold showers will make you a better person.
    NFWelder, Buzz Rees, Sam_ba and 5 others like this.
  4. Haddock

    Haddock Fapstronaut

    I don't ;). However it will certainly lower the electricity bill :) !

    Did it help you stopping PMO ?

    What are the benefits of hot shower ? Excluding the fact that it will clean yourself ? (That's a benefit for sure.)
    Hank Pym, Sam_ba and Asgardian36 like this.
  5. can be good for waking you up early in the morning. Also good when you did a vigorous workout and feeling sore as shit. As a mental training I guess like the previous poster said- you will see for example pro fighters taking ice baths. Theres nothing really special to them though. Nofap community has a lot of bullshit tagged onto it. Ignore all the broscience with the supplements, cold showers, ect. Just dont fap and thats it.
    Asgardian36 and Headspace like this.
  6. Haddock

    Haddock Fapstronaut

    Ok I just tried. It's not as bad as it sounds. But right now I feel normal.

    Maybe it's just placebo effect. But placebo effect works ! Have you tried it ?
  7. yeah I have tried it and sometimes I turn the water to cold for like a minute at the end of my showering. theres no harm to it, its just not a new secret to life as some play it up to be. It can be nice.
    Buzz Rees and Asgardian36 like this.
  8. DucksInARow

    DucksInARow Fapstronaut

    I've been doing this every day since the 2nd week of my streak. It has been a great exercise in strengthening will power, it is great for my skin and hair (no dryness) and most importantly serves as a preparation for my morning meditation. Ive had 1 warm bath in 7 months. The shock of cold water stuns the mind which allows me to go deep. I credit meditation (emotional self honesty) as vital in my success so far.

    I started in April when the water felt cold and gradually got warmer through the year. When I started I would get a nice warm rush afterwards as the blood recirculates. Great calm feeling.

    Took a shower this morning - below 5 degrees outside in the UK. Possibly the coldest shower so far - got that nice rush again.

    Cold showers are amazing, I recommend them to anyone, particularly as part of a routine in the morning - yoga, stretches, oil pulling (mouth cleanse) and meditation. Life changing!
    NFWelder, Asgardian36 and Haddock like this.
  9. No thanks. Doing other methods that do not include cold showers.

    But if it works for people, by all means continue.
  10. Zephon

    Zephon Fapstronaut

    Most of all I do cold showers, to be more fit for the day. But I also do changing showers: I start with cold shower, after a minute I change to warm, after the next minute to cold again, then to warm and I end the shower with cold temperature. It is very healthy for the cycle of your body, this shower-technique leverages it. You can try it too!
    Asgardian36 likes this.
  11. TrynaStayClean

    TrynaStayClean Fapstronaut

    It’s relaxing and when it’s cold as shit in your country stepping into a straight cold shower is too much for me, I get headaches.
  12. Haddock

    Haddock Fapstronaut

    I've heard it can help waking up in the morning (okay, cold does not make you fall asleep since you're stressing your body) but also that cold shower in the evening helps you getting asleep ! I think it's great if it helps people but I will look for scientific studies on this (it's typically something we can test).

    I'll give it a try for some days ;). I doubt it will change anything for me but we'll see.

    On the nofap "getting started" it is said it can prevent you from relapsing. Did it work for you ? (As far as you can know...)
  13. DucksInARow

    DucksInARow Fapstronaut

    Give it a go for 2 weeks - thats the will power part - sticking to a plan and noticing the minds tricks to try and stop you. The parallel to fapping is clear!

    Ive used it more to get out of low moods and anxiety rather than an attack of craving to fap, though Im sure that works,
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2018
    Asgardian36 and Haddock like this.
  14. Don't fap, don't peek, don't edge, don't look at P-subs, don't fall for rationalisations, don't encourage lustful thoughts or thoughts that could become lustful... etc.
    Deleted Account and Haddock like this.
  15. From what I understand it's actually therapeutic for mental patients.
    Lol I'm borderline one so why not.
    Scottish showers are best for hygiene. You wash and soap in hot water. Then finish with cold for several minutes.
    It's almost as if stressing your body out with the cold water intitally in the day makes other stressors less painful?
  16. BruceD

    BruceD Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    I have noticed it helps buffer a flatline. I was having that heavy blah feeling that can be brutal and jumped in a cold shower for a few minutes. I got out more energized and happier. Same thing this morning. Now, if I can just get more discipline with my diet! Going to also stay in cold shower for at least 5 min. Think I am averaging about 3 now.
  17. Hros

    Hros Fapstronaut

  18. God bless you guys and your cold showers.

    But I’m still not doing it.
  19. elevate

    elevate Fapstronaut

    It conditions you to take action even if it's uncomfortable and something you don't feel like doing. It becomes a habit that reminds you to go beyond your comfort zone. It interrupts routine comforts and distractions. It's also great for your hair and skin.
    Asgardian36 and Deleted Account like this.

    WARRIORMAN Fapstronaut

    What are p subs ?