How are you facing this weekend urge?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by SandsOfTime, Sep 28, 2018.

  1. SandsOfTime

    SandsOfTime Fapstronaut

    Hi guys,
    We use this thread like a caution of weekend/holidays.
    Most people get more addicted to bad things on holidays. For us, we may have huge chances to breaks the streaks on holidays as we get lots of free time. Becareful. Make a proper plan to busy your self.
    Daily we busy in school or office so we get less free time to think about porn. Hence, prepare a lot before you are in holiday.

    How you are planning this weekend?
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2018
  2. gunslinger215

    gunslinger215 Fapstronaut

    In my free time I do sports, busy myself in the kitchen cooking something or doing house chores. If I feel the urge I go outside for a walk. It helps to clear my head
  3. I Nutted Today

    I Nutted Today Fapstronaut

    I just plan to keep myself occupied anyway I can.
  4. Alex Aikman

    Alex Aikman New Fapstronaut

    Going to a camp with friends, so i wont be able in anyway to fall
  5. Meditation Monk

    Meditation Monk Fapstronaut

    Going for walks helps me a lot, being in the fresh air and to use visualizations things like trees and nature and animals to help me feel better. And talking to someone close by whenever I feel miserable because I still have these urges. lol. But I do something else for that though. I use guided images to help me feel better. That is why I developed a passion for art and going to art galleries when I was in my younger years. Hehe.
  6. SandsOfTime

    SandsOfTime Fapstronaut

    Great...if you are in public then porn won't come near you.
  7. SandsOfTime

    SandsOfTime Fapstronaut

    It's intresting to see those arts. Great habbit. If you planned all the free hours in something good productivity things then nothing can stop you to get success.
    Success mean not to get rich. It's mean happy all the time whether you are poor or rich or in trials and tribulation.
    I went gym, and market and now relaxing in bed hahaha. Night i will complete some pending tasks of my work.
  8. Meditation Monk

    Meditation Monk Fapstronaut

    Thank you bud. I hope everything goes well for you. We have a couple art galleries in my town were I live at. I mean it is not a big town, that is for sure, it is only 10k population, which I loooove so much. And I live in the centre of town too which helps me go for walks and enjoy the fresh air. Last night I had the urge again, but I did not give in. Hehe
  9. SandsOfTime

    SandsOfTime Fapstronaut

    Awesome..i like that kind of towns.
    Don't give up. Thank god you haven't broken your streak..don't go bed when you don't want to sleep. Frist read somthing powerful alarms then go to bed. Save your life my friend. Our families depend on us.
  10. ShotDunyun

    ShotDunyun Fapstronaut

    I try to work out as long and as hard as I can, that way I get physically exhausted to even think about sex. That's what's great about urges, they give you the energy you need to train like a maniac
  11. gunslinger215

    gunslinger215 Fapstronaut

    I woke up with extreme blue balls but that didn’t stop me. I managed to de-arouse myself and the pain stopped.
  12. SandsOfTime

    SandsOfTime Fapstronaut

    Currently I'm getting huge urge to do masturbation. How can i stop those feelings..i have tried but it's impossible to control.
  13. Ra's Al Ghul

    Ra's Al Ghul Fapstronaut

    I almost fell this morning.
  14. SandsOfTime

    SandsOfTime Fapstronaut

    How you escaped from that urge?
  15. SandsOfTime

    SandsOfTime Fapstronaut

    Finally escaped...
  16. Meditation Monk

    Meditation Monk Fapstronaut

    Thank you vaseem619. I took a long nap since I was tired. Haha. Now I am just going to work out And do not worry about my sleep, I keep my bible tight to my chest or underneath my pillow. LOL.
    SandsOfTime likes this.
  17. SandsOfTime

    SandsOfTime Fapstronaut

    Haha. Good. Same but i use Quran. I love Bible too.
  18. Ra's Al Ghul

    Ra's Al Ghul Fapstronaut

    I got up and got out of bed.
  19. Meditation Monk

    Meditation Monk Fapstronaut

    Nice. Has the Quran helped you lessen your urges so far? :D :D :D
  20. SandsOfTime

    SandsOfTime Fapstronaut

    Yes, my friend. But the thing we not carefully read. If we read and think in all dimensions then we can reach the truth and able to control our desires.