New Addiction: Private Webcam Sessions

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by imtryingipromise, Aug 26, 2018.

  1. imtryingipromise

    imtryingipromise New Fapstronaut

    Hey guys,

    So I've been a porn addict like most of you since probably... I don't know, eleven?
    More recently, I sort of got tired of it and the interest in porn just started fading away.
    I started looking at it as quite boring and pointless.

    I wanted more interaction. So recently I got a debit card after years of not having one. And it's fucking with me. I'm starting to book sessions with webcam girls. It's not super, super expensive but it adds up. Like 5, 10 dollars a session. I really don't want to turn this into a habit. And the girls don't even end up that hot or exciting anyway. That's the thing. It's like I always feel like the next one is gonna' turn me on. But they don't.

    It's been an hour since my last webcam session and I have a lot of regret and shame. Very low point for me right now. I'm kind of exhausted mentally and spiritually.

    I feel hopeless.

    Anyone have some advice?
    ClearAsMud(Al) and Barry Rolfe like this.
  2. PaulGuy

    PaulGuy Fapstronaut

    I completely understand you. Webcams seem like the next step in porn because you get to talk to the people on the other side and it makes it feel even more "real," but that's the thing. It only feels more real, it's still just as fake as any other type of porn. It might be a good idea to reevaluate your thoughts on what type of interaction you are really craving.

    If it's to get a stronger high from the models, then you have to remember that this is just another form of porn and you have to abstain from it. It can very, very easily turn into a habit, and from your wording, it sounds like you might be on that path already. Also, those sessions can become very pricey, often draining you more than any single website. That's especially true as you "get to know" the models and they ask for items and extra money for their time.

    If you're doing this as an outlet for interaction in general and porn has been your only way to interact with the world (a problem that I'm personally trying to battle), then it might be a good idea to step back and find a healthier way to express this need. Maybe talk to a friend or family member, or even make some new friends. You could even post here or on any other forums/social networks that you frequent.

    Hope this has helped. Good luck on your journey and I hope that you can get through this in a healthy manner.
  3. Minsc

    Minsc Fapstronaut

    I've never got into the private cams, rarely in the public cams. One thing I observed about the cams was I found it less hassle to just load up a video.

    If I'm to make a "real" simulation comparison it would be MORPGs. No sex or anything of the like involved. I just used it as a substitute for going out and interacting with people. Like porn, I just had to decide to move away from it. The only advice I have is persistence.

    Edit: And replace the porn with something worthwhile. That's really about all we can do.
  4. imtryingipromise

    imtryingipromise New Fapstronaut

    Yeah, exactly! The whole 'engagement' thing is a major adrenaline boost. It just seems really exciting. But it's messed up cause' like it's never satisfactory in the end, you know? The girls aren't even enthusiastic, man. Barely freaking' speak English. Like if this is your job, at least do it well. Have some freaking enthusiasm. You're getting paid for it, lol. Notice my frustration. But yeah, it just always feels stupid in the end. They cash out, I fap out.
    ClearAsMud(Al) likes this.
  5. imtryingipromise

    imtryingipromise New Fapstronaut

    Should I even Google what a MORPG is? LOL. It sounds like a type of robot or some shit. Yeah, man - persistence is key but like sometimes it feels impossible, you know? Like some sort of chemical takes over my decision making process. It's fucking annoying.
  6. Barry Rolfe

    Barry Rolfe Fapstronaut

    Look dude. I will be straight with you. STOP. JUST FUCKING STOP! This is early enough for this to not become a full blown issue.
    Maybe my experience with these will rattle you. I cannot begin to tell you what cams will do to you in terms of fiscal and mental health. They are like the heroin or crack of the porn world. I have literally spent thousands of dollars on them. I am experiencing some financial hardship now as a result. In debt up to my eyeballs. I'd reckon about half of it is due to cams.
    For me it started innocently enough. I was tipsy and had seen the banner ads etc. on porn sites. My woman and I were on opposite work schedules....I was just curious. Like all addictions it was gradual. A little here a little there. To the point where until about a month ago I was unable to quit. This was after numerous years of counseling (which cost money) etc. At the present moment I am a month and a half clean. After close to 7 years.
    The things that have helped me severely put a dent in my porn consumption and stop my webcam use:
    I downloaded SafeDNS and gave the codes to my best friend using a dummy email address that I don't remember and cant access.
    I have sought out a therapist who is helping me work through both my problems with porn and the issues that brought me to it in the first place.
    I have concentrated heavily on diet and exercise. Cutting back on alcohol consumption
    Rethinking how much time I am spending on the net.
    I have also been working on a paid course at
    If you have any more questions or thoughts feel free to ask here or PM me.
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2018
  7. SamFZ

    SamFZ Fapstronaut

    This is something I've never done, but often thought about. It's pretty much the closest you can get to hiring a prostitute without legal ramifications.

    Remind yourself that while it might seem more personal to you, the cam girl is just doing her job, just taking the money, and then she's going to go onto the next guy. She has no interest in you, just your credits.
    SirErnest and Barry Rolfe like this.
  8. Hugoalsace

    Hugoalsace Fapstronaut

    I'd second the claim that cam girls are the crack cocaine of porn addiction. Quit now before you get in financial trouble. I really fell for 2-3 cam girls and it nearly cost me my marriage in addition to about £250. You will get emotionally involved if you keep visiting these sites and it makes the addiction far stronger. I just managed to get out before I got in way too deep, sparking my latest run of NoFap. All it takes is for one really nice and personable cam girl to make you totally obsessed and it's a dangerous game.
  9. Livecamproblem

    Livecamproblem New Fapstronaut

    I've been doing it consistently for more than a year. Last month I spent 500 euros in two days.i cannot afford spending like this. It's a serious problem for me that's limiting other aspects of my life.i got paid yesterday and went straight back on the site and didn't even think about dropping 200 euro in one day. Once I get hard imI in serious trouble. It's true that God gave us two heads but only enough blood to run one at a time.
    It's literally like cocaine.



    (Will someone change the password on my account for me please? I need help)
  10. Barry Rolfe

    Barry Rolfe Fapstronaut

    Livecamproblem. Feel free to pm me about this. However, see the post above--Ive tried a good deal of measures to stop and dont know what site you are hooked on...A few payment processors will block your ip and credit card details. Many will not. Some sites will block you if you ask. Most wont. Ive tried calling credit card companies to do the same. To my knowledge the only cc company that wont allow adult charges is Amex. If you change your password etc. The cam companies make it easy for you to go back in a moment of weakness. You need to right now involve people that you know...In real life to help you w/ this. I think Ive spent 800$ in a single day. Do not go there....
  11. Minsc

    Minsc Fapstronaut

    Ha ha, that's Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game. It was a game where you meet up with other players online, slay monsters and collect the EXP points and loot. Then you hang out in the lobbies and chat. Now, while the game its self is not porn, it should come to no surprise people found ways to simulate porn within the mechanics of the game.

    Back OT:

    @Livecamproblem Here's something you can try. Create a burner email address (I assume these need an email for an account) with a random password. Switch the accounts email to this burner. Create a new random password for the cam site. Logout and get rid of these passwords you never memorized. Do what ever you can to make it so you can't recover the passwords. Hopefully this helps, I have no idea how those cam sites have their accounts set up.
    SirErnest likes this.