Meditation Challenge - 60 days

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by meatsandwich, Mar 24, 2018.

  1. 10 days completed..
    Today is gonna be day 11....
    Starting 15min mediation now...
    PowerfulSRE likes this.
  2. Day 11..
    I tried headspace for 10 day trial and it was awesome....
    Unfortunately i have to buy it for more....
    I dont intend to do that now...

    I thought .. OK I WILL DO NON-GUIDED MEDITATON... and i mediated for 15 min.....
    IT WAS AUFUL.... very awful indeed...

    Please tell me how do you guys do meditate....
    Im in real need for help...
  3. You guys know this guy...?
    THAT'S ME.... i never realized i had been 18 days onto mediation previously...
    @Dane17, @Awakeatlast ,@stephanD, were great supporters...
    I am soon planning to get back to that old time....
    OH! Miss those days...
  4. Day 12.
    Meditated for 15min this morning.
    thank god i found some great meditation sessions of andy again.
  5. Day 13 ...
    Not the best of my meditation ....
    but something better than nothing....
  6. Day 14.....
    Improvement in 15 min meditation
  7. Day 15 ..
    it was probably good enough
  8. Day 16.........
    Did barely 7min today..... My meditation was interrupted in between....
    Still I did not really get angry........ but definitely i realized that being interrupted in between meditation is not pleasant
  9. Day 17...
    It was nice ... very nice indeed
  10. I think the thread is getting lonely......
    I think meditation is a very great practice and i also suggest @Dane17 , @SendMeAn, @Duellant, @Figs666 to join this forum....... If you are ready for it....
    It's ok if you want to get yourself some space for sometime..

    WARRIORMAN Fapstronaut

    Meditation is a great practice . It's allows you to really get to know yourself.
  12. PowerfulSRE

    PowerfulSRE Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Thank you for reminding us, sometimes that is needed :). I know Meditation is really helpful, and I know I need it. But now is the part of the year when I don't have a chance to do it. I have allergic rhinitis, and I an not able to breath 24/7. It will be better in a month or two, and I will definitely start this challenge again. The good thing is that I am almost 30 days clean of porn. That's a new personal :D

    WARRIORMAN Fapstronaut

    Mystery all , some of the most agitated meditation are your best ones , meditation isn't always suppose to be pleasant , it unearths buried emotional trauma some serious some cringeworthy but it brings them to the surface and shines your light on them and they lost their power , and you realise that the voice in your head isn't your voice but that of the environment you grow up in . You will have many many beautiful revelation and each one gets you closer to who you really are , and the closer you get to your true beautiful self that is pure ,perfect and complete , the more comfortable you are in your own skin and that my friend is an adventure worth embarking on .

    Aim for half hour morning and a half hour evening and do that every day . Bro you like me used to able to visit pornhub for half hour morning and half hour evening EASILY EVERY DAY WITHOUT FAIL .

    Now we use that time . I recommend getting a calendar and marking off each day as you do it , the first month is hell , the second month is way easier but still an effort , the third month is so so easy to maintain the habit .

    If I could visit the 20 year old me , the number one habit I would say would be to meditate DAILY AND CONSISTENTLY .

    God bless my friend . If I can do it , you can do it
    first of all . You don't need it . EVERYBODY NEEDS MEDITATION . That's why we have an epidemic of anxiety and depression in Morden society with everyone self medicating on Netflix coffee and alcohol .

    Secondly , your condition doesn't stop you from meditating. My dad is 80 years old with Parkinson's disease and he still gets in two 45 minute sessions a day . I have a 3 year old son , full time job and a lot of responsibilities but I still get an hour done a day .

    Great . You are porn free the last month . You have the willpower to begin a meditation practice . Embrace the grind . Become the warrior version of yourself . Aim for half hour morning half hour evening . The first month is tough . Second gets easier , third is a breeze and your bulb will thank you for it
    Deleted Account and PowerfulSRE like this.

    WARRIORMAN Fapstronaut

    Day 81/60

    PowerfulSRE and Deleted Account like this.
  15. Thanks for reminding me @Mysteryball I completely forgot about this threat. I haven't meditated in a while. I was trying box breathing meditation and it wasn't going well. I'll try it few more times, if I keep doing bad than I'll return to Headspace.
    PowerfulSRE and Deleted Account like this.
  16. Thanks for such a wonderful post..
    it will definitely inspire all those joining this thread..........
    I will definitely try to improve myself... I will try to increase the length of my sessions as time will pass..........
    Thank you very much ..

    warrior mode activated!
  17. I didn't knew that you were continuing meditation!
    81 days! That's great..
    can you please tell what kind of meditation you do..
  18. Day 18....
    did 20 min meditation ..... soon hoping to improve in the length of my meditation.....
  19. PowerfulSRE

    PowerfulSRE Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Thank you for this.

    Day 1
  20. Day 19 ....
    A session of 20 min....