"The whole no-orgasm thing is just pseudo science."

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Anonymous86, Aug 28, 2018.

  1. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

    I don't get why people say this. My friend did. People can be ignorant.
    GuitarAfficionado likes this.
  2. GuitarAfficionado

    GuitarAfficionado Fapstronaut

    Most people will stay in comfort zone all of their lives, while finding excuses and even fooling themselves to do so. Sex and porn addiction are basically not talked about at all. Only now that Terry Crews opened up, people started talking about it a little. I guess it's because digital porn is a new thing compared to cigarettes, alcohol and drugs.

    If we see change in our sexual health, behaviors and willpower, that's what really matters. Don't lend ears to negative people and keep going.

    You gotta do what you gotta do!
  3. It's not that I don't believe in science, I just see the signs.
  4. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

  5. Signs of life and the universe. You look out and see the world and the stars and the universe, you really looking in yourself, because you too follow the same patterns within. What you see outside you is determined from within you. Everything is vibrating and radiant and since everything is vibrating, you know that there should be high vibration and low vibration but in the end it's all the same, but we talking about the signs which you can see is ALL related, no coincidence. Semen is very powerful, the whole idea of sex is powerful on its own. So if you keep ejaculating and submerging yourself in these lustful thoughts, you will burn yourself two ways, your body and mind, because you as the source will emit these waves and vibration out of you and constant ejaculation only withers and weakens the body, but our body can't keep doing that, that's why people that are under a lot of stress will destroy themselves, our vibration and energy is all out of wack and out of tune. You think you can tax your body and get away with it? There's a limit to that, otherwise you afford the risk of hurting "yourself".
    Deleted Account and Anonymous86 like this.
  6. Jack of Clubs

    Jack of Clubs Fapstronaut

    We can't afford to wait for scientific proof to catch up. If (somehow) it was proven wrong its not like it matters that we weren't watching porn.
    Swagnation and Anonymous86 like this.
  7. Sometimes I think the concept of "Orgasm" is also pseudo-science. I mean: except for the normal physical feelings of excitement (that provokes all the physical reactions related to arousal) how "orgasm" is measured? Does "orgasm" exist? Or it is just something culturally established in order to make us "search" for a "g-spot" - the holy grail of the sexual act? Maybe "orgasm" is nothing but a fantasy itself, and a way to glorify our "petit mort" and turn it into art.
  8. Orgasm is a thing though, isn't it, we all felt an orgasm before, it's biological I think, that's how we ejaculate. It's probably pseudo because it brings much more to the table than we think. And the g-spot does it exist, its near the prostate for men and on top of the vagina for women, right? lol

    but back to all seriousness, orgasm is that moment of climax we all drive for because of sex and this is how sex awards us, dopamine, because sex is important to drive the furtherance of nature.
  9. Orgasm and ejaculation are separate.

    Orgasm is an experience felt throughout your entire body. This requires a meditative mindset that the vast majority of people lack due to need for instant gratification, impatience, and expectations.

    Ejaculation is the experience felt in your genitals directly to expel semen. We all know this.

    If you have never experienced ejaculation, you would never know what it truly is, and the same goes for orgasm. Read some taoist literature if you want to learn more.

    It is best not to get stuck on words either. Words mean different meanings to different people, but the truth is constant.
  10. Not sure, my friend.

    I have more powerful orgasm with the help of non-penile excitation (prostate orgasm, perineal orgasm...) and I do not only ejaculate semen, but other kind of liquids, sometimes even without an erection (therefore, orgasm seems to be detached from the function of "penetration", has nothing to do with nature or "making babies"). None of the rules that describe "male orgasm" can be applied to me - yet, I am not categorised as a female, and according to doctors I am not an hermaphrodite. My levels of testosterone are also high. I was meant to be an alpha-male but I get no arousal with the idea of penetration. Is this a "brain problem"?

    And don't underestimate the power of our brains to create fake sensations in order to adapt to environmental circumstances! Some people can hear voices, see things, that are not present in the real world, and their bodies (ever heard about the phantom-limb syndrome?)


    And I am very suspicious about the so called "role" of neurotransmitters in general - especially when it comes to explain how human emotions are generated, the "normal states" of brain functioning (if there is any) and the role they play on defining sexuality. I think this is a field of neuroscience that is overestimated and poorly investigated, if not a complete scam. It helps the industry to sell drugs, of course, but it doesn't "cure" anything yet.

    Isn't strange that Prozac, the pill of happiness (in the 90s), created a generation of man with ED? Yes, because happiness, at that time, did not included "orgasm".

    And the whole "dopamine" theory of orgasm - it seems to be a clear contradiction that orgasm ("the goal of ejaculation") actually produces a discharge of electrochemical particles that end up making us sad, drained and less motivated. At least this is what I hear the most from people avoiding PMO. It is all speculation in my modest view, and doctors/scientists are heading to the wrong way, while using us as guinea pigs for their drugs.*

    * Perhaps I am not entirely virgin to the field. I studied 3 years of neuroanatomy, psychiatry and neuropharmacology at Uni - and that's why I am questioning all these things. There are no records (physical evidence) of neurotransmitters getting involved on emotional states.
    Science treats the brain as if it was just another organ in the human body. I think the brain is much more than that. I believe the brain is able to process much more information than we think, and many of mental process that science regards as fairy-tales are vital to a healthy sexual life... (for example: science believes thoughts are formed inside the brain, while I dispute this view - I believe thoughts are many times "captured" by the brain, and can originate from other persons or bodily states. Your liver, your stomach, etc can act over your thoughts. And your partner's well-being can also influence your own body. This might explain why sex works better when there are higher intentions involved, between lovers, instead of occasional "discharge" of energy in order to reach an orgasm with a complete stranger).
  11. Can we use for a lack of better words if we don't know any better?

    Also, do you think orgasm takes some sort of sexual build up?
  12. I think your second paragraph explains exactly how I feel. Our minds, per person, has unique sexual taste that yes, our powerful minds will create that illusion that it is pleasurable. So we can create our sexual desires because it is all internal and gets our body to orgasm, we just by-passed that, for what it was originally meant for. And I don't think that is necessarily a brain problem but your personality?

    Are you equating human sexuality to human emotions? because I can see how neurotransmitter affect a person's emotions but not a persons' sexuality. But humans emotions do affect a persons' sexuality indirectly, because however and whatever pleases you will translate through the neurotransmitters which can let you enjoy your experience better. I don't know anything about those prescription drugs, but I know don't take them. I think understudied because those drugs can be very harmful.

    Do you believe in pseudo-science? because that article you posted seem to say that it is not the neurotransmitter that emit our emotions, instead it creates the illusion around us physically/mentally.
    And yes, I believe the brain is very powerful, hard to tell from here but I believe in that meat between my ears lol it's our very own quantum computer, maybe better, because our brain is everything, literally. Our brain is our thoughts slowed down to see everything around us physically and is created by our thoughts which is created by our emotions. Our brain is where our mind is located which is what grabs the "thought" from conciousness, because conciousness is not slowed down, it is everything and everything is one. But what we do control is our feelings/heart/emotion which precedes our thoughts. And yes, everything affects everything, negative and positive, yin and yang, anything out of balance will create problems, which is negative, now you need the positive to balance out the negative.

    I agree with the last paragraph but at the same time that's what makes everything difficult :/