Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Future role model, Aug 7, 2018.

  1. Let's all make a list of random skills that you consider cool. Those are the skills that get WOW reactions from people around when performed. You don't necessary have to be able to do any of them, just write down what you consider to be awesome and you might want to learn to do. Note that cool doesn't equal useful.

    These are few of mine:

    Some gymnastic and calisthenic moves


    Back flip, front flip, handstand, front lever, planche etc. I cannot do any of this, but I would love to... I can do muscle up, pistol squat and L-sit which isn't that impressive. I honestly believe that some of these aren't that hard, many kids can do handstand and flips, you just need good technique and don't need much strength. On the other side, planche definitely requires some strength. I can imagine how badass I would look if I randomly did back flip in my gym class, everybody would go mad!

    Solving Rubik's cube


    I've learned how to solve it in few hours, it's not that hard. You'll need to remember few algorithms but it's not that complicated. I used this site to learn it. There are probably more efficient ways to solve it, but this one is pretty easy. I actually have a friend who can solve it with eyes closed for less than a minute, and for 10sec with opened eyes. I don't know why, but it looks badass to me.



    I don't mean on football/soccer juggling(even tho I LOVE FREESTYLE). I think it would be cool to be able to juggle few apples. It cannot be that hard, I'll try to learn it!

    Speed reading

    This one is super useful, but it's cool at the same time. Many people aren't familiar with it so they get surprised when they see someone using a pen/stick and moving it at insane speed. I used to practice it a lot and definitely saw some improvements, my speed wasn't that impressive but I was still far better than the average reader. Sadly I haven't used it in a long time, now I'm reading like a normal person again because I'm often laying down, and I'll need some time to get used to high speed reading again.

    Those were few of mine suggestions. Make sure to share yours as well. If you can perform any of these, I'd be thankful if you could take some time and share some advice, it would mean so much to everybody who's trying to develop these. Let's all choose one skill and try to learn it, I'll start practicing juggling now!
  2. Few more came to my mind!

    Playing an instrument


    This doesn't necessary mean that you should in depth know what you're doing, I have a friend who literally learned few basic chords(forgive me musically schooled people, I really don't know what I'm talking about) and he is just watching youtube videos and remembering how to play particular song. He doesn't even have basic knowledge, just remembering, and he's able to play it on guitar. I find it cool to be able to play your favorite song. Of course, if you're willing to play "harder instruments" like violin, than it will take you some time. :D

    Dance moves


    Nothing too crazy, but knowing few cool moves will make you look awesome! It could be even some moves from Fortnight lol. I love break dance tho. Sadly I've never even tried to learn it...
    sparkz and Deleted Account like this.
  3. The Consigliere

    The Consigliere Fapstronaut

    Coding is pretty cool. I don't do it habitually or consider it an actual career or anything, but I do it for fun with Discord bots.

    Another skill is calligraphy. I did it a bit when I was younger and it was pretty neat, but never picked it up long term. Steve Jobs fell in love with this when he took a course at Reed and later on went into Apple's work with the first Macintosh.

    Learning a new language is always cool. I took French for 4 years in school but stopped taking it (wasn't too fond of school). But it's really cool not only learning a new language but the culture that surrounds it. Maybe one day I may pick up French again and another language!

    Lastly another one off the top of my head. That would be copywriting. Basically copywriting is writing with the purpose of advertising or marketing something specific. I consider it a cool skill because every great product or brand won't be heard if there isn't a great voice behind it. I've been dabbling a bit into this writing ad copies for other business ventures I'm doing, but's it's something valuable. Think of Apple. Steve Jobs used to call the agency he worked with at 3 AM to argue about ads. It's that important.

    I'll leave it at that. But those are skills I consider cool to me.
    kropo82 and Future role model like this.
  4. I can totally agree with coding. I'm going to high school specialized for software development, and I work on many projects on my own. People always freak out when they see game that I've made and they can't believe it, they see coding as something super difficult, which isn't the case for me... It's cool when you are typing code and everybody is looking at you like some kind of genius hacker, but sometimes it looks a bit nerdy. :D

    Knowing foreign languages is super cool, but it takes a lot of time to learn. I was using Duoling for some time trying to learn German, but I really don't like their way of teaching... When I get financially independent I'll start taking courses for sure! German, French and Spanish are my main goals, but first I need to improve my English...

    Calligraphy would be very useful for me, because my handwriting is so bad, it's disgusting even for me to look at it... I guess writing a love letter using calligraphy skills would make anybody fall in love with you.
    GratifiedSlave likes this.
  5. Btw did you read a book about Steve Jobs? I'm interested in researching him, any suggestions?
    Deleted Account likes this.
  6. corado

    corado Fapstronaut

    The Stephe Jobs Biograpy..the, "The Byte in the Apple" but much more I like IWOOZ
    Bye the way,Stephe Jobs don't ejaculate while Sex
  7. Nice suggestions!
    I specially like drawing, because I'm so bad at it. I've watched few tutorials on YT and it doesn't seem to be that hard, at least drawing some caricatures. What really fascinates me is portraiture, my aunt is professional painter and she is so good at it, I wish I had some of her talent. xD

    Cooking is also great, I've heard girls like the guys who can cook.

    If I was ever going to try any fighting sport, it would probably be MMA. From what I've heard from some professional fighters, MMA is the most practical one if you get into real fight(I never did, but if it happens I want to be ready). Other fighters like boxers are probably the most badass people on this planet. I wish I had neck and traps like them.

    Chess... I used to be obsessed with it. I was watching every Magnus Carlsens game and trying to learn... It definitely takes a lot of time to improve, because there are so many parts of the game- openings, mid game, late game, mating, there's just so many things... My favorite chess player is Mikhail Tal, I love the way he sacrificed the queen, definitely made him look cool.

    Great suggestions guys, definitely will try some of these. Let's keep it up!
    Deleted Account likes this.
  8. Thanks for the suggestion! Yeah I've heard about it, his wife was speaking about him saving his sexual energy for the work.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  9. Foreign language
    Writing with both hands
    Telling jokes
    That coin thing where you roll it through your fingers
    kropo82 and Future role model like this.
  10. __zeXon__

    __zeXon__ Fapstronaut

    Beatboxing, singing, imitating voices, car drifting, skateboarding, parkour
  11. There are 2 more from me:

    Card tricks

    There are plenty tutorials on YT. You will have to learn some basic moves like forcing card, or fake shuffle or double card, but when you learn those, it's so easy to perform some cool tricks.

    Lucid dreaming

    This is the skill I really want to develop. It won't give you reaction from other people, but I want to do this for myself. The very idea that I can be limitless and do whatever I want sounds too good for me. I became lucid few times but got too excited and woke up... Last time I managed to stay calm but my phone started ringing and woke me up... :(:(:( I need to develop a habit of reality checks throughout a day.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  12. DinnerSpoon

    DinnerSpoon Fapstronaut

    Yeah, beatboxing is really cool thing, but a lot of people underrate it. If you want to start, try to watch Swissbeatbox channel on YouTube for inspiration and also check out tutorials on YouTube. It's really cool skill to develop!
  13. Building remote controlled glider airplanes.

    Marathon running.
  14. Fix_It_Mate

    Fix_It_Mate Fapstronaut

    Instruments are definitely really cool. In retrospect, I really wish I at least tried to learn one back in high school.

    I've always admired people who can play violin and also the piano. I wouldn't mind maybe trying to learn cello one day when I can put some time and particularly money together.
  15. Some people start to build instruments too;) but this seems to be not so easy.
  16. Harpsichord

    Harpsichord Fapstronaut

    I wish I could do that. It looks awesome

    Hey, it's never too late to start!
  17. FYI there is somewhere a YouTube how to learn anything in 20 hours and the guy learned to play ukulele.
    sparkz likes this.

  18. This one? :)
  19. Yes.
    Future role model likes this.
  20. Trevelyan357

    Trevelyan357 Fapstronaut

    - Restoring a classic car
    - Cooking
    - Baking (I think it requires more skill than cooking)
    - Knife throwing (accurately without hitting the neighbours cat)
    sparkz and Future role model like this.