
Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by DonkeyKong22, Dec 7, 2014.

  1. DonkeyKong22

    DonkeyKong22 Fapstronaut

    I'm very interested to know if you guys who struggle with porn addiction. And like myself struggled to use porn in moderation and ended up bingeing for hours.
    Have you struggled with using any other things in moderation.
    See i'm the type of person who can't keep chocolate in the house, because i'll eat it all.
    I can't keep cash in my wallet, because I spend it. And I got addicted to healthy eating and sports when I was 14 then I became very addicted to pmo.
    The thing is. I can control my personality for example, I manage to save my money by using bank accounts and I don't binge on chocolate because I choose not to buy it. But I really struggled with porn because it's very hard to choose not to buy it because it's so accessible from the home weather it be babe station, or the internet.

    I'd love to know if other people with pmo addiction struggle to use things in moderation.

    I consider myself to be self controlled. Iv'e never been addictd to drugs because I chose not to take them because I know with my personality I would binge. But with porn I never knew I could get addicted and it caught me by surprise.
    Sorry if i'm waffling.;)
  2. monkotto

    monkotto Fapstronaut

    43 know...yes...

    1. alcohol (stopped since 5 months)
    2. weed (stopped since 12 years)
    3. cocaine (stopped since 12 years)
    3. porn (trying to stop)
    4. hookers (stopped since 5 months)

    well i think this are enough unhealthy points. :)

    and i have no good relationship to money (alcohol, weed and hookers engulfed many of it!).

    damn this is a personality thing - a weak personality escaping into all this bad habits.

    btw i am 36 years old.
  3. TotalLifeChange

    TotalLifeChange Fapstronaut

    Hey man,

    they say smarter people have a greater tendency toward addictions.

    I, for instance, have a great addiction to the other natural reward (that is, food). As you say, if I have chocolate I tend to eat it all.

    In any case, I believe in my willpower and my ability to refocus my addictive personality toward more productive and positive activities (work, health...)

    So yeah, I struggle with using things moderately, but I thing it can be controlled for your own benefit.

    Don't give up!
  4. The "moderation" to porn is to actually do useful things, and to connect to other people.

    In fact, you PMO because you are somehow afraid of being successful and you are also afraid of connecting to other people. Common causes are: You fear criticism; or you can not say "no"; or you do not know what you want; or you know, but you have no plan on HOW to do it.

    So again, the idea is to become balanced, do you own thing, connect with other people, and learn to deal with fears and doubts.
  5. Yes, that's possibly because smarter people tend to think too much. Everything is analyzed before it is done. Therefore, these people should learn to ACT, not just to THINK.

    Also, smarter people often have higher fantasy. In their mind, they blow up everything. For example, a very banal comment of a woman is blown up in your mind, and you feel like you did a catastrophic mistake. You need to learn to deal with this, and not to panic everytime.

    All that comes with experience. So come out of your PMO cave, be ACTIVE, DO things, CONNECT to people.
  6. TotalLifeChange

    TotalLifeChange Fapstronaut

    I don't know I just read somewhere that studies show there's a correlation between addiction and higher IQ.

    But I don't see how overthinking leads to addiction. Precisely impulsive, non-thinking behavior is one of the features of addiction. Rational, think twice behavior is typical of more balanced people.

    But higher IQ can also mean more ability to rationalize impulsive behavior. One thing is to have logical, reasoning abilities and other is to use them properly.

    I don't know lol :D

    In any case I'd like to see a chart out of these studies. Maybe there's a correlation up to a certain point, then above that point the addiction correlation is reversed (i.e. higher IQ <=> less addiction).
  7. DonkeyKong22

    DonkeyKong22 Fapstronaut

    Great response. Thank you.
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2014
  8. KrmGrn

    KrmGrn Fapstronaut

    I have trouble with moderation in anything. It's pretty easy for me to get addicted to behaviors and ways of thinking, whether they're positive or negative. Which means I can't do negative things at all really. Just the way I'm wired, as I imagine many of us are. The solution for me is to use the way my brain works to my advantage. Stay away from the bad stuff and make the good stuff habitual.
  9. Well, IMHO people who overthink are not really balanced ;-)

    Intelligence has many aspects - analytical intelligence, social intelligence, ...

    Sometimes, only one aspect is highly developed, while the others are still behind (look at typical "nerds": the analytical part is highly developed, while the social part is neglected)