Badly need to get out of PMO

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by MohitKumar2159, Aug 31, 2018.

  1. MohitKumar2159

    MohitKumar2159 Fapstronaut

    Hi people! Am a 26 years old male, badly in grips of PMO. It's been 14 years, and it has seriously affected my body and hair along with other aspects of my life. If I'm feeling tensed, I turn to masturbation. If I'm alone, I do it. I do it multiple times a week. At the time of writing this, I'm frustrated with myself for not being able to stop it. I thought that I could stop it myself, but now I can see that I badly need external help to get out of this devil's habit. Please help me on this.
    frazebam_isnberg likes this.
  2. frazebam_isnberg

    frazebam_isnberg Fapstronaut

    I can't beat this, so:
    Whether you're right or left leaning, this is real good advice.
    Foxhole and MohitKumar2159 like this.
  3. Salada

    Salada Fapstronaut

    You by the.Almighty strength given but it is not just quitting activities of PMO it is.harnessing your.thought life too!
    MohitKumar2159 likes this.
  4. frazebam_isnberg

    frazebam_isnberg Fapstronaut

    You can also join groups. I feel like that helps.
    MohitKumar2159 likes this.
  5. MohitKumar2159

    MohitKumar2159 Fapstronaut

    Relapsed today... But I have the urge to stand up again, and to start gain. Don't want to give up.
    (I have reset my PMO tracker as well... I guess it will take a while to update here)
    frazebam_isnberg likes this.
  6. frazebam_isnberg

    frazebam_isnberg Fapstronaut

    It happens. But don't give up. That's the point.
    MohitKumar2159 likes this.
  7. MohitKumar2159

    MohitKumar2159 Fapstronaut

    Thanks bro... Need support from you people!
  8. Foxhole

    Foxhole Fapstronaut

    This one is pretty good.
    MohitKumar2159 likes this.
  9. Foxhole

    Foxhole Fapstronaut

    Hi, man. Don't worry i'm sure you can beat it. I have just few tips, but i can send you my whole list later if you want :-D
    1) Find something meaningful. Some new project, hobby, now thing to learn. Something meaningful which gives new purpose to your life.
    2) Cut off the urges as soon as possible. If you see girl in bikini, erotic article, nude celeb pics... Shut it down as fast as you can. Dont let it suck you in. It can be the smallest and most innocent thing that drag you down. Avoid them.
    3) Don't fight it. Dont do the "i can't - but i want to - i have to be strong - but it feels so nice" game. It always win. Just dont play its game. Let it be, observe it. "Why i feel this way? Does it help me live a meaningful life?"
    You can beat it. Stay strong dude.
    Good luck on your journey. And to you too, @frazebam_isnberg ;)
  10. Armalite Rifle

    Armalite Rifle Fapstronaut

    26 yr old here too ;)

    Whatever you do, don't be mad at yourself ok. 99% of PMO is the body which has literally programmed itself to do the behavior, the behavior happens outside of your own conscious decision making, it is just following a mechanical habit no different than a dog who has been trained to perform a certain behavior and when prompted with the usual signal, performs the behavior, like rolling over at the ring of a bell etc. Except here the bell is seeing porn or being alone, waking up from a wet dream , etc. Find out what your triggers are and then come up with a real plan to mitigate them. Right them down along with the plan to counter it, seriously.

    For me it's like this: my main 2 triggers are waking up in/after a wet dream and remembering old porn videos that I've watched before in the past. My counter is this: immediately if the urge comes I do some exercise, or remove myself from the room and read one of the books I'm working on or watch an inspirational video that keeps me focused on my goals( I have dozens of them queued on my youtube watch later list) and that takes my mind off the urge.

    Look up these channels on youtube, theres' really good content here about fighting PMO and getting your life in good health/order:

    Jordan B. Peterson
    Improvement Pill
    The Golden One
  11. MohitKumar2159

    MohitKumar2159 Fapstronaut

    Bro, I'm really thankful you replied to this post and have some words of encouragement. Here are my point-wise replies:
    1) Yeah, I have taken an online course in Machine Learning and I need to devote time to it. Trying to do that.
    2) Watching all this stuff is something I really need to control. Sometimes I won't see it and stay strong. But sometimes, I slip on this.
    3) You're right. It's hard to win this game. Fighting it isn't easy. I'm trying to find out my triggers.

    And I see your counter is at 169 days. Is it really so? Man, if that's true, then you're really good at it.
    Awakened & Aware likes this.
  12. MohitKumar2159

    MohitKumar2159 Fapstronaut

    Thanks bro for sharing technical details with us. And thank you for the channels. Am definitely going to look them up. You're correct about the training part. I need to undo the training of my mind, and it's going to take a whole lot of effort. Trying to get up again.
  13. Foxhole

    Foxhole Fapstronaut

    You're welcome, im glad to help.
    1) Machine learning? So cool! It's the future, keep going and you'll rule the world one day. But if it's hard to stay focus on that you may want to find something more appealing for start to keep you away from P. Like painting, reading or stuff... Whatever works for you. But try to stay away from time killing stuff like tv shows or video-games. It's more like p-subs than something useful.
    2) It must be absolute no-go if you want to win this fight. You have to kill it before it starts to tempt you. Every image and every thought strenghts the addiction and make it harder to overcome it. But don't worry it's not so dramatic :-D I don't want to scare you. But believe me, the more you stay away from anything bad, the easier it will be. Try to be as righteous as you can :-D
    3) Right ;)
    I don't think i'm really good at this. Honestly it was easier than i thought. I just got my life back and i really don't want to lose it again :)
  14. Awakened & Aware

    Awakened & Aware Moderator Assistant

    Good luck Mohit. You should be able to correlate with the mind more with your ML course :)

    I and many of us are in similar situation. While we all will definitely learn from each other .. each one has to walk alone through our individual doors. Your mind can be your greatest friend and greatest enemy as well. Make it your friend!

    Good luck!
    MohitKumar2159 and Foxhole like this.
  15. Foxhole

    Foxhole Fapstronaut

    This one is gooooood.
    MohitKumar2159 and Salada like this.
  16. MohitKumar2159

    MohitKumar2159 Fapstronaut

    I agree with you on the point that the more you stay away from anything bad, the easier it will be. If we really want to control something, it must be controlled at its very core, and that's at the level of thought. Right now I'm trying to divert my mind on other things, like my ML course, and finding it really interesting.
    Foxhole likes this.
  17. MohitKumar2159

    MohitKumar2159 Fapstronaut

    Thanks bro. And I totally agree. My mind is both my best friend and my worst enemy, depending on whether I control it for good, or I let it control myself. Just like a horse. Need to tame it for the good.
    Awakened & Aware likes this.