Desperately needing advice

Discussion in 'Partner Support' started by Deleted Account, Aug 19, 2018.

  1. So after thinking about it, my journal or PM is maybe the best spot for this to land right now because it's what I'm living light now. Once I have time to reflect on this situation I will likely create a thread for men seeking healing for their wife and start it out with my experiences, good or bad.

    My journals first entry does include Doug Weiss's Helping her heal video after all.
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2018
  2. It's my mom's 1st day of chemo...she's on her way over to spend the morning w/ & the grandkids before the poison enters her veins. I am dreading seeing the back of her head as she closes the door to leave. That will most likely be the last time I see my mom "normal" ever again...

    Last night, my husband slept in another room, per my boundries. I've been up with our son for over an hour. I know my husband has been awake & can hear us. He chose not to come & see how his wife is holding up. When he did get out of bed, small talk was made. At this point, I'm positive he'd show more compassion to a complete stranger in my position than his own wife. I've lost what was once my best friend. I just needed a friend this morning, you know? I was his friend & there for him after everything he's done to me. What a twisted, cruel world.
  3. You would be surprised the amount of noise a box fan can mask. I honestly had no clue you were awake.

    It's literally the only thing i had time for. The first thing that happened when I walked out of the room our 3 year old son immediately exhibited anger by screaming go away and then running into another room to hide. We both know the only way we have been able to pull him out of this nose dive of hate and anger is distraction. So I said I was going to take him out side which to be honest I was quite surprised by your immediate response of no. I'm glad you reconsidered as our boy went from angry and hurtful to fun and loving in a matter of minutes.

    We both know the kind of day it would have been if we let him feed on his anger.

    My actions this morning had nothing to do with me disregarding your feeling and emotions and had everything to do with trying to fix the damage we have done to our kids.

    I love you. I care about your feelings. This will never change.
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2018
  4. There have been many times where this would have been correct but this morning it doesn't apply.
  5. Thank you for of luck to everyone on your journey's!
  6. Queenie%Bee

    Queenie%Bee Fapstronaut

    Totally get it ! I’m sorry i responded to him , I just have the problem of trying to get someone to listen lol but I have my own at home that won’t listen ;)
  7. sparkywantsnoPMO

    sparkywantsnoPMO NoFap Moderator & Yeoman


    This thread has degraded from the OP. It has been placed under a temporary lock while it is cleaned up.

    Posts not relevant to the OP may be edited or removed to restore flow and users involved may be warned and / or muted in accordance with moderation policy.

    As a reminder, keep personal disagreements private and off the thread and that even if you don't agree with someone's advice, that's not license to publicly call them out. Attack the issue, not each other.

    The thread will be unlocked once review is complete unless it is determined it cannot be salvaged.

    Very Respectfully,
    Moderation Team
  8. sparkywantsnoPMO

    sparkywantsnoPMO NoFap Moderator & Yeoman

    The thread has been restored.

    A hijack occurred in this thread. Normally, a hijack is deleted entirely, however there was an interesting discussion. As a result, it has been moved here:

    Any attempts to restart that conversation here will be removed.

    Please note this thread is in the Partner Support section. As such, all comments should be towards helping the partner through her betrayal trauma. Please stay on topic.

    Threads that were attacking towards users were removed. Please treat each other with respect.

    Moderation Team
    kropo82 likes this.
  9. I am the OP. I am the wife of a PA. I am in tears at this circus. You deleted my ending reply to this thread, you know, the one I started. The one I've watched become nothing about my original topic. You deleted MY RESPONSE TO EVERYTHING YOU CONTINUE TO LEAVE UP. What in the hell is wrong with you?!

    Let me tell you a little story....i have toddler twins. I stay home alone with them as of the past couple of weeks due to my mom's declining health (she would help watch them 3 days a week). My time is VERY valuable & I'm not being dramatic. I spent 2 HOURS typing my response you felt the need to delete w/out speaking to me first. The only 2 hours of free time I have is during my children's nap. You just kicked a grieving wife while she's down. Bravo. Bravo.

    Because of this thread, my husband @Tryingforfamily was contacted & he reached out to fellow PA's & SO's. That hadn't happened before. A spark has been lit in his brain, I think....I am completely for getting to see the raw side of this recovery. I have NO PROBLEM continuing this thread (actually, I do now that the mods decided what could stay or go), I just don't want it on MY PAGE. That's it. Now it's a circus & I'm humiliated.
  10. Queenie%Bee

    Queenie%Bee Fapstronaut

    YOU don’t have anything to feel humiliated about !! I totally get your frustration. It takes A LOT for an SO to speak up ! I was able to read the whole thing and I responded to your last post but then it locked , what I said was that I was only responding to him because sometimes weirdly enough a PA can see it from an SO because they aren’t in it with US , no emotions, just matter of fact . I don’t think I said anything to overstep . Do you have a journal ?
    kropo82 and Trappist like this.

    & other threads I've written. I absolutely need to start writing consistantly. Very therapeutic...

    It was not anyone's responses to my husband that were bothering me; they were all very helpful! I was coming at it as "Oh, just some more awesome advice he won't take", if that makes sense. I felt it was a waste of "my" initial post. I 100% appreciate the advice/resources/etc..

    NO WORRIES, my friend!
  12. Queenie%Bee

    Queenie%Bee Fapstronaut

    You can start a journal and have all your thoughts in one place , there’s also a private forum for SO , mines safer there especially on my days where I’m spiraling lol lots of SO support over there , I like to read and post here to because I’m interested in hearing the other side too
    EyesWideOpen and Deleted Account like this.
  13. I think I will...there was "dday", but the aftermath (other than him being PM free 40+ days) has been anything BUT recovery. I suppose it'll be titled "when the sunshine fades: what's it's REALLY like to realize this recovery hasn't even broke the surface" "as the SO's life turns" "beating my head against the wall: a SO talks of turning into a parrot due to constant reminders".


    Thank you for understanding. I feel less like I'm walking on a tightrope!
    kropo82 likes this.
  14. Queenie%Bee

    Queenie%Bee Fapstronaut

    Lololol I’ve come up with many as well !!
    “ Married to Captain OBTUSE “
    Deleted Account likes this.
  15. sparkywantsnoPMO

    sparkywantsnoPMO NoFap Moderator & Yeoman

    Please note your response was not deleted. It was moved to the alternate thread.