Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by ReekIsBorn, Jan 13, 2015.

  1. Whatever

    Whatever Fapstronaut

    What is an atheist anyway, I don't know what you believe, can you please explain your idea to me?
  2. Whatever

    Whatever Fapstronaut

    Do you believe that everything is blind/unintelligent force?

    If so, then you will agree that the unintelligent force displays quite a lot of intelligence, for example the unintelligent force accidentaly manifested human civilization and accidentaly is aware of itself and calls itself a stupid accident.
  3. cryptifly

    cryptifly Fapstronaut

    So how I'm interpreting what you're saying is that everything in our universe is actually the same thing. Which means we are all the same thus we are all Godly in our own rights. Does that sound right?
  4. Whatever

    Whatever Fapstronaut

    Something is because there is nothing, there is always something and there is also nothing, there is always nothing therefore there is always something.

    Omniscience is no science because there would be no information. Information is made of bits, bit stands for binary code, a binary code is a pair of opposites. When there are no bits then there is no information, or in other words when there are no opposites there is no-thing.

    You think that you are an in-dividual that is separate from everything else, but you are, actually, what is happening.

    Do you agree?

    If you are asking where God fits into this picture, God is nondual.
  5. cryptifly

    cryptifly Fapstronaut

    An atheist is simply someone who does not believe in the existence of theistic diety. There is no god. Period. Atheists come in many different forms, but they all agree that god does not exist. Most atheists want physical proof before they will say something exists or will need verifiable, logical, empirical data before they will believe something to be true. Atheists are skeptical at heart and use science as their guide to obtaining truth in the world. Not all atheists are like this, but that's the majority I think. And before someone says that science is an atheist's religion.... Science is not a body of knowledge or a system of belief. It is just a term that describes humankind's incremental acquisition of understanding through observation.
    Atheists love science. Not because it's some replacement for religion but because science finds its truth through observation and rigorous study. For them, that is the only way to really find truth.

    Do I believe that everything is blind/unitelligent force?

    I don't believe that we can wrap up life into some easy definition like "everything" and then attach a some force to it. Life is far too complicated. "Everything" is far too broad to be assigning forces to it to explain itself. Yes, there are forces inside everything, but those forces are the laws of physics not some intelligent puppet master pulling strings.
  6. cryptifly

    cryptifly Fapstronaut

    This makes no sense.

    This also makes no sense.

    I do believe we are connected to each other in some impercivable way. We are only what is happening because we perceive ourselves to be happening. We are present to our own lives.

    For the most part, I don't see anything here to agree with. It's just random bits of information from your belief system glued together in a way to sound legitimate. More power to your process, but I can't personally get behind it.

    You're not making yourself clear.
  7. Whatever

    Whatever Fapstronaut


    You missed the jist of the argument

    But I respect your opinion. :)
  8. cryptifly

    cryptifly Fapstronaut

    I missed the jist of what you were saying because your statements were vague and unclear. This wasn't really an argument because you were just stating your own views on how you see the universe. Which I wanted to understand, but had difficulty doing because you were using terms and ideas that didn't make sense. For example: God is nondual. What does this mean? This is a vague statement that has no meaning for me unless you clarify it better. And then you were talking about binary and something equaling nothing which actually equals something which then means that we're all just happening or something like that. I felt like you just vomited information into my brain and expected me to understand it.

    I'm really not trying to insult you, but give you critical criticism in hopes that any future person you express your ideas to may have a better time understanding you. I apologize if this offends you.
  9. Whatever

    Whatever Fapstronaut

    Non-dual means that it exists in itself. Only that which exists exists, this is common knowledge.

    Yes, well...a bi-nary is a pair of opposites (0 and 1), a binary is the most basic form of in-formation; in-formation is a form. Experience itself is information, if there were no information there would be no experience.

    Just as me and other are "two sides of the same coin" the coin being the experience of me and other, so are the sense of knowing and the constant unknown which is called "behind" the same sides of the experience of knowing, also known as consciousness. Because information is the manifestation of opposites there can be no experience without opposites.

    So if you say that you are, then you cannot say that you are only this or that, therefore you are the unfathomable BLLLLEEEEEEAAAAH.
  10. ReekIsBorn

    ReekIsBorn Fapstronaut

    I'm curious why you say this as I think the exact opposite.[/QUOTE]

    It is proven, at least in my studies, that morality does indeed come from religion. Now I know your thinking, "I'm atheist and I'm a moral person." You most defiantly can be atheist and moral but these morals you have come from a society that is developed around religious morality; adultery is immoral, gambling, loving your neighbor. All these moral norms come from religion and as history will show you when religion deteriorates people will fill that void with immorality.

    Personally I think if everyone followed the moral principles that religion provides the world would be a better place. And no I do not believe you have to believe in God or the Bible to follow it's moral principles. The Bible, Torah, and Qur'an are guidebooks on how to live your life.
  11. Whatever

    Whatever Fapstronaut


    This is what an atheist would say.
  12. FutureGuitarGod

    FutureGuitarGod Banned by User Request

    Religion is the opium of the people. While I vehemently disagree that people need religion (war, oppression, and general douchebaggery ensues with this standpoint.) I think that most people need to be told what to do and how to behave. Have you ever considered how dumb the average person is? The rest are even stupider. Very few people have the ability to truly govern themselves. Without law, people would be in worse shape than they already are.
  13. ReekIsBorn

    ReekIsBorn Fapstronaut

    I very much agree with your last statement.
  14. ReekIsBorn

    ReekIsBorn Fapstronaut

    Every atheist I've ever talked to has said the opposite, well at least until now!
  15. cryptifly

    cryptifly Fapstronaut

    Reek, so far your experience with atheists is what the majority tends to believe. Me and every atheist I know does not believe morality comes from religion. We tend to not like religion in general and don't like the negative effects it has had on our world and humans in general.
  16. Knight Solaire

    Knight Solaire Fapstronaut

    What I believe cryptifly means is what whatever is saying is contridicting, cryptic, and paradoxical riddles. If you spout the same information in a loop, it doesn't make it any more logical.

    But, tbh guys, I do believe that this thread was not a good idea. You two are a prime example why (no offense to either of you) religion should not be discussed. Nothing against you two it's just how people are. Religion and politics are the touchiest conversations in the world. Unless that is what the thread is made for, then by all means, argue your asses off.

    Btw whatever, it almost sounds like you are reading out of a sociology text book. Lots of paradoxical bullshit in there too. Something does not exist because it exist. Something exist because it can be touched, seen, heard, felt, or tasted. God can not be any of those things. It can be thought about. In which he is an idea. Such as the gods of Greek and roman mythology. They are ideas. Just like every other god/Allah figure out there.

    Christianity is based upon the idea of forcing your beliefs upon others. It is one of the main causes of war and disputes. It is based on a book that has had so many different versions and changes over the past couple centuries that believing a word that comes out it should be considered blasphemous in a whole. I am a agnostic and I grew up holiness. I hate religion and the hate it brings. I have read the WHOLE bible, but it has been a good 8 years so don't expect me to quote it.

    A agnostic is one who tends to shift away from religion or simply doesn't care enough to take the time out of my day to worry about an all powerful being in the sky who may or may not have created me. Atheism is, bluntly if I may add, God does not exist. There is not a all powerful being in the sky who gave his magical asexual birthed son up so that the beings his father created could be forgiven for not doing enough good shit.

    Now I expect your rebuttal to be filled with more cryptic lingo I will find amusing. Please understand that your views are yours and I understand that and I am in no way bias against you as a person, but you cannot justify your views with illogical paradoxes that contridict themselves at every turn.

    Have a nice day,
  17. cryptifly

    cryptifly Fapstronaut

    Dubcon, thank you for saying the words that I did not have at the time. I have never had anything against learning another person's viewpoint but something so incomprehensible I could not do. I agree that this thread probably wasn't a good idea and, unfortunately, I helped make it that way. I'm done responding to this thread.
  18. ruso

    ruso Fapstronaut

    Can I just say that all religions are ultimately just paths? None are perfect? The problem is when they become absurd doctrines. Not sure where exactly I found this quote and image but it is something I believe: It will take religions seeing what they have in common for the World to see peace.

    NOTICE: The image only ridicules the absurd parts of each text. NOT the entire theology of each one.

    Attached Files:

  19. Jalus

    Jalus Fapstronaut

    "There are three things I have learned never to discuss with people: religion, politics, and the Great Pumpkin" -Linus, It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown


    I'm surprised how well this thread has gone so far.

    Talking about religion/worldviews isn't really encouraged on forums anymore. Sure, you get one or two really chill, respectful people who will politely share their views. Then you'll get a bunch of arrogant, butt-hurt punks with all forms of intelligence who gladly puke over anyone else's ideas. Reek (Game of Thrones, haha), if you really want to get an idea of where people are coming from, you have to go to them one-on-one, without anyone else interrupting or causing grief.

    But really, starting an open thread about religion/worldview is like making a public park out of a minefield: sooner or later, someone's going to step on a mine and blood's gonna spray.
  20. Tathata

    Tathata Fapstronaut


    Apes have a sense of morality and fairness. And about adultery, magpies are monogamous and stick with their partner until death. Gambling is not immoral but if you think about it logically, it's just stupid since it will most likely just be an incredible waste of money. We don't need religion for morals, morals are in our nature. Scientific studies show that we get enormous pleasure out of helping others. We have evolved to be that way since we humans are so dependent on each other.

    I'm not against religion, I don't want to offend anyone. I'm just saying that you shouldn't tell others that they need religion, and you shouldn't try to force it on them.

    I would recommend practicing things such as meditation, yoga or Tai Chi. To my understanding, they are mostly about getting in touch with your nature. Which makes them timeless, universal and flexible.