How to get over camgirl site addiction?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by joewillsucceed, Jun 25, 2018.

  1. joewillsucceed

    joewillsucceed Fapstronaut

    I have been using a particular cam girl website for a long time now. At least 6 years I would say (now 24 years old). I would use it on and off every month or so. It is expensive and I would use all my money. Now I use it every week or two. Maybe sometimes various times a week. I have a steady job now so I can afford it to a degree because I don't go out. I have become addicted to femdom stuff and more so to a particular woman/model on there. How do I kick this sad, wasteful, pathetic habit. It used to be something I'd use occasionally for a laugh when I was horny. Now I login everyday and spend money at least once a week. It adds up. I calculated the total amount I have spent on the website and it is shameful. How do I kick this addiction? I have deleted my accounts multiple times, removed my cards. Even taken time off but I always go back. Any advice appreciated! Thank you.
  2. I have had the same problem and spent thousands upon thousands of dollars on cam girls and phone sex.

    Really you have to go cold turkey and just quit altogether. That money you are gonna spend, set it aside and put it in a shoebox to save anytime you have an urge. It will add up.
    Strength And Light likes this.
  3. mannishboy2121

    mannishboy2121 Fapstronaut

    I have the same problem. I go to cam sites all the time, and it's really hard to quit them, but I have quit them as of yesterday. I installed an internet blocker that blocks them. But that doesn't get rid of the urges, I guess, at least this first day. But each time I remember why I've quit the cam sites and porn and masturbation in general: it's because first of all, and I have to keep reminding myself of this, cam girls don't care about you, they just care about your money. I literally had to remind myself of that a bunch today and it worked. I would much rather have someone who actually cares about me, in reality. So I keep reminding myself of that.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  4. This is the absolute truth. I used to spend so much money on cam girls, and phone sex operators that my financial peril is so shameful and embarrassing. I used to even take out payday loans just to feed my addiction to it, and I would even tell the voice on the other end “I want you to be my regular, pretend to be my other woman, be this, say that” nothing natural or genuine, all because I was paying.
  5. joewillsucceed

    joewillsucceed Fapstronaut

    The fact they don't care about me has always been apparent to me. I try to ignore it. I'm not sure if it bothers me that much to be honest. I know they are doing it as a job and I am just a punter. I think a part of me wishes they would feel some level of love towards me but I don't expect it. It did hit me the other day, had a great session with a model and i thanked her and made a joke. She ignored my joke and started talking to another member because he was a regular. Again, I'm not sure how much them not caring for me actually bothers me. What bothers me is how I keep letting these women "take" my money for such a pathetic act. The feeling of being in a loving relationship would be so much more satisfying and worthwhile. Not to mention cheaper! That being said, I don't want a relationship. Or do I? I am so confused. My main goal right now is to kick this habit of cam sites. I had a session straight after my op because "she" told me to.
  6. mannishboy2121

    mannishboy2121 Fapstronaut

    Yeah, to be honest, I had another session yesterday with one of the cam girls. I just cannot keep doing this! I don't have the money!

    I know what you mean in terms of the connection/love part.
  7. Yea, you should definitely try monk mode.

    No PMO, no sex, no stimulating media at all. That generally means cutting out all social media, most tv, movies, video games, whatever else might convey sexualized or suggestive material.
    Strength And Light likes this.
  8. mannishboy2121

    mannishboy2121 Fapstronaut

    I'm giving monk mode a shot. Thanks for the advice! I blocked Facebook and Instagram. I think I might want to block Google too because I just end up googling rationales to do PMO and how it's not that bad, etc.
  9. joewillsucceed

    joewillsucceed Fapstronaut

    A relief to see other posters having the same issues. I'm not alone! I think with modern technology now everything is so easily accesible. It's so easy to just waste money on cam sites with a few clicks of a mouse. It's convenient because you don't have to leave your room. Plus you bypass the social convention of talking to a person and leading to a romantic situation. Online you just jump straight to business no hassle. But it is all fantasy and just utterly wasteful. I don't think I can go monk mode. I will see how I get on for the rest of the week. If I start to get urges I will go monk mode. No choice.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  10. The Pacific Life

    The Pacific Life Fapstronaut

    I know exactly what you mean, while my issue wasn't exactly cam sites more of audios and phone calls (too afraid to do cam stuff) it's scary to know how much money can be wasted. I remember last year I spent almost 2500 dollars in two months on a site and I only stopped because my bank thought my card was stolen and that was a wake up moment for me. I felt awkward having to say all those charges were legitimate. I had the urge to do something similar today for the first time in about a year but I was able to rationalize after several minutes that this is the addiction talking not me. Hang in there, you can do this!

  11. Trust me, you’re not alone! I spent probably more and nearly maxed out my credit card on phone sex hotlines and monthly chat/hookup sites. It’s super embarrassing and shameful to tell the bank, yes those are mine. Even if the charges are billed “discreetly”.

    And I feel phone is worse because they are designed to waste as much time as possible and prolong everything to get more money.
  12. The Pacific Life

    The Pacific Life Fapstronaut

    It certainly is a sobering feeling but only when you hit rock bottom like that do I think we really start to realize just what we've done. Now like you I have a new job and my income is much better than it was last year when I wasted all that money. I really don't want to regress. It was hard to fight the urge the worst I've ever experienced before. I won't go into details here as I don't want to trigger anyone. Thank you for making this post as I had read it earlier today and when I was struggling it came to my mind and really helped me reject my urges.
    Strength And Light likes this.
  13. joewillsucceed

    joewillsucceed Fapstronaut

    I haven't spent that amount in a short period of time. Just because I don't have that much money at any one time. What I do spend is too much for my income. Between May & June I have spent about $500. It's been a bad couple months in terms of my addiction. If I was rich I could see myself spending thousands and thousands. I started out using phone lines but it didn't do it for me. Cam sites are more exciting. I remember when I first started using them it was a great feeling. Followed by a lot of resentment of course. It isn't worth it!

    It's been 3 days since my last session and I'm not getting any urges. I have been masturbating to femdom porn though once a day. I have to admit it. I need to cut them both out. I'm starting to think monk mode might be the only option. Might be good for my overall health anyway.
  14. The Pacific Life

    The Pacific Life Fapstronaut

    Truth be told it was way too much money for me to be spending then on really anything let alone something so silly and unfulfilling. You're absolutely right it's not worth it. Work on cutting the porn out as well.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  15. All day today I kept trying to barter with myself about “when is a good time to give in and reward myself with phone sex?”

    It is such a hard addiction to break and I’m so glad that I was busy as hell, so I couldn’t make time if I wanted to. And two I do not have the money at all. I’m seriously considering opening a savings account where I can’t touch money I transfer into it.
    The Pacific Life likes this.
  16. The Pacific Life

    The Pacific Life Fapstronaut

    I think for me a lot of it is boredom that's when it all starts to get too much for me. At work or if I'm busy doing something meaningful any urges I get I can usually push right on past. Today because I was at work I had no urges and it was glorious especially after the last two days. It is a very hard addiction to break they make it seem so appealing but we both know they don't care about us at all. Be careful with that savings plan idea what if you need the money for an emergency or something. I'm proud of you that you stayed away from it today.
  17. joewillsucceed

    joewillsucceed Fapstronaut

    Well done for resisting.
  18. joewillsucceed

    joewillsucceed Fapstronaut

    I think for me it is the same. I have close to no social life so I do get bored at home. I'm thinking of trying to exchange porn/cam sites for another activity. For instance playing playstation whenever I get an urge. Or maybe working out(which I really need to get back into). Maybe taking a shower. It could whatever helps me take my mind off of it. Last night I visited my favourite cam site and started browsing my favourites. I was very close to clicking on a girl but decided not to. I still masturbated to porn. I feel like I am still letting myself down pmo'ing regardless of whether it's with or without a camsite. Still, I was pleased to have resisted spending money on a a camgirl.
  19. The Pacific Life

    The Pacific Life Fapstronaut

    Try and find something useful to spend your time on and something you enjoy. In the past working out or going for a walk/ drive has helped me. Sometimes playing some video games but I limit myself as sometimes if I get on a bad losing streak my brain tries to convince me to PMO as a way of destressing from it. Congratulations on resisting spending money on that camgirl. Keep resisting and really try to stay away from those sites and porn less it triggers you into old habits.
  20. Arc12

    Arc12 Fapstronaut

    The only reliable way is the hard way. You have to stop doing it. It may sound obvious but thats it. You mind is gonna tell you different things. You have to keep it straight. Build a goal in life and work towards it. That is one of the way that will work in log term.
    You have spend years in building this habit, it will take some time to create a new and a better one. Spend that time wisely.
    Kenzi and The Pacific Life like this.