Giving up porn, not masturbation?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Alonso123, Sep 11, 2018.

  1. Alonso123

    Alonso123 Fapstronaut

    Hey guys, just wondering if there is any honest and real accounts of just giving up pornography and not masturbation overall?

    It seems to me that alot of the science points towards porn being the MAIN problem, and masturbation (i guess) just positively reinforces that behaviour - eg... if i look at this stuff, i’ll get a good feeling. And the cycle gets stronger each time until you can’t do without it.

    From my experience (and i’ve only been doing this a few days so far) when i first tried to do the deed without visual stimuli the experience could be compared to stroking my arm - no feeling. But over the course of a few days i’ve been able to have success without porn, and most of the time it actually feels way better. I’ve also put a time limit on the whole experiment. If i cant sort myself out in 10 minutes, then i give up - i obviously cant be that horny. By doing this i’m also eliminating the edging, which some studies suggest is even worse for your wellbeing than everything else.

    I know there will be a few that dislike this and regard this as a ‘slippery slope’ and to those i say - fair enough. But today i’m interested in anyone who’s had any success doing something similar?

    (By the way, i’m not looking for superpowers or to convert my unused sexual energy into building a skyscraper and saving mankind, i just simply want to be a little more healthy with my habits and not cause any damage to my system. There is also compelling evidence that masturbation in moderation is perfectly healthy, and rather good for you and your hormonal system - dont shoot me for saying it haha, but i cant only listen to one side of the argument and completely disregard the other)

    Let a brother know :)
  2. WasZeusWrong?

    WasZeusWrong? Fapstronaut

    Hi, Alonso. I've been doing no P but occasional M & O for about a month, and I want to keep going. My parameters are very much like yours -- a quick wank in bed, no external visual stimuli, and the orgasms I achieve after ten minutes are much better than those that came after an hour of edging to P. Anyway, at just a month in to this, I wouldn't call myself a success, but for me, it feels like the right thing right now. Good luck! I hope this process helps both of us!
  3. I'll give up both because for me masturbation will lead into porn and cuz giving up both is really hard and is the ulitmate self control so ya.
    5adn8m8 likes this.
  4. 4DCreator

    4DCreator Fapstronaut

    I will say something I said elsewhere so ctrl+c ctrl+v :)

    Fapping/ejaculating - you are ejaculating the most important liquid in your body. That liquid holds loads of minerals and important substances which have to be replenished. This can drain your energy big time. By fapping, you are not achieving anything. As a man, your body is designed to attract a woman and that's a reward, achievement. Fapping is not a reward it is just tricking your body. Also, your semen holds your sexual energy, that sexual energy can be transferred into something else more valuable self-developmental. Fapping will get you drained and tired - similar feelings to those who take antidepressants (sleepy with no energy to achieve something). No-fapping will boost your testosterone and your body will become more attractive to women around you. Also, your need for real achievements will go up definitely. You won't be tricked by fapping that you have achieved something so there is no need for achievements. Fapping can literally make you as a zombie and you can just live this low-frequency/sleepy life where you are shaking during the day and just waiting when you gonna fap (like a proper addict)

    Also fapping gives you an orgasm, dopamine squirts into your brain, so you will become lethargic to normal life around you and depressed until another fap. You won't be happy with normal things as sunrise, sunset, nature, laugh, nice day, little success at work as your brain won't be happy on that "low level" of dopamine. When you no-fapping your dopamine reward system will get back to normal so you can eventually get out of the depressive stage and experience happiness with small things around you. You will be much more present at the moment. Even a smaller level of dopamine will make you happy and you will be looking for greater achievements in your life to get more natural dopamine (or lovely girlfriend who you will appreciate for who she is and not as a sexual attractive object)
  5. I've had some similar success with this approach. I also think M is perfectly healthy and a natural human thing to do.

    I found some M to be absolutely necessary when I began with no P. otherwise, I would slip into relapses constantly.

    There are some downsides to this approach though. While we continue to do M (especially if it's regularly), we don't give our brains a chance to readjust and normalize from the constant dopamine hits that we've been giving ourselves for many years. This is highly unnatural, and mostly a result of hours of P. but it's good to get a reset going, as is the point to "90 days" landmarks and all that stuff. There are neurological reasons why this is healthy, not just the basic stuff.

    I found that without P in my life I was able to go much longer stretches without M. you'll find this if you get to the flatline period 1-2 months in. But then it re-balances and ends up being something you just do once in a while but not out of compulsion/necessity. at least thats what i found.

    The last thing I'll share on this is that I found it important for myself as to *what* I'm thinking about during M. it's very beneficial to think about loving,
  6. Sayonara

    Sayonara Fapstronaut

    When we cut out porn but still masturbate, is there a danger that we're using our imaginations to conjure up pornographic scenes in our head? Having the images held in our head, could that be considered worse than watching porn, because we're directing them ourselves - there's a lot more guilt attached to that.

    If you can masturbate without fantasising and focussing on pure sensation then you're good to go I think. However, I think this is very difficult for most people who have trained themselves to need visual stimulus.
  7. Well i've been over 3 years now without porn, don't need it don't want it and don't ever want to go back to it. For me personally I feel much more in control now, i'm 34 and certainly not as horny as i used to be in my younger years. These days it's more of a process to release any sexual tension, i might even go up to a month without feeling the need to M. I can say that morally i'm in a better place in terms of what i think about, there is a much better element of control on that part since with online porn, rather than your thoughts guiding you it was more like following a trail of sweets, so today i just put a lot more thought into what i'm actually going to think about first, again it's having that element of control back and also a more healthy level of respect for my own body and mind.

    I think for some people, early on in their reboot it will be difficult to resist the temptation to go to a website or pick up an old magazine they have lurking under their bed so it's always advisable to do a 90 day reboot full on no PMO at first. I will also stress the importance of completely purging all pornographic material from your residence, even a swimsuit photo or super model poster on your wall, all of it must go if you are to fully re-train your mind.

    I have my own personal reasons as to why i never want to go back to viewing porn again and i've come to accept that it's never going to be worth it.

    Remember, no amount of porn can ever love you back, so whatever it is you think you might be getting from it, it will only ever be a poor representation.
  8. Personally, I do not think that our imaginations are worse than watching P. not even close. It's the repeated stimuli that infects our brains with more models and more diversity that keeps the addiction going (see Coolidge Effect):

    That said, if we keep feeding ourselves dopamine hits over and over again were not going to recover at the same speed. But it's a step forward I think from watching stuff on the computer, and a significant one.
    DogDaysOfLife and Alonso123 like this.
  9. 5adn8m8

    5adn8m8 Fapstronaut

    Amazing answer... thanks a million mate.... thanks a lot
    Huzaaayy and 4DCreator like this.
  10. primaljade

    primaljade Fapstronaut

    If MO induces symptoms of an addiction, then I think it'd be a problem.

    A typical daily PMO session of 1-2 hours, messed up sleep schedule, anxiety, etc.. is a whole other league than a 5 minute wank once or twice a week. So I don't bother worrying about plain old MO.

    Personally, I don't believe in the woo-woo semen retention BS on this site, so you'll have to adjust your perspective accordingly.
    Startagain123 and Alonso123 like this.
  11. horny nerd

    horny nerd Fapstronaut

    Today I only MOd. It made me feel horrible. All my back muscles were tight and hurt. My stomach hurt too. And maybe my kidney. After lots of vitamins and pepto bismol it is gone but it hurt so bad. This was after a week no PMO. If you are absolutely fine after MO once a week it might be ok. But 1 week soon becomes half a week, then 2 days, then 1 day and you are soon back where you started. You have to be very careful and it is best to do no PMO at all.
  12. Mattew

    Mattew Fapstronaut

    At first i started the journey only thinking about no porn, i still wasn't masturbating, but i was thinking to masturbate when i wanted.

    Then, reading a lot of no porn material, i stumble into a lot of NoFap material, the most interesting was the chinese medicine view on the topic. I had all the symptoms they describe about too much masturbation, like black circle around my eyes, oily skin, acne, really weak legs. It is said this is because masturbating you're taking away the energy from your kidneys, and then from the liver and all your guts, leading to bad digestions and other symptoms, which i had either.
    (also, 3 years ago an ayurvedic doctor told me i probably have some kidney malfunction because of my black circle around eyes).

    I also saw on this and other sites, the pic of before and after of some chinese no fapper, and the results are pretty amazing.

    So, basically, the traditional chinese medicine says that masturbation bring you to ugliness, and a lot of other functional problem, is like taking away your energy from inside, and rot your body from inside...

    I also was thinking about how natural masturbation is, well, besides human there is no other animal that can masturbate like us, and i think the reason we evolve an opposable thumb is not to masturbate...
  13. Temperate_Beast

    Temperate_Beast Fapstronaut

    !DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
        <title>My sexual blog</title>
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        css_style('truth', 'palevioletred');
        css_style('whattodo', 'greenyellow');
        css_style('playboy', 'cadetblue');
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        <h1>You last masturbated on 05-09-2018<a name='top'></a></h1>
            <p><u><h2 style="text-shadow: 5px 2px 8px #b6b6b6">You were never meant to give up: Before reading this you believe what is written </h2></u></p>
            <div id='addiction'>
            <h3>About porn addiction</h3>
            <p class='addiction'>You may be wondering why is is very hard to leave a addiction, yes it will take time
                 and Try hard as much as you can.But can't oppose it always.You must prepare yourself to control this addiction
                calm down and look at yourself and think that you can do it.The main aim is to leave porn and masturbation will stop automatically
                .Try as much as hard to oppose porn.If you are alone in home then you are very much vulnerable.Just think feeling boring or stressed is a part of life.
                I know it feels great when you re going on with it but you have to abtsain porn and masturbation for your own good.
                The best way to leave a Addiction is to control yourself for a long enough of time, that your feeling of your addiction
                disappers and over time it will stop bothering you. Means that over time without watching porn your addiction will decrease
                bothering you, as it did before.
                So try as much as to increase the duration of time you didn't watched porn and some day you will be stopped getting bothered
                by your addiction. Good luck
            <div id='harm'>
            <h3>About porn harmful effects</h3>
            <p class='harm'>
                and it's our destiny to get these feelings but you must stick into trying hard and feel as much as depressed you can becuase
                however hard it is to control your urge to watch porn.Recovery is always possible all you need to do is to calm down, have patience and
                wait.When you wrote this you couldn't hold on to your back bone because you masturbated that time only, But before that you were good with your back.
                Just close your eyes and think deeply and breath heavily and know that you are not going to get better forever if you don't stop porn.
                Sperm is a very concentrated liquid and very nutritive but if you think that releasing it for fun and think that this is the last time then you are wrong.A very less sperm is made in a very long interval of time and releasing it for your two minute fun then you are in a very loss, even your knee joints start to constantly make noise due to lack of greasy fluid present in your knees and which is being used up to produce semen, if there is a lack of sufficient rich nutrients in our body the rich ntrients are exracted from your bones causing your bones to become weaker.You must believe only yourself that how you felt the weakness after the release of that energy fluid.
                It's really very harmful and will destroy your body for sure.
            <div id='playboy'>
            <h3>About the pornstars</h3>  
            <p class='playboy'>
                Dont't think about the pornstars who release sperms frequently because they do it for real women and you just see them and move your hand.They also has a helthy diet, exercise.Actually they keep their body with maintenence.They really eat very much.They take drugs
                and have damaged brains.They look healthy but are not.They take medicine before fucking and also it takes so many days to produce a 40 minutes porn
            <div id='whattodo'>
            <h3>What to do when you are to porn</h3>
            <p class='whattodo'>
                It's better to do anything else other than watching porn, like gaming so just give a try to a game like 'Freedom Fighters'
                whenever you feel like going to porn.I suggest you to play games at that time than reading a <code>PDF</code> because all you need to do is to divert your mind to something not boring and then you can only vanish the thought of porn.Remember the <i>Nofap:</i><br>
                In nofap all says that without porn their productivity increased , they are more focused than before.Just only try to delete all the porn you have, but it won't be easy to delete porn.First, relax and try to calm down and. secondly, remember that you were good and normal when you did'nt had porn. lastly, remember that you need to recover from addiction to be what you want to be.Keep away from porn and then delete em all and I promise that all feelings will disappear.
                Never try to give a try to porn, because if you do, it will make you feel like going to it the whole time.
                And mostly never think and give a try of masturbation. Thinking that YOu won't ejaculate when to go to climax or
                abstain when you reach climax, because it's almost impossible to abstain when you are going on with motion of our hand.
            <div id='truth'>
            <h3>Truth of porn</h3>
            <p class='truth'>
                First of all every female pornstar are very much physically abused behind the scenes to produce extreme porn.Hence, they have to numb themselves before performing porn using drugs.There is also a female porn performer who suicided because she was forced to perform porn with a gay playboy.Most of the pornstars come from a background of their childhood rape and abuse.Also with the help of expensive camera, photoshop and editing porn is made a tool for great joy.<br>
                The sexy feelings you feel are temporary feelings which disappears sortly after some time. Then why are you losing your expensive sexual energy for 2 minute fun.
            <div id='brain'>
            <h3>How your brain changes with porn</h3>
            <p class='brain'>
                Well sex is a esential part of our life because it permotes reproduction and birth of a new generation.Hence, the brain is programmed to make you feel good by doing reproduction.Actually there is a chemical called dopamine which is released to make you feel good and happy for anything you do.<br/>
                Dopamine is released when you eat, play, watch porn, have sex etc.<br>
                But the quantity of this chemical varies. When you watch porn your brain releases more amount of dopamine and whe you do eat it releases a small amount of dopamine.<br/>
                When you watch porn your brain releases a high amount of dopamine and watching frequently porn will make the habit of your brain of high dopamine releases and you won't feel good for a low amount of dopamine.Hence, your brain would starve for porn as it is the only source for high dopamine release, making it an addiction.And also when the amount of dopamine in your brain overflows the brain start killing the dopamine receptors ultimately your brain will have a low number of receptors available.<br>
                Dopamine receptors are the receptors which bursts electric signals to the brain making us feel the plesure.Hence, the more number of receptors you have, the more plesure you feel and the less receptors you have, the less plesure you feel<br/>
                Watcing porn makes you brain numb and dosen't lets your brain feel any much plesure even if there is a high amount of dopamine realeased ultimately resulting in depression<br>
                The sensitivity of your brain gets rough and you can't feel life's real plesure at the real world.<br/>
                My mother said that the brain gets weak if you think dirty things, but she said this without knowing that what happens behind the scenes and what is dopamine, and she was right
                We can get a normal brain if we leave porn.
                <br>Peace of mind is required to oppose porn, because the more time passes by not masturbating the more uncontrolled you get.Hence, you start getting more horny and it will increase day-by-day.Ultimately it will become harder to oppose porn than before so we need a very high amount of self-control in order to stop porn and you do it by controlling your brain</p>
            <div id='belief'>
            <h3>Know to believe the truth</h3>
            <p class='belief'>
                Suppose, several times you see ghosts but no one believes you and they say that ghost don't exist, will you also start believing that ghosts don't exist ?. The right and plain answer is 'no', you won't believe because you saw that ghost several times. The same is with masturbation.
                You may search - "is masturbation harmful?" on google but most of the medical forums states that it is normal and it even states that it prevents prostate cancer, but it depends on you whether
                you saw the ghost or not and lastly not masturbating won't make you a victim of cancer or else Swami VivekAnand would have died of cancer.<br>Now you may ask "do these medical forums lie?". The answer is "yes".Why? -<br>
                The porn industries are multi-billion industries because we watch porn and masturbate.Now, if the medical forums start spreading the truth that mastrbation is harmful then all people will stop watching porn and the industries will collapse.Then why won't they pay millions to the medical forums to keep their business up.<br><br>
                There is also a economic reason for this and that is to control "<b>Rape!</b>".<br>
                Now back to the ghost story.<br><br>
                Here, the ghost is the bad effets of porn and masturbation. We all (including me) saw the bad effects of masturbation(i.e ghost) then why will we believe others that it is normal, and if you think that it doesn't make any harm then stop masturbation for one month and then masturbate you will ultimately observe that it decreases your focus, creativity, attention, confidence, activeness as compared to before.<br>
                You would have also heard that one who believes himself is one who does something great, then firstly you need to start believing yourself.
        <div id='quotes'>
        <div class='quotes'>
            <p class='quote'>
                It will seem impossile to climb the top of the mountain but it is possible to move closer to it.
            <p class='quote'>
                Hope is what keeps you going.Things which are hard to do is what takes time and to endure this time you need patience.
            <p class="quote">
                Focus on one thing first then your multiple works can be done one by one and it will also save the time and if you do try to focus on multiple things then your all works would be messed up
            <p class="quote">
                If there is problem to solve and I have tried to solve it several times and then I leaved trying, then it dosen't means that I quit. But the problem should beware that when I come the next time I will be more prepared.
                To be rare, You need to be different
    <a href='#top'>go to top</a>
    Deleted Account likes this.
  14. I think masturbation will not be the problem. Like you do now, not to much masturbation and no edging will be ok. But don't do it every day. It must be "a special occasion" to masturbate. Then it will be special and not a common thing.
    Alonso123 likes this.
  15. Alonso123

    Alonso123 Fapstronaut

    Many thanks for your replies guys! Lots of good information. I think i’ll stick to this regime for the time being and see what happens :)
    kropo82 likes this.
  16. nopenotdoinit!

    nopenotdoinit! Fapstronaut

    Yes, stick to the regime and then post if anything changes. I am eager to see what happens, for I am in a similar boat.
  17. MrDetermination

    MrDetermination Fapstronaut

    Well, if PMO can rewire your brain into needing pornographic stimuli for arousal, the opposite can happen: MO without P can rewire your brain into not associating arousal only with P. I think MO can be healthy if it's not too frequent, done in private, and without needing P for that.
    DogDaysOfLife and primaljade like this.
  18. Sayonara

    Sayonara Fapstronaut

    I think men can have two issues with PMO.

    One is about porn. Masturbating with porn can create connections in your brain that overpower normal arousal inputs so that you need extreme audiovisual inputs to become aroused; so that's why we're cutting porn out because it's not representative of standard arousal.

    The other is about masturbation. Orgasming through masturbation is not representative of standard orgasm and so in a similar way we're training our brains to only be able to ejaculate or experience pleasure through masturbation (i.e. a strong hand-grip).

    These are two separate issues and you may suffer from one or both of these and you should therefore try to quit one or both of these as a way of healing. Depends of what you're issues are.
  19. primaljade

    primaljade Fapstronaut

  20. Sayonara

    Sayonara Fapstronaut

    What I'm trying to say is that it's a very different experience orgasming from masturbation and orgasming from sex. However, we'll still have the same hormonal response, and our brain will begin to associate orgasming with the act of masturbation, perhaps to the point where we struggle to orgasm with normal sex.

    Lots of people struggle to orgasm during sex because they've trained themselves only to ejaculate with the sensation of their hand
    Startagain123 and Burrich1 like this.