Another PhD Student

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by DIDO47, Oct 12, 2018.

  1. DIDO47

    DIDO47 Fapstronaut

    Dear community,

    I just joined the NoFap website because honestly I'm fed up of losing my time because of porn. It's my last year of PhD, and it's really stressful. However, whenever I am overly stressed, I just watch porn, masturbate to try to forget, and after the orgasm, well I become stressed and angry with myself.

    I've tried a lot of methods over the years. Nothing seems to be working. And I feel like I would have already my own company if I had focused only on my work rather than loosing a lot of time on porn.

    So the bottom line is that the main reason that I want to quit porn is to focus on my PhD. I also noticed that no girl satisfies me. It took me an hour to reach an orgasm, with a hooker! I am no longer comfortable with talking to girls... the classic stuff. So please help!

    Thank you,
    Eleanor likes this.
  2. LakeMichigan

    LakeMichigan Fapstronaut

    @DIDO47 welcome to nofap.
    I know how you feel! I too lost a lot of time and I am still losing time to this insidious habit.
    Since you are only in your 20s you can still save a lot of time.
    Stress is a major factor that contributes to this and we have to put serious effort in to managing stress. I am watching a course on great courses series "How to make stress work for you". It is an OK course but it is teaching me somethings I didn't know and hopefully they will be effective going forward.
    I also run and so far hands down this has been the most effective stress buster for me. Meditation also helps but when I am stressed I cannot really sit for meditation.
    Do you have any physical activities scheduled? even though it feels like it is taking time away from your course work in the long run it will save your time.
    Keep coming and start a journal and that will help you stay on a clean path.
    I wish you good luck!
    DIDO47 and Eleanor like this.
  3. DIDO47

    DIDO47 Fapstronaut

    Thank you for the quick reply.
    Yes I'am doing a lot of sport. I try to get busy all day long. But sometimes I have to work late night, by myself, in front of a computer, well ...