Thinking about picking up on a martial arts style.

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Lostbutfound, Sep 26, 2018.

  1. Lostbutfound

    Lostbutfound Fapstronaut

    Hey I'm thinking about getting into martial arts, I'm not sure which one yet. If you can, what is your experience with martial arts and what do you like about it?
    u376 likes this.
  2. Mattew

    Mattew Fapstronaut

    I've done 3 years boxing in the past, now i'm considering going to an mma gym to learn some other combat styles.

    If you want to learn something useful and real, i would avoid aikido, karate, wing chung, or any gym in general where they don't spar.
    I've done 3 aikido lessons, i think it's bullshit. I would recmmend you to go to an mma gym, or somewhere where they do the real thing, not only dancing.
    Or at least go to a brazilian ju jitsu gym.
    u376 likes this.
  3. Nice... I wanna learn it too... But I guess I don't think I will ever do it. Too much chance of messing up my body and I want to be able to lift weights for a very long time. Hence it won't fit in.
    u376 likes this.
  4. Ra's Al Ghul

    Ra's Al Ghul Fapstronaut

    Muay Thai. I did it off and on for a few years.
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  5. I did karate for about two years when I was a kid. I enjoyed it for the most part until they switched my instructor.

    Recently I’ve been thinking of doing Krav Maga since it’s a form that deals with real life situations and how to effectively take out your opponent; and when I say “take out” I mean kill.
    u376 likes this.
  6. u376

    u376 Fapstronaut

    This is the only reason why I am scared
    Otherwise I am very much interested in these kind of sports
    Deleted Account likes this.
  7. I spent 4 years doing Muay Thai, 2 in BJJ, 2 in Kali/Silat/FMA and spent alot of this time cross training in various chinese martial arts, systema and a little bit of boxing. I've trained a few people and gotten great results so I'm thinking about doing this for a living.

    At this point, I have absolutely no doubt in my ability to defend myself against someone who was really dangerous and I walk around with a different level of confidence which has positively impacted every area of my life.

    I was always really enthralled with the science it takes to use physics, techniques and various philosophies and strategies to create a practical style with no weaknesses. Initially I just wanted to learn some moves for the purpose of self defense and I kind of became obsessed with it.
  8. Which one is your favourite? Do you think it's possible to do just one MA and be capable of self-defense?
  9. -Muay Thai is a great base as it is simple, effective and practical but most gyms teach the watered down MMA version as opposed to Muay Boran or Muay Korat so they dont teach knife/weapon defense or multiple attacker protocol and they dont teach ground. These fuckers also made us train in 16oz gloves and wraps but failed to teach us how to punch properly in streetfights to keep from breaking our hands.
    -BJJ teaches good ground control and submissions but no striking, no weapons defense and their stand up grappling is very weak. BJJ guys train on mats and fights take place on concrete, gravel and asphalt so the physics are totally different. -Kali had deadly empty hands applications, weapons use/defense and dealt with multiple attacker protocol but their ground work is not too deep.
    -Systema is similar to Kali but Im not too experienced.
    Kali would be the favorite for self defense but you would still kind of have to supplement your ground. Sadly, alot of the Kali schools function like Mcdojos, teach tons of useless bullshit and they dont spar very much.

    All styles, even the traditional styles have great techniques but most schools dont focus on real fighting. If you can find a well rounded instructor who cross trained and spent alot of time sparring and pressure testing his techniqes in different situations and put together a focused curriculum then you'll be all good but guys like these barely exist. Most of these instructors learned and sparred in a vaccume and simply pass on whatever they were taught with out ever questioning, testing or refining their styles. It would be tough to make a reccomendation because most of the training programs I've seen are absolute shit.

    After taking learning all this shit, I wasnt even sure I could even fight, lol. After my kail instructor left, I found a multi denominational fight club with these old school traditional guys who had the same experience I had. We spent 85% of our time sparring and 15% of our time on techniques. I sparred with boxers, wrestlers, MMA guys, ex-cons and traditional guys so we were all forced to drop every useless technique, and refine all the useful ones . These guys knew fight strategy and taught me shit I never even heard of or thought about in martial arts classes.

    We had these beginners who trained with us and they had the benefit of all our experience and mistakes so they became very dangerous very quickly and didnt have all the injures that we got from years of training. This 2nd degree kenpo blackbelt came through acting tough and got his ass kicked by this 20 year old girl we had only been training for 6 months. This is the ideal situation for anyone who wants to get good at self defense quickly so check out some of the meetup groups if you can. Most of the schools will try to drag your training out for years and bleed you for as much as they can.

    You should definitely train but pick your school carefully as most of the training I've seen equates to trash.
  10. Mattew

    Mattew Fapstronaut


    Totally agree. I think that every gym where you don't spar is total bullshit.
    Most of the martial arts techniques doesn't work in real fights. Sparring is the only way to learn how to be effective.
    Deleted Account and Ra's Al Ghul like this.
  11. u376

    u376 Fapstronaut

    Amazing knowledge and experience
    But my question is.......have ever someone try to bully you
    Or have you ever been in a street fight.....
    Because I have heard that even fighters starts sweating before a real fight
    Deleted Account likes this.
  12. I've been in a couple of fights between the time I studied MMA and Kali. I handled them with no problems but honestly these werent the most dangerous opponents. I was involved in a huge bar fight in a club. The Muay Thai defense and clinch work was ingrained so it worked automatically but I realize that MMA mindset could have gotten me killed as you cant focus on one opponent when youre in an uncontrolled environment. I was elbowing a guy I had in a 1/2 clinch and his friend attacks me on my right lands a shot and grabbed me. I had good control of the first guy and was able to toss him into the 2nd guy. That could have turned out badly so I trained to correct those mistakes.
    Once you've sparred enough you get to the place where everything you do is totally unconcious and you dont have to think and thats where I am now. Last year some asshole tried to rob me but I was able to shut him down pretty quickly. That was probably the most dangerous thing I encountered but all of my responses and actions were completely involontary.
  13. Sparring is a must. You can learn moves all day but if you don't figure out how to apply them their going to fail when youre under pressure.

    Alot of the traditional stuff really does work but people screw it up because they never sparred enough to pull it off. One of the Shotokan blackbelts from the club said they had 1 sparring day each week where you got to spar with someone for 4 minutes. They sparred for 4 minutes per week so they were in no way familiar with applying anything they learned to anything remotely unscripted. He admitted that alot of what they learned could be done but it wasnt really practical. I dont like to generalize but Aikido is a huge fucking joke.
    Ra's Al Ghul and Deleted Account like this.
  14. Mattew

    Mattew Fapstronaut

    Totally agree, i boxed for 3 years, and i took 3 aikido lessons, that's total bullshit, maybe a little useful for self defence, totally unuseful for fighting, their techniques works only on a soft-non resistant opponent.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  15. People discount boxing but that combination of dangerous hands and smooth footworks can be a real bitch to deal with. Bruce Lee came to the USA on some real cocky shit and got his clock cleaned by a boxer and then spent the next 2 months locked in a basement watching Muhammed Ali videos. Ikido is pretty much worthless. Those guy get their ass kicked in live sparring every time.

    Theres a Utube guy whose all about akido and hes been testing his techiques against trained fighters in other styles and he looses everytime. He even lost to an untrained fighters and hes a 3rd dan instructor.
    u376 and Mattew like this.
    Mattew likes this.
  17. Mattew

    Mattew Fapstronaut

    Yes, i know this guy's videos. He's probably the only honest aikido guy on youtube. If i'm not mistaking he closed his dojo after this, he don't believe anymore in that obviously.

    He looked exactly like a guy who spar for the first time, completely scared and unprepared to react to a punch or any kind of attack, and that's 10 years in aikido...
    Deleted Account likes this.
  18. lucentio

    lucentio Fapstronaut

    I trained one-on-one with a pro boxer for a couple of years, did Tae Kwon Do for about fifteen along with a bit of a couple of other styles. Worked for a while as a bouncer kicking drunks out of a bar. I can take care of myself but I don't consider myself an expert by any means. At age 66 I'm too slow to run away and too old to take a beating. That is why I've been carrying for the last ten years or so. A firearm is not a magic talisman any more than a karate uniform will make you an expert at martial arts. You need to train on a regular basis. I still work out on the heavy bag. Also practice fast draw from concealment, shooting on the move, shooting moving targets, etc. The last thing I want is a "fair fight". My son is into Brazilian Ju Jitzu. I don't plan to take formal classes again but we are setting up a place to train in the basement and he is going to teach me some of the basics. Listening to him it sounds more practical than TKD. IMHO the best self defense technique is situational awareness which may allow you to avoid a fight.
    u376 and Deleted Account like this.
  19. u376

    u376 Fapstronaut

    This means that learning fighting skills actually help in a fight
    And what do you think about boxing
    I have heard that boxers are good in street Mike Tyson
  20. RamboErecto

    RamboErecto Fapstronaut

    Brazilian Jiu-jitsu works nice to everyone, should try.