Hello everyone! - Delayed Ejaculation - Stroking

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by waltrilke, Oct 2, 2018.

  1. waltrilke

    waltrilke Fapstronaut

    Hi guys! I have never been part of any kind of forum. Like with porn, I was mostly a voyeur. I was also scared to participate. As I have not been able to find some answers while looking around and I really felt like sharing here I go. Thanks in advance for your patience.

    I'm a 23-year-old man who is both into men and women. I became aware of sexual energies and sensitivity quite early on: when I was about 6 I found out that I could orgasm by raising my legs and body on my two arms and holding this for a while (erect penis but no touching or stroking).
    I lost my virginity at age 14 and I have PMOd since the age of 11-12. I think I have developed DE (Delayed ejaculation) and Death Grip as I can go on penetrating long after my partner has orgasmed and still not come. The only orgasm I have ever had during sex was while bottoming with a guy about 4 years ago. This one time was a lengthy, enjoyable and meaningful lovemaking session. I am afraid I have since become "traumatized" or afraid of sex because I know I won't be able to come inside a girl/guy. I feel like I'm handicapped.

    As I want my sex and love life to get back to that level and beyond, I have decided to begin the nofap challenge (hardmode) for 90 days. I'm at day 15 and I can say I have felt some changes, though they go on and off. Clarity of mind, renewed physical strength and greater sensitivity in the penis are some of them.

    Here are some questions for you fellow fapstronauts:

    1. As I am experiencing renewed sensitivity in my penis, I am being drawn to test it by feeling it with my hands. This does not at all mean rough play (not even pushing the foreskin up and down once) but I have been stroking it very slowly. For reasons that I can't explain, I picked up a fig today, tore it open and made it go gently around the shaft, simply feeling the cold and the texture. It made me learn more about my penis (and myself!). Does this count as relapsing? Should i reset?

    2. I have been seeing a girl lately and we kissed. I got aroused and felt stimulated. Do you guys think I should reset and ban all romantic/sexual contact for the sake of reboting?

    Thanks for your time.
  2. Welcome to the community.
    I would stop doing anything to test or arouse yourself down there. Give it and yourself time to heal.
    If you are both really into each other open up to her about what you are working on. If you start off on the right foot being honest it will help you in a real and possible long term relationship. You might find she will respect your being open and honest and be your greatest support. And it would certainly answer any doubt she might have as to why you aren't being fully physical.
    You can beat this.
  3. waltrilke

    waltrilke Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the advice! Let's go
  4. Philomath

    Philomath Fapstronaut

    Fellow sufferer of DE, here. Can't wait to hear of any observations and results!
  5. waltrilke

    waltrilke Fapstronaut

    Sure will! Hang in there buddy
  6. waltrilke

    waltrilke Fapstronaut

    Dear all,

    I am happy to share with you that after only 23 days of no PMO I have been able to orgasm while penetrating my partner for the first time in my life.
    My delayed ejaculation has been cured.

    You see, I was not expecting anything to happen! I was just penetrating, waiting for her to come and suddenly everything was very clear. I couldn't help it. My breathing fastened, my pelvis movements went on autopilot and a tremendous orgasm erupted from my penis to my prostate, taking over my entire body. This kind of orgasm is totally new to me - and absolutely worth the wait.

    It was one of the most exciting and beautiful things that have ever happened to me.

    I don't feel like masturbating anymore. The superpowers seem to be real: brain fog is out, I can finally read for hours without losing track of where I was, engaging in flirting has never been so rewarding and uplifting. There is a spiritual urge becoming more vivid as I slowly climb to the best shape of my life. I'm out there with life at last.

    Thanks to the nofap community for helping me get this far. I'll try and keep you posted.
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2018
  7. Philomath

    Philomath Fapstronaut

    Excellent. Did you engage any sexual activity during this period? Or was it 23 days of hard-mode PMO (no sexual activity with a partner whatsoever)? :)
  8. waltrilke

    waltrilke Fapstronaut

    No sexual activity at all up to that point. How is it going for you?
  9. endmystery

    endmystery Fapstronaut

    @waltrilke : awesome ! Your experience really inspired me as one of my biggest reasons for joining this forum was my incapacity to reach orgasm and ejaculate (which I have experienced for 4 years since the beginning of my sex life). It's an awful frustration and it led me to feel terrible shame. Recently, I had sex with the same girl several times in a row, never managed to reach orgasm and ejaculate, although I was aroused. I hope I'll get your same amazing results soon !
  10. waltrilke

    waltrilke Fapstronaut

    It's wonderful to help others out with this shit. Believe me, I thought I was damaged for life. Make sure you stay away from any sort of stimulation (including having sex with that girl without coming or slightly stroking your john thomas) for the length of the challenge and you are going to get there for sure.
  11. Philomath

    Philomath Fapstronaut

    Slow going. My gf persuaded me to have sex with her - she's a bit of a nympho. :) And no luck in cumming yet. So we're gonna wait and try again in november. She's on board with hard mode now. I'm still completely free from porn and masturbation though. :)
    endmystery likes this.
  12. endmystery

    endmystery Fapstronaut

    @waltrilke thxs for your support, I might as well stay away from O and go hard mode since the girl and I have decided to move on (for other reasons) @Philomath : it's great your GF supports you with this, let us know how it goes !
  13. waltrilke

    waltrilke Fapstronaut

    guys, after reaching great results I had a moment of weakness and relapsed to masturbation. no porn. starting the counter again today.

    did I lose all of my progress?
  14. endmystery

    endmystery Fapstronaut

    hey @waltrilke it happens, first good thing that you're being open about this and second and the most important one to me is you didn't use P. Unless your goal was to equally stop P & M, I would suggest you set up your counter to no-P starting from the day you started your streak, which appears to be 23+ days judging from your first post. That's progress you are perfectly entitled to and earned ! Or if you feel like starting anew from 0 will motivate you more, feel free to do so.

    Aside from counters and all that, what I think is important to understand though, with respect to your own personal objective always, is to know what led you to M so that you can avoid it effectively in the future.

    And speaking of progress, no, I don't think you've lost the real progress and results you've been experiencing in only 20+ days in your reboot. I can't see why these results couldn't go back and improve if you keep focus, start fresh and with no shame, and stick to your goals.

    And most of all, don't lose faith in yourself !
  15. waltrilke

    waltrilke Fapstronaut

    dear all, thank you for your time and support. I'm writing to you to let you know that I have failed again. I've failed repeatedly. after years of pmoing I started seeing results after only 23 days, but then I just figured: ok, I'll just jerk one off and it will be easy to get back on my feet. bad news is it doesn't work like that. I'll be starting nofap again with renewed strength. but my mind is so foggy and I feel so tired that I may just relapse again. wish me luck!
  16. waltrilke

    waltrilke Fapstronaut

    Where can I find a sponsor ?