Going to bed a lot earlier than before

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Troels. L, Aug 22, 2018.

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  1. Troels. L

    Troels. L Fapstronaut

    to praise myself, this year I have made humungus progress. My streak shows me having gone nearly 70 days without masturbation. I have not viewed porn since early January, which I am proud of. What I instead did to combat urges, was to reward myself with escort girls, arguably not the best, but it was sure to keep me from watching porn. Then I had something to look forward to. I also have lost weight, I initially had manboobs which made me too embarrased to go to the beach. Now I've gotten rid of them, and my weight is still going down. Mainly by eating a lot less, going for long walks, swimming and sauna. I have a perchant for sauna, I love chatting with people in them. It has also helped me break the ice, and just initiate a conversation without worrying too much instead just going with the flow. Saunas are also extremely beneficial for your skin and helps lose weight. I've put aside all food that do not support me, in other words I put good nutritional food in my body. You can look up junkfood, and see the correlation between bad food and mental health. A lot of mental illness is caused by a poor diet. Which could potentially lead you to falling back in binging in porn. A poor diet and porn is very related, in terms of junkfood, you get a boost of dopamine from the junkfood, like with the porn, but the outcome is detrimental for your well-being. I also advocate for cold showers, it helps build will-power, seeing the joy in adversity ( it adds character to your personality )
    I also had neglected sleeping a lot, even though I abstained from porn, eat cleaned, taking cold showers. I have begun going to bed at a specific time in the evening. It's hard to explain but it also helps you become a man in your prime. good luck
  2. CTRL + DEL

    CTRL + DEL Fapstronaut

    So if i understand this right, you quit porn and went on to use whores instead?

    My friend: you are no longer watching porn but instead jumping straight into the screen and inseminating the very women who make it...

    In MY opinion, that's the furthest thing from recovery possible. It's like quitting being a drug dealer and sniffing the very coke you'd otherwise stand back and admire. (!) But again, that's just my opinion.

    You more than met the criteria to post in this section and you have indeed quit porn (*applause*). But at what cost?

    Your life. Your rules buddy. I honestly don't mean to rain on your parade at all. I'm just trying to understand what i just read, to be very frank. I never realised "success" could be so controversial.
  3. Wow you were spot on with that post
  4. CTRL + DEL

    CTRL + DEL Fapstronaut

    Thank God it's not just me then.

    Okay. I see.
  5. The guys success story is one of the more different ones I have ever seen replacing one bad hobby with another more power to you buddy get help. I first read his post and thought someone way playing a prank but I think he was serous
  6. I totally agree. i have started eating more salad and raw food. I feel great for it! Eating Junk Food is also a great way to establish bad conditions where disease can prosper :oops:
    Thanks for the inspiration! :D
  7. Troels. L

    Troels. L Fapstronaut

    Well I can see where you are coming from, it's sure not the best way. But try to follow me here, unlike watching porn, which could be done non-stop 24-hours. Seeking escorts, is not something you could be doing repatively, since money don't grow on the trees. It's my opinion, it has helped quit porn for ME.
  8. Troels. L

    Troels. L Fapstronaut

    Well unlike you with the not so impressive streak of 1 day, I have succesfully quit my porn addiction. I didn't join this site, to live without sex, I came to stop watching porn practically 24 hours a day. Morally you're right, It's not the right thing I did, but I still want sex, it's not something I try to deny for myself. And I actually don't see how it is any better watching porn than actually paying for it in real life. It's just being passive, none is the better choice. But from my experience, I have done a lot of productive things to improve my life's quality.
  9. CTRL + DEL

    CTRL + DEL Fapstronaut

    Riiiight so this is gonna be a like a dick-size contest here right? I'll have you know the last time i watched porn was March of this year. That's what- at least 150 days? But my counter is at 1 because unlike your mediocre standards, i have to hit reset for M and O as well. On what basis are you comparing your P counter with my PMO counter? Your standards are so low, so obviously you'll perform well in comparison. But behind your counter lies the fact that you need whores to run from porn whereas i used something men like to call "self-control". Don't make this personal because if you do, i can easily trample over your pathetic excuse of a "recovery plan".

    If this is the case, why bring my counter into the spotlight? Ironically, it's far higher than yours if only P is concerned. And i'm 18 by the way. You're a 21 year old man. This recently turned adult is miles ahead of you as far as recovery is concerned. Let that sink in before you try to get personal. I mentioned in my post that i wasn't trying to be rude or anything but you just had to escalate it, right?

    Morally? Just morally?
    Biologically, spiritually (if you're religious) and ethically, i'm in the right here. Nobody asked you to deny sex. You set your own standards. I'm just pointing out that if you need prostitutes to satiate that need, you're definitely not in recovery. The idea here is dopamine. It is the fundamental hormone in all addictions and interacts with delta-fosB to produce the phenomenon of urges. You aren't recovering at all; you're getting the same (even higher actually) levels of dopamine from women who sell themselves for sex.

    Right. Your life. I was very clear to mention this in my post. Your life; your rules.
    So be a mature 21 year old here, act according to your words and stop comparing your P streak to an 18 year old's PMO streak.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  10. Troels. L

    Troels. L Fapstronaut

    I just don't how you have the audacity to comment on another man's thread, with such a low streak. I reset when I masturbate as well, that's why my streak is 69 and not well above 200 days ;) I just don't get where you are coming from, only focusing on one part of my success story. like exercising, and eating healthy. I just don't respect your opinion, and how you dare to have the nerve to tell me how to go about solving my issues.
  11. CTRL + DEL

    CTRL + DEL Fapstronaut


    Again, it's higher than yours o_O so i don't know what you mean by this. And last i checked, i didn't have sex with any whore in my life :) Some of us are able to attact females without paying for them and even so, i insist on being a virgin because i know that if i'm unable to handle M, i'll be unable to handle a possible sex addiction, which you seem to be developing by the way o.o
    I love that you're unable to contradict anything i've said and so remain focused on my current counter. I've joined nofap for 9 months now and i had a 101 day streak already meaning at least 3 months have been completely PMO free. The real estimate would be 6 months including all my other streaks but that's not the point here, is it? The real deal here is that your criteria for success is warped to the point of being no real success at all. I'm saying this ironically out of concern for you because you can easily contract a venereal disease this way. At least P and M don't give anyone those.

    I'm focusing on the only part of your story that makes it a success and hence pertinent to this section. It's great you lost your breasts, really, but that has nothing to do with the criteria for being here, which just so happens to be 30 days of achieving your goal- a goal which is in this case so self-contradictory that i'm unable to fathom why a man who is 3 years older than me can't understand or come to terms with. I'm not questioning that you really reached 30+ on your counter; i'm questioning the validity of your method and so far, you have given absolutely no appropriate reply to that and are instead adamant on focusing on my PMO counter (which is most unanalogous to your P counter). Like i said, if P streaks alone are considered, i still surpass you.

    If you don't respect criticism, why should you expect others to respect your point of view? Strangely enough, i'm still managing to do that with you so this behaviour is most one-sided.
    And on the same note, you are on a forum. If you don't expect people to give their opinions and advice, leave. The only place here you can post utter nonense like this and escape critiques is your in own journal. You're the one out of place here o_O

    I recommend you see an addictions counsellor and admit to them that you've replaced one addiction with another. I'm sure you can find some help in a professional because you're unable to see the errors in your ways. But that's still fine you know. You live and you learn. Don't let the age thing bother you.
    I also recommend you find some time for self contemplation and meditate on your state of affairs. Only once you see the list of problems can you solve them.
    I would additionally recommend you educate yourself on the biology behind addictions. Yourbrainonporn is the best site to start off with in this case actually. You can't see an error unless you have knowledge, after all.
    Lastly, i also recommend you turn to whatever faith you (may) believe in and ask a man of religion if your God condones and encourages prostitution. It's always good to have Godly advice.
  12. Troels. L

    Troels. L Fapstronaut

  13. Troels. L

    Troels. L Fapstronaut

    Well IAmLegion for the record, don't lecture me on anything. I know about dopamine release, and this habit I have developed which is not best of choice I could have made. I admit my shortcomings lol, you also keep commenting on my age and you are way ahead of me so on. Listen Legiondude, I found out about nofap, in 2017 august. So you are not any longer ahead of me? you just found it at a younger age at me. I also can easily attract females, I have always had women being interested in me, I just never had the courage to do anything about it. Maybe you should get one yourself before you turn a 40 year old virgin like the movie lol.
  14. CTRL + DEL

    CTRL + DEL Fapstronaut

    You do realise i mentioned that because i have much higher libido at 18 than you do at 21 right? And i'm managing better than you. You could take it to be motivation like most people would, but i forgot you're most definitely not like most people lol

    1. You ought to be more mature than me at 21. You are not.
    2. You ought to have better self control at 21. You do not.
    3. You ought to learn from experience and advice. You refuse it outright. o_O
    4. You compared yourself to me to start off with actually. So don't blow a fuse when i point out your blatant incompetency. Face facts. You are childlike and rude. I had no malintent when i came here but your reply was far from decent (or true lol)

    Prostitutes are "interested" in everybody with a wallet. :O

    This is a case of a pot calling the kettle black. This is not my thread so i won't answer with my personal life experiences on the matter, but i can assure you, i have been raised in an environment where dignity outranks virginity. I can understand you may have had poor parenting on the matter but i do not. I have been taught that love and dignity precede intercourse. And i have rather painfully upheld that morale to date. You, obviously, have no such thoughts to begin with.

    I'd like to point out at this stage that this thread is really beginning to steer off from it's original subject matter. You haven't answered a single question i have posed so far and instead persist on engaging me personally. Again, for someone 3 years older than me, act like the more mature person here please.
  15. Troels. L

    Troels. L Fapstronaut

    And again you feel like you are above me for being younger? and what exactly is your question?
  16. CTRL + DEL

    CTRL + DEL Fapstronaut

    And because of the 4 other reasons I gave, yes. Don't blame me, you're the who who started comparing.

    Quitting porn at the cost of replacing them with prostitutes strikes you as a success?
  17. leo da king

    leo da king Fapstronaut

    Tbh, trashing someone because of their 1 day streak is just mean -_-. Just because you have a better streak than them, doesn't give you the right to trash them.
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2018
  18. CTRL + DEL

    CTRL + DEL Fapstronaut

    Funny thing is, he still doesn't XD
    leo da king likes this.
  19. Troels. L

    Troels. L Fapstronaut

  20. Troels. L

    Troels. L Fapstronaut

    Well I came her to get out a foggy state of mind, escaping from reality by masturbating to porn. That aspect is gone, I don't have porn as my solace when things don't go well. and by the way, your streak is not higher than mine? I stopped watching porn in January? you stopped in march?
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