Any of you guys have identity crisis?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Deleted Account, Oct 19, 2018.

  1. Honestly i'm not surprised I have these thoughts after wasting my life on porn for the last 10+ years. Numbing my personality every relapse and losing motivation and interest for old hobbies. Not that interested in my job, don't know what career I would be interested in.
  2. KennyCZ

    KennyCZ Fapstronaut

    I had DPR/DR but now i am cured because it was only overthinking nothing else..
    Contentful T likes this.
  3. Mattew

    Mattew Fapstronaut

    Honestly i think i had an identity crisis for all my life...
  4. Westsidejimmy

    Westsidejimmy Fapstronaut

    Similar situation. I'm considered an expert in my field and at this point the mastery of it had become boring. Problem is I make good money so I will have to deal Werth the boredom for now. I am realizing that it comes down to conquest. I have always looked at goals as something to conquer which isn't super healthy. I think it's all part of the dopamine reward cycle.
    dboy18 and Deleted Account like this.
  5. I feel like I’m growing into the person I need to be slowly. Ten years pmoing changes you as a person, I lost interests in most of my hobbies then. So I don’t know what I enjoy doing.
  6. You could try being a roadie for Metallica.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  7. Jason_Tesla_19

    Jason_Tesla_19 Fapstronaut

    Identity crisis? Yeah, me too. Don't know who I am anymore, or what I want to do with my life, or what I really enjoy. I need to rebuild my life, but I just don't have any real idea what I want it to look like!
  8. Contentful T

    Contentful T Fapstronaut

    At least you have the incentive to say you need to rebuild. Some people are so far gone they don't have anything close to such an inclination.
  9. Contentful T

    Contentful T Fapstronaut

    No. However I have this crisis called DEVIL WANTS YOUR SOUL and I ain't tryin' to go down to Georgia to dance with ol' Lucifer in the industry...
  10. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

    I have identity crisis too, yup.
  11. Exactly this I just need to rebuild we all do.
    Buddhabro likes this.
  12. Dagger323

    Dagger323 Fapstronaut

    I’ve struggled from the time I began fapping (younger than most around age six or seven). Since then I had hobbies but never any solid idea of what I wanted to do in life as far as pursuing a career. I’ve yet to even attend college or university because not only do I have zero motivation thanks to PMO but I’m also completely unsure of what I would even want to study. School was a big struggle for me as well due to lack of motivation and dwindling grades towards the end of my high school years. Considering I’ve been addicted to PMO for over 15 years, I figure I have a long road ahead to see profound changes...
  13. WasZeusWrong?

    WasZeusWrong? Fapstronaut

    I definitely identify with what you said about experiencing numbness, lack of motivation, etc. I don't know how much of it has been caused by PMO and how much by other circumstances -- clearly they're all tangled up together. I figure now that I've spent so much time on PMO that I "deserve" a long break from it to see if I can feel a little more alive without it. It's not as though porn's going to go away in the meantime! It'll always be there if we want to go back, but I think all of us owe it to ourselves to go a spell without it. Good luck!
  14. hmm. I think I have an identity crisis for the last 3 years tbh.. I am looking for a purpose in life. I have several interests, but it's like none of them I can use in my country. I don't know, but I want to live and I'm not doing that. Something is holding me back to discover the real me..
  15. WasZeusWrong?

    WasZeusWrong? Fapstronaut

    Hi, wareospike. I live in a place where, supposedly, everything is possible, and yet I feel like what you describe -- not really living and held back. Please, please understand that I don't mean to diminish what you're going through when I say this, but sometimes I wonder if I'd be a little happier if I didn't live in a place with so many opportunities. Anyway, I wish you the best on discovering the real you and using your abilities to the fullest!
  16. whoami33

    whoami33 Fapstronaut

  17. Ra's Al Ghul

    Ra's Al Ghul Fapstronaut

    A little bit, but only because I've been holding on to the past and also past regrets and losses. You've got to remember to embrace the present and the future, the past is gone. You don't have to forget it, but you do have to push forward.
    Buddhabro likes this.
  18. Yes I have no idea who I am anymore. I can't do my work in IT. Have have terrible brain fog and bad motor skills. I am 30 and have not achieved anything. I have no future plans. I am just a numb zombie whithout any emotion except anxiety or sadness. Everyday feels the same. There is zero motivation and have no idea how my future looks like. I used to be funny and outgoing. I have no access to that part of my brain anymore. I feel like a total beta. Is this the real me? Conversations with people are really difficult, only smalltalk is possible. I feel like I don't have any connection with people. I avoid people like the plague. The old me used to enjoy talking to strangers or collegues. Am I ever going back to that old me? Or will I be this numb forever?
    Deleted Account likes this.
  19. Does low self-esteem count? I've felt inferior to others for a very long time because of pmo addiction. Long term abstinence has changed this in that I no longer feel ashamed, guilty or inferior to someone else. Also suffered with hocd for a very long time and didn't know who I was because of it. Again, long term abstinence and the wet dreams my body gave me have made me realize I'm just a normal straight guy and porn is a big fat lie that comes straight from the deepest pits of hell.
  20. That’s how I’ve been living for a long time. I forgot who the real me was and moulded my personality around that pmo life.
    SLeepisLost and Mattew like this.