I need help guys!!!

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Ahmed1919, Oct 20, 2018.

  1. Ahmed1919

    Ahmed1919 Fapstronaut

    hi maybe you can help me i think i have porn induced erectile dysfunction i have had blood tests done and also testosterone test which has come back normal. I have morning wood sometimes I have had sex with my partner few times but mostly i have a semi erection and sometimes it doesn’t erect i masturbate to porn and sometimes have a semi erection with porn so the other day i tried having sex with ny partner i got semi hard and had sex and ejaculated inside her then after that i waited an hour or so and couldnt get erect again i wanted to see if watching porn gets me erect so i watched abit of porn when doing so i got a semi erection withon seconds
  2. You should stop masturbation and porn altogether. Give it at least 90 days for full recovery.
    Deleted Account and Ahmed1919 like this.
  3. Ahmed1919

    Ahmed1919 Fapstronaut

    What about having sex with partner the only thing that seems to work is a pill ?
  4. You might have to consider stopping that too. Ive never had sex before so I don't know whether you're fine or not using the pill. How old are you by any chance?
  5. Ahmed1919

    Ahmed1919 Fapstronaut

    I feel like am addicted to twking vigra aswell?
  6. Ahmed1919

    Ahmed1919 Fapstronaut

    I am 23
  7. At that age you shouldn't need the pill. I definitely recommend abstaining from PMO(Porn,Masturbation,Orgasm) for a while. Also if you are addicted to taking the pill you have to stop taking it. Talk to a doctor about this.
  8. Ahmed1919

    Ahmed1919 Fapstronaut

    I spoke to the doctor he said vigra doesnt make u addicted so I believe its in my head or maybe its the porn thats causing the problem. And i dont want to really take pills but at the moment they only seem to be working
  9. Ahmed1919

    Ahmed1919 Fapstronaut

    Does it sound like porn problems?
  10. Yes it does.
    Ahmed1919 likes this.
  11. Ahmed1919

    Ahmed1919 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for help mate ive stoppd watching it todays my 3rd day
  12. Keep it going!
  13. Stop pmo completely. And stop taking the pill too as you might get dependent on it to have sex. You are still young, I don't think you should be using any pills to get hard. Eat healthy, drink lots of water and get some exercise. And stay away from pmo. All the best to you
    Ahmed1919 likes this.
  14. Ahmed1919

    Ahmed1919 Fapstronaut

    Yh its my 3rd day off porn and i think i am addicted to taking pills and i eat healthy and drink 2litres water everyday if not one litre and i also workout I personally think it could be the porn more than tablets because in past ive took tablets and then stopped and i had a good sex life but then again i watched alot of porn then too but i still had good sex i dont get what it is now