Atheists and NoFap

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Jul 16, 2018.

  1. I was listening to this podcast that features a number of ex-Christians now atheists. They have some interesting episodes but the female presenter is starting to annoy me now. When she talks about porn or the sex industry she acts like the only people who have a problem with porn are Christians.

    I also remember another atheist who was talking about this site and he said, "I bet the person who started NoFap is a religious person". Among certain atheists, there seems to be this attitude that it's just religious nut cases that do NoFap when it's not the case. Do the atheists Fapstronaut get mocked for doing NoFap? Does anyone think you're turning into a religious nutcase?

    I guess it's possible that most of us don't let people know we are apart of this site, so I guess it's impossible to be mocked for being apart of something that people don't know you're apart of. But I find it annoying that people assume everyone who quits porn is religious.
  2. tweeby

    tweeby Banned

  3. There seems to a lot of uninformed assumption about NoFap from people who seem to be reasonably educated.
    Gotham Outlaw and tweeby like this.
  4. Gotham Outlaw

    Gotham Outlaw Fapstronaut

    Imagine being so lazy you cant even check wikipedia. It says on the nofap wikipedia page than we were founded by an atheist and the forums have users of many religious beliefs. At the time I joined the forums I was questioning my beliefs, so a place that didn't have any religious rules was very appealing.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  5. Jackb97

    Jackb97 Fapstronaut

    An annoying atheist shocker.
  6. KS1994

    KS1994 Fapstronaut

    Some atheists think that if God does not exist then nothing matters. They let go of things like humility, moral development, dignity and ironically, reasoning.
  7. 33ctf6m8pdpq

    33ctf6m8pdpq Fapstronaut

  8. Is being thought of as a religious person that offensive? It also sounds like a knee jerk atheist position to be skeptical of trad values and moral judgement surrounding sexual issues. Christians have similar knee jerk reactions around science based arguments and information on LGBT or environmental issues. I wouldn't stress it. Seek true and push back against either side that ignores it.

    Also I am a religious nutcase and a nutcase in general so I'd be surprised if people didn't think that about me ; ).
  9. Ok.

    "Seek truth" LOL :)
    Deleted Account likes this.
  10. kropo82

    kropo82 Fapstronaut

    Well I'm an atheist (albeit a strange one) and the agnostic nature of these forums was important to me. When I started trying to give up porn in 2010 the only websites and forums I could find were very Christian. It wasn't until 2016 when I was desperate to break the relapse cycle that I looked again and found these NoFap forums. Possibly the wrong term, but for me this has proved a godsend.

    Do you have a link to the podcast?

    Was this in the same podcast series or somewhere else?

    That is annoying. It'd be great if you point us to the podcasts so we can leave comments that set them straight.

    Indeed. I am still ashamed of my addiction and am nowhere near proclaiming my reboot publicly without hiding behind this pseudonym.

    Or go further, do not worry too much about seeking truth, just seek out the things that help your recovery and jettison the things that lead you back to porn. If prayer, reading scripture, and church support groups help you stay clean then use them, if they are not for you then find other things. It really does not matter to me if people mistake me for a theist (they often do).


    That's not been my experience talking to other atheists, they seem as moral as my Christian friends (some more so).

    (N.B. One obvious thought for other atheists here: don't be tempted to discount the views posted by people of faith because of your atheism. I have had so many supportive and important, crucial even, discussions with Christians here, @vxlccm and @Saskia Simone to name but two. There are lots of posts here that talk about God, Christ, church, and scripture which also contain real nuggets of actionable wisdom.)
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2018
  11. SolitaryScribe

    SolitaryScribe Fapstronaut

    This is actually something that really annoys me. I always see it on youtube comments that people who do nofap are some sort of religious nutcases that are denying their sexuality. People outside of nofap can't fathom as to why you would ever want to quit masturbating so they just assume only religious people do it. it's so moronic and pathetic!
  12. MLMVSS

    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    The vast majority of OPEN atheists I know are toxic about anything pertaining to religion, and they consider sexuality to be freeing from it. As that’s only person anecdotal evidence, I try not to see all of them like that.

    I don’t think atheism or religion is the problem here. I think it’s closed-mindedness, which affects both sides.
    SolitaryScribe and Gotham Outlaw like this.
  13. Gotham Outlaw

    Gotham Outlaw Fapstronaut

    People like that are why I describe myself as non religious instead of atheist.
    MLMVSS, Hitto and SolitaryScribe like this.
  14. Does that mean you used to be a Christian?
    Gotham Outlaw likes this.
  15. The podcast is called The Airing of Grief

    On the latest episode (S2E15: When the Fire Subsided) they briefly talk about porn. They were talking about how porn was treated as only a male problem and the women who was the guest on the show talked about how alone that made her feel because she had a porn problem. But then the presenter seemed to be rather dismissive of the issue of porn by saying that the church says porn is a sin but only it isn't. Her whole attitude seemed to be awfully dismissive of porn being bad. Also another episode they had this episode of a woman who was a stripper and they were talking about how great it is to be one. Generally, the podcast is pretty good but it's just those two episodes that I found annoying.

    I understand that the church has pretty much-failed porn addicts because they treat as a moral problem rather than a brain problem. Treating it like a moral problem brings shame and shame increases the addiction. So I think her attitude may be a reaction to that. But it's like it's one extreme belief to another.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  16. There will always be those loud mouth arseholes regardless of religion, race, etc. While the actions of some seem to taint things like atheism or what not that doesn't bother me, because I'm an atheist and know I'm personally not like that. But it does get knackering when folks see a few bad eggs online and end up judging an entire thing, even though there's a bloody ton that aren't like that.
    kropo82 likes this.
  17. Gotham Outlaw

    Gotham Outlaw Fapstronaut

    Yes, I used to be christian.
  18. Whatever your beliefs are, NoFap is the way to go.
  19. HowayTheLads

    HowayTheLads New Fapstronaut

    I would completely agree on your point here - I have had a porn problem since before i left christianity and am now an atheist. Whilst still a christian I found the treatment of porn addiction as a sin really ineffective as it piled so much pressure, guilt and shame on me when i inevitably relapsed. (I believe the theology and the framework of it as a moral/sin thing caused me this shame, rather than the christian friends i discussed this with who were encouraging and supportive). It is only since reading about the brain's reward system, dopamine, dopamine pathways, neuroplasticity, etc etc in resources such as this site that i have found myself making more progress towards rebooting, i think i respond best to the brute facts!

    Whats more, for me the sober consideration of the consequences of not fixing this addiction in terms of what direction my life will continue to go in (downwards), vs the attraction of a vision of a porn-free life is what really motivates me now, and i think its something i never grasped when a christian.

    I think ex-christians can swing too far the other way once they get out - like woo go sex go porn! Pretty understandable initially. In my case the porn problem never went away and i ended up finding out about NoFap and yourbrainonporn, and thank goodness :p

    Anyway, whatever way we have got here we're all on the same NoFap journey so don't mind learning from anyone with something useful to say, whatever their personal views. Im brand new here, looking forward to the adventure!