The problem i am finding with a lot of forums

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by JohnnyVercetti, Aug 16, 2018.

  1. JohnnyVercetti

    JohnnyVercetti Fapstronaut

    If you go against their popular opinion or challenge it, a lot of members begin ganging up on you. Of course, it doesn't happen here which is great, but on a lot of message boards this seems to be happening and is becoming a trend.

    You would think going against popular opinion would be great for the forum, it creates intelligent discussion/healthy debates, but quite often you're under the scrutiny of the thought police. Basically, this is nothing more than a far-left mindset where you're seen as devaluing someone just because you have a different opinion to them.

    Kind of like questioning the victim. If you question the victim, exspecially in the UK, you're seen as a low life. For example, if you question the pay gap, you're immediately seen as a mysoganist. This is exspecially dangerous because we're stopping the debate before it has even started, kind of like the nazi's did on their termination of jews.

    I just got banned from a forum for questioning the gender pay gap in the UK. It doesn't matter if you state facts, it seems in this state of the world, we're now using 'feelings' and 'morals' as ways of tackling the bigger issues in the world. But the problem is, your feelings and morals won't ever cut crime rates, reduce drug factories or eliminate modern slavery.

    I had to get that off my chest. Feel free to add to this.

    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    If there were truly a wage gap, then why wouldn’t businesses hire more women seeing as they’d be cheaper labour? Those who push the wage gap cannot answer that, hence they only resort to name-calling and the ever-so-famous misogynist/toxic masculinity insults. Or they even censor. It’s all they can do.

    But one thing I notice that those on the Right don’t realise is nothing makes the Left more mad than what they perceive as social injustice. They legitimately fear over this. The media knows this, and they force feed social-related issues to them simply to keep them in a constant state of fear, in order to vote a certain way or push for certain causes. Then, what happens? The same movement, or the same Party, that they support, don’t even do anything for them.

    The contemporary Leftist ideology is nothing more than a giant, successful campaign of Stockholm Syndrome. They love their leaders, yet their leaders mentally enslave them with fear. True liberals like me broke off from their shenanigans long ago and even found comfort with the Right. This is also why some of the most vocative for equality for ALL (not this anti-male, anti-white stuff) were those who left the Left. I don’t think that social injustice truly left them; they just saw through the lies and push for actual equality of opportunity.
  3. hardowner

    hardowner Fapstronaut

    I've been banned from a bike forum in the past. The reason they stated was the fact that I was posting links of articles that were proving how artificial is the refugee/migrant crisis and the consequences. The thread was started by one of the mods or admins of the forum. Most of the members were antifa style, thug life, gangs etc and that's the way they used to act and behave, under the tolerance of the staff. If you were new or didn't have a "significant" bike, they were looking down on you, trolling you massively in teams and the rules weren't applicable to you. So they banned me, I was accused of spamming and being a Golden Dawn supporter. One bad reputation point was added to my account. All these without any warning. I just left that forum, I went to another one and at the moment I'm one of its moderators.
    Unfortunately, the admins of the forums many times are unfair and biased. Consequently, there is not any way for users to have equal and fair treatment. These admins will support whatever they agree with and fight whatever is against, without consequences. They implement the rules only when they are on their side. We can't do anything about this. Just leave, let the users that you agreed with know what happened, share contact details and in case that happens to them the same, they can follow you. Personally, I just left without looking back. Let them enjoy their monstrosity...
    MLMVSS likes this.
  4. Grey is colourless

    Grey is colourless Fapstronaut

    Once I got banned from the motivation forum for speaking hard science and truth : )) they weren't motivated enough to listen to it
    JJackson likes this.
  5. It does happen here.
    SanSolo and AngelofDarkness like this.
  6. JJackson

    JJackson Fapstronaut

    It does happen a tiny bit here, not much though. Specifically with people who think M is something you "should" be doing. Some of them act like you're a Nazi if you suggest otherwise, way too extreme.
  7. Fausterity

    Fausterity Fapstronaut

    All forums have some degree of groupthink, as do all societies and almost all organizations composed of more than 3 people. It's just human nature. Instead of trying to make everyone act as individualist critical thinkers, it's wiser to impose your beliefs on them.

    It's unfortunate, but collectivist strategies beats individualism every time. This is why the left has been winning for the past 100 years.
    hardowner likes this.
  8. Themadfapper

    Themadfapper Fapstronaut

    Nice thread.

    Unfortunately, it's not just the far left, the far right does it as well. Why people have to make everything political or get offended by everything I don't know? I like to debate, but a debate where you are not trying to harm the other by getting them to say something that will cause others to attack them.

    It's a shame that even online people can't even pretend to be civil, tolerant reasonable people.

    @ Fausterity. Probably has to do with how our societies started to begin with. As they all started with getting conquered and some form of enslavement. That collectivist strategy is still not ok, because regardless of it being more "effective" it's harmful to the well being of the people and works out very poorly for masses.
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2018
  9. CTRL + DEL

    CTRL + DEL Fapstronaut

    I mean -you know- the name of the website is:


    Can you really blame them?
  10. kingpietro

    kingpietro Fapstronaut

    I got banned at a punk forum because i was for flemish independence (political views
    hardowner likes this.
  11. JJackson

    JJackson Fapstronaut

    What? That goes against what they're saying which is to continue fapping because its "good for you"
  12. hardowner

    hardowner Fapstronaut

    MO is not bad. PMO is what leads to disaster. MO is bad when you are wired the wrong way...
    Deleted Account and MLMVSS like this.
  13. JJackson

    JJackson Fapstronaut

    Maybe not inherently but when you're a sex addict (which we are just a subset of) its not. That's exactly why guys here can go long ass streaks without porn, because they're still getting the dopamine they want from M (Which I stupidly did for 100 days) Continuing to MO is just continuing to abuse your dopamine receptors and not let them heal.

    You say its only a problem if your wired the wrong way, right? Well if your if you're on this site then you probably are. Same with P, not inherently bad unless you're fucked up like we are. But that's not acknowledged by anyone.
    hardowner likes this.
  14. hardowner

    hardowner Fapstronaut

    That's excactly what I say...
  15. JJackson

    JJackson Fapstronaut

    Ok, cool. I was just talking about the guys who go ape shit on you for stating those facts because "FUCK YOU ITS NATURAL" Its like they have nothing else in life but M and you're trying to take that away or something, actually kinda funny to be honest.
  16. Pastor Preston

    Pastor Preston Fapstronaut

    Generally, in the US too, you don't talk much about right wing politics, even at a conservative Christian university--unless if, of course, you hold the same position as the person with whom you are speaking. The wage gap would be a bad thing for me to talk about (even factually) considering the number of feminists where I am.
    hardowner likes this.
  17. I just use the "ignore" function here with abandon.
  18. CTRL + DEL

    CTRL + DEL Fapstronaut

    Ohhhh you have no idea partner hahahahahahaha
    Deleted Account likes this.
  19. hardowner

    hardowner Fapstronaut

    This might help:
    Trappist and Pastor Preston like this.
  20. Pastor Preston

    Pastor Preston Fapstronaut

    hardowner likes this.