Hobby Suggestions?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by nicetrybrain, Aug 19, 2018.

  1. nicetrybrain

    nicetrybrain Fapstronaut

    I realise that one ofmy problems is that I have too much spare time. I get bored, one thing leads to another and bam, relapse.

    Does anyone have any suggestions of hobbies? I know it's quite a broad question but I'd be open to any suggestions.

    - I have a lot of hours in the day (3+ minimum) where I don't really need to anything.
    - I l(previously) enjoyed videogames, I play an instrument and I'm up for reading

    I'm not sure what else would help give a better idea of what I may like but any suggestions are welcome.
  2. Iwannaquitplz

    Iwannaquitplz Fapstronaut

    Exercise like cycling, climbing, a sport, water sports, etc.
    Learn a language.
    learn to cook better.

    There is a lot out there...
    tōa, Anda and Ian 870521 like this.
  3. Anything besides pmo. Even if that means sitting around and doing literally nothing (meditation)
    GREGOR hulse likes this.
  4. nicetrybrain

    nicetrybrain Fapstronaut

    Thanks! I go to the gym quite a lot already so that's something productive but at most it's only 2 hrs out of my day, and it's usually in the morning. I think I might take up 'drawing' but try and learn some kind of animation/get better at photoediting
  5. nicetrybrain

    nicetrybrain Fapstronaut

    honestly, this never works for me
  6. What instrument?

    Find a living group to join such as a band, quartet. Play for an old folks home,
    play on the street corner, teach.

    P takes your motivation to do things.

    Start small, bigger decisions follow.

    I 'play' Pandora, SO played a violin and had a group and friends with whom she played.
  7. nicetrybrain

    nicetrybrain Fapstronaut

    I play the piano, did so for a choir last year. I'm in a bit of transitional stage, going to move cities soon but i'll consider joining some kind of group when I move. Thanks for the suggestion.
  8. The choir sounded like such a great thing. Sang in one long ago.

    They tolerated me there. If something sounded off to the choirmaster, I lip sync’d until it sounded better to him.
    Nice Sunday activity.
  9. itsrob

    itsrob Fapstronaut

    Writing. Turn your thoughts into stories
    Heath likes this.
  10. ReadyToStop

    ReadyToStop Fapstronaut

    I would look to see what classes are offered in your community. Colleges always have them, community theaters, coffee houses, etc. might have listings. They are a great way to try something new plus meet people.
    nicetrybrain likes this.
  11. Start reading, hiking in nature, cooking etc.
    nicetrybrain and Heath like this.
  12. lamstronger

    lamstronger Fapstronaut

  13. Mfsx4dm2

    Mfsx4dm2 Fapstronaut

    Volunteer, get a second job, go travelling, become one of those piano players at fancy restaurants:)
    nicetrybrain likes this.
  14. JoePineapples

    JoePineapples Fapstronaut

    Learn a language?
    Learn to code?
    Learn a 2nd instrument?
    Build a model (a guy on here has bought a Lego spacecraft, and is adding a piece every day he is PMO free... Won't take up 3hrs a day, but still a nice idea)
    Build a bike?
    Learn electronics?
    Set a reading challenge?
    Learn Yoga?
    Learn ballroom dancing?
    Master a particular software program?
    Design and build an App/game?
    Write a novel?

    Just a few ideas off the top of my head... Do you feel drawn to any of them?
    Xtraxtra, tōa and nicetrybrain like this.
  15. KillCommunism

    KillCommunism Fapstronaut

    I'm learning node.js to improve my website that I built from scratch.

    I started a Youtube channel. Haven't uplodaded anything to it yet, but I already have a video recorded, cut and edited. I'll be uploading it either when I finish my website and it goes live, or when I feel the video is complete. There are still a thing or two I'd like to add to it. Also, aside from coding, I'm also teaching myself Adobe Premiere Pro, a video editor. It's actually not as difficult as I'd built it up in my mind to be. It's actually fun if you're working on a project you're passionate about. That video I mentioned. I cut it and edited it in less than a day, while learning the software, and I spent about 12 hours in a row on it. It became an obsession for that day. It helps that I had the day off from work that day. I already know how to use FL Studio, to arrange songs, to mix and to master (sort of, I'm no professional of course) so my channel will be almost completely custom made by myself, sort of like that Coach Redpill guy's youtube channel. He makes all his stuff, his own music and edits his own videos. That's part of why I enjoy his channel, apart from the good content he makes.

    I've also started reading more. Recently I've read The Art of War, and I'm currently reading Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill. I stopped listening to music while exercising and instead listen to audiobooks. I got that idea from Elliot Hulse, the youtuber. Highly recommended. He's very motivational. I'm currently listening to the 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene. Even if you're not into the Machiavellian way of being, you should still listen to that audiobook just for the guy narrating it. His voice is awesome. It's also easier to keep focus on exercising while listening to audiobooks than whiel listening to music. While listening to kmusic, I found myself often just stopping my routine just to switch the song to something else.

    Anyway, those are just some ideas. Look up free udemy, lynda courses. Think of things you'd like to learn and just teach yourself something that will benefit you in the long run. Youtube is also an incredible resource for learning different things.
    Anda and nicetrybrain like this.
  16. Becoming Jasmine

    Becoming Jasmine Fapstronaut

    I would recommend maybe doing some survival training. Just some manual reading, hiking, or practicing some sort of technique. I personally find it very awakening.
    nicetrybrain likes this.
  17. nicetrybrain

    nicetrybrain Fapstronaut

    Damn, I would love to get a job playing ambient music in a restaurant. How to make it happen...
  18. nicetrybrain

    nicetrybrain Fapstronaut

    Thanks for so many suggestions!
    I like the idea of learning the bass guitar (if I can afford one), and maybe instead of building a bike, I buy on eand start riding again. I am trying to start making content on YouTube (instead of watching hours a day) but I still need to do more research/get better at speaking in front of a camera so that's definitely something I can do.
    JoePineapples likes this.
  19. nicetrybrain

    nicetrybrain Fapstronaut

    That sounds pretty cool; do you have anywhere I should start with this?