Move on from pornstar

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Adam smithsonian30, Jun 28, 2018.

  1. Adam smithsonian30

    Adam smithsonian30 Fapstronaut

    This is thread is more like a question from me and i hope u guys can help me out.

    How to move on from pornstar that u used to like to watch ?

    Let me know ur thought guys ,thx
    spaces likes this.
  2. CrimsnBlade

    CrimsnBlade Fapstronaut

    This is something I struggle with as well. I have all these names in my head, and that's what tempts me when the urges hit.

    I just broke from a 125 day streak, so I had some success in getting over this, though I've fallen back into it recently.

    The things I did most consistenly during that streak were every instance of boredom/triggers that would come, I'd get on NoFap. It turned into a reflex of if I'm on my computer and have a break (mostly I struggle at work) then I was immediately on these forums reading and posting. Another thing was I started exercising, eating better, reading more, and just taking better care of myself physically, spiritually, and emotionally.

    It's surprising how much that last one can help. When you're fulfilled by something other than porn and the actresses you like, you don't seem to miss them as much.

    Worst case, you should start to get rid of things that allow you to access porn. No computer, no phone, stuff like that. I got rid of my smartphone for 2 years, and sold my computer at home, so those outlets are no longer there for relapse.

    I hope this helps. I'm trying to take some of my own advice as well. Good luck!
  3. Hitto

    Hitto Fapstronaut

    Realize that they are acting and the way the look on the screen isn’t how they look in real life and also be aware that the could be doing porn just for money because they had no other way and they can be from a past of sexual abuse and also realize they don’t know you or care to know you this is just a job to them that’s just my opinion I’m over fapping to someone having sex with someone other than me and realizing it’s a waste of my time and sexual energy and not only that it is tainting my soul because the lust is bringing me down and making me feel empty to the point where I can’t even look real women in the eye or can have any type of intimacy with them
  4. Julius93

    Julius93 Fapstronaut

    Keep watching until you have had enough. This is will work, but it's not the best strategy if you want to quit. I you withhold yourself long enough from watching her, she will get out of your head eventually. That's the only solution.
    Adam smithsonian30 likes this.
  5. Adam smithsonian30

    Adam smithsonian30 Fapstronaut

    First i want to thank you for feedback,second my condition right now is im on my college summer break so bassically im at home most of the time since i got no one to hang out with in my home town ,and im at my phone 24/7 since i got nothing to do.

    I read a lot of books (ebook) from stephen king and any other books ,just try to distract my mind (np:if like to read as well n have account in goodreads u can add as friend

    How u get rid of your smartphone for 2 years ?how u connect with people ?how to keep yourself updated with anything that happens around you?im curious
    spaces likes this.
  6. Hitto

    Hitto Fapstronaut

    I’m sure he has had enough if he is on this forum lol Why enable the op to engage in more destructive behavior
  7. Julius93

    Julius93 Fapstronaut

    If he had enough, that thing wouldn't be on his mind. That's the thing about porn. You never have enough of it. We are on this forum, because we are aware of that fact. Isn't that true?
    spaces and Adam smithsonian30 like this.
  8. Hitto

    Hitto Fapstronaut

    Here’s the thing your thoughts aren’t always in alignment with your higher true self the brain will keep giving into the pleasure and lust until you put up some will power because if not you will keep on feeding the addiction at some point you will have to learn discipline in order to beat addiction
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2018
  9. CrimsnBlade

    CrimsnBlade Fapstronaut

    That's not good advice. In order to stop watching porn you have to watch more porn? That makes no sense, and will plant new images and things in his head to tempt him later on. Withholding himself though, that will work, like you said, it's just difficult.

    You'd be surprised how freeing it is to not have a smartphone. You stay connected with the people who matter, the people you aren't close to will fall away and that's ok. I still had a phone, it just only had text and calls. Staying updated with what's around me? If you care about it then you can keep up with the news, read the paper, stuff like that. I'm not too concerned with that stuff normally, but if I care enough about something I'll find a way to learn about it. If you're forced to go seek out places to find information, you might find yourself connecting to people more so than when you do on your phone. Just be willing to talk to people in person. Not having a smartphone is really a great thing to try in my opinion.
    Gotham Outlaw and Hitto like this.
  10. For me it was realzing it was a waste of time I was never going to meet them and THEY WERE ACTING NICE ON CAMERA GETTING PAID TO ACT PHONEY, Also the thought of thinking about a women who has been with over 200+ men without protection gave me the creeps I would hate to see the blood draw results for sexualy transmited diseases . .
  11. Adam smithsonian30

    Adam smithsonian30 Fapstronaut

    Nice thought ,appreaciated it thx
  12. Adam smithsonian30

    Adam smithsonian30 Fapstronaut

    Im gonna take your advice ,but instead extremely throw my phone a way and disconnected with internet im gonna gradually reduce it for sure,and if u not have phone or laptop how u get into this forum and write feedback in the first place?
  13. You can find out her real name and realize that her porn name is a character.

    Watch interviews with her on YouTube and she how she prolly cringes and seems off guard by some of the questions.

    These are some ways to make her a human being.

    Me: I have a magnet of my former fave in lingerie under my desk in slight visible sight at work for my eyes only. It’s kind Of like a little shot of methadone, and I’ll look it at, doesn’t cause me to be on my phone, then I just get back at it at work.
    Adam smithsonian30 likes this.
  14. Julius93

    Julius93 Fapstronaut

    You really believe that we don't know that. haha.
    Adam smithsonian30 likes this.
  15. Adam smithsonian30

    Adam smithsonian30 Fapstronaut

    U can do that ,if it power for u ,apreciate it
  16. Adam smithsonian30

    Adam smithsonian30 Fapstronaut

    Lets apreciate each other here
  17. Julius93

    Julius93 Fapstronaut

    I appreciate everyone. I just don't think you were that interested in the real name of the actress. It definitley yields a new searching option that might get you some interesting content, but it won't push you in the right direction I think. haha
  18. Gotham Outlaw

    Gotham Outlaw Fapstronaut

    If you agree that we never get enough of it why did you tell him to watch more porn? It's not helpful in any way.
    I wish I could give this multiple likes.

    @Adam smithsonian30 I'll echo what others have said. Abstaining will get her out of your head. At this point I don't even find porn stars attractive anymore.
  19. Julius93

    Julius93 Fapstronaut

    Re-read that post. I believe that the OP has understood what I meant by it. Porn gets boring very quickly. If you keep watching the same content over and over again, you will get enough of it at some point. The only thing is that it will be replaced by something else. It's a circle that never ends.
  20. My point was to show that is how fake porn is, when someone obsessses over a porn star, it’s the equivalent of obsessing over a fictional character.

    Learning a porn stars real name was my advice to see that whatever porn star someone obsesses over, is not the porn stars actual and genuine self.

    Great point. The porn star I obesessed over has implants, lip injections, and is designed to look like “the body of a goddess” (my opinion). I do not find implants as attractive or illuring anymore or as much.

    That’s where porn is designed for not just one content/genre. Im not gay or identify as gay, but i would even watch gay porn and masturbate because yes, I was bored of typical Guy on girl porn, so the rabbit hole grew deeper once I became bored.

    Please don’t think I’m trying to seem aggressive or an asshole @Julius93, just clearing up my original postings, and sharing my input and experiences so hopefully others can learn and stay strong.
    Gotham Outlaw and Hitto like this.