Should you CELEBRATE after reaching milestones?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by goodnice, Jul 1, 2018.

  1. goodnice

    goodnice Fapstronaut


    I am wondering how is the best way to respond to reaching a certain goal in nofap in the future. Is it a good idea or bad idea to make a celebratory post upon achieving say “1 month mark”?

    Or is it better to keep it to yourself and just have a silent victory.

    My experience and from what I have seen from many posts is that it is okay to celebrate but not too hard. I am more in favor of keeping it to yourself or maybe only sharing with the people close to you such as accountability partners.

    I feel like for some people celebrating, for example posting “WOOO I made it X days!!” can be a big boost to their morale and help them continue with renewed confidence. However it can also be detrimental to celebrate in this manner as it can lead to arrogance and a false sense of security in beating PMO. I think many people don’t understand that you can never fully “defeat” PMO- it is a life long battle. As I have read by many other people that have gone on long streaks (2,3 months and relapsed right after or before 90 days), it is easy to have a skip in mentality and become too cocky and celebrate too much. I like to say that “you are never really out of the woods”. Even after a year of nofap, is watching P okay? Definitely not. It doesn’t make you immune to the effects of PMO. There is always the chance to fall and that is why we should be constantly vigilant

    I think erring on the side of caution and not being too celebratory is better at least for me but what do you all think?

    In light of saying all this, I would like to announce that today marks 90 days of nofap! Haha yes I contradicted myself by celebrating here... but don’t worry I don’t intend on letting my guard down:)
    Woodcutter74 likes this.
  2. Fallensoldier1

    Fallensoldier1 Fapstronaut

    I’m not sure about the post. But congrats on 90 days! I think big milestones such as 30,60, and 90 can be post worthy. Especially 90!
    goodnice likes this.
  3. I can understand your arguments. I think celebrating and sharing your experiences will help others to understand better the benefits of nofap. I read a lot the "success stories" thread before join here, helped me to know what nofap is. This is a endless battle. I think relapsing isn't a big problem, it is when you give up nofap. I like to think when I celebrate, I'm helping others with the motivation they need to succeed theirs addictions.
  4. CELEBRATE is just CELEBATE - an R and spelled incorrectly.

    I'd say celebrate but on a small scale, & keep your reward to yourself
    goodnice likes this.
  5. Woodcutter74

    Woodcutter74 Fapstronaut

    Interesting post goodnice. First of all, I think you should be extremely proud for hitting the 90 day mark and you have every right to celebrate. I'm always happy to see people write about their accomplishments after 7 days, a month, two months, 3 months. I like to hear their ups and downs, how it improved their lives to quit PMO, and with great humility try to give good advice when needed. And when I say with great humility is because 22 days is my record so far and I'm curious to see how far I can go. I understand the cockiness part and can relate. It reminds me the times I quit drinking and smoking, I did not succeed the first times because I though I was beyond the temptations...but it took me a few times to stay on the wagon and I confess I still crave a Malboro once in a while. And the same goes with PMO. Some days I feel invincible and with an inner peace, and sometimes I still itch to see naked women on the Internet and my favorite porn actresses. The images are still in my head, but the temptation does not last 24 hours.

    One of the main reasons why we have failures in life is because we overestimate ourselves and underestimate situations, and vice versa. The first days, first weeks, first months of quitting PMO, we might underestimate ourselves and overestimate the situations because of the urges, the temptations, the stress and other side effects. And there are some who think after 3 months, 6 months, they are out of the woods. But as you say, we are never out of the woods completely.

    Therefore I say, we should never overestimate ourselves and never underestimate ourselves as well. We should look at everyday that we are free of PMO as a celebration, whether it is one day, one week, one month, one year. Once again, congratulations and keep staying on the right path :)
  6. I agreed. I've been in that situation several times. I had my suspicious about that in my moments and even noticed that sometimes, but now I'm sure this is true.
    Woodcutter74 likes this.
  7. moonesque

    moonesque Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    I “celebrate” these landmarks by reflecting on ideas about the things I have focused on during those times. NF is for life, not a milestone, however ideas will bear fruit forever when they are understood.
    goodnice likes this.
  8. Just become comfortable with it.
  9. goodnice

    goodnice Fapstronaut

    Excellent response. How I got this far is the no arousal method. basically not peeking at anything at all, maintaining complete control over my thoughts and not allowing myself to dwell on any sexual thoughts for even a few seconds. This is especially important in the 30 days to set the tone. Once you master this discipline, nofap can be pretty smooth sailing. Days 76-86 were shaky for me since I started PEEKING. But the secret is don’t peek and don’t seek! Check out my profile and look for the guy named Shin Lu. He has gone over 600 days nofap and has many threads that are probably some of THE most helpful stuff and advice on this site. For instance check out his 400 days thread. good luck brother
    Woodcutter74 likes this.
  10. Woodcutter74

    Woodcutter74 Fapstronaut

    Thank you I will follow your advice :)
    I also like Roady that I follow. He has good advice too.
  11. Woodcutter74

    Woodcutter74 Fapstronaut

    Good that you Crisreid22. I believe it happens to all of us. Let me know more about your progress, your ups and downs and what you learn :)