
Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by LKai20xtx, Nov 29, 2014.

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  1. ITT: genital mutilation apologists
  2. At which age have you been cut? If you have been cut as a child, you cannot know how it feels to have an intact foreskin.
  3. MelancholyWeightlifter

    MelancholyWeightlifter Distinguished Fapstronaut

    If it truly makes sex less enjoyable, I'm glad I'm circumcised. It'll make my goals easier.
  4. TeddyBear

    TeddyBear Guest

    Yeah, it really doesn't matter and it's a stupid argument to be having. Now we're having a debate over whose junk downstairs looks better. Of course you think yours is going to look better ... you've been with the thing your whole life. I can't imagine a less meaningless discussion. This still has nothing to do with the OP and it's making everyone forget why we're all here. To support each other.

    I think you're just in this thread to instigate arguments. You've offered nothing productive.

    Yes. Silver lining.
  5. IGY

    IGY Guest

    Thanks for your apology Nu-Life2014. God bless.
  6. IGY

    IGY Guest

    Good old Melancholy - every silver lining has a cloud, eh mate? lol!
  7. Oh Sir, you are really GLAD that "it truly makes sex less enjoyable" ???

    I am shocked, my heart skipped one beat.

    Life IS about having joy. Sex between consenting adults is highest joy and it IS the sense of life - because it is the root of new life.

    Only lonely fapping in front of screens is not a pleasure.
  8. Vision

    Vision Fapstronaut

    FF: "Life IS about having joy. Sex between consenting adults is highest joy and it IS the sense of life - because it is the root of new life. Only lonely fapping in front of screens is not a pleasure."

    So do we speak or pleasure or joy? Maybe pleasures of masturbation are far greater than of sex-within-marriage but does it bring greater joy, deeper meaning? That is the question.

    I have just finished 10K running. Was it pleasure? No, if fact it was rather painful today (all that food from Thanksgiving). Am I happy? Very much so!
  9. Monster Carrot

    Monster Carrot Fapstronaut

    If you have not been cut as a child, you cannot know how it feels to not have an intact foreskin.
  10. TeddyBear

    TeddyBear Guest

    Which is exactly why it's pointless to talk about. The only people that can really have a say are the ones that have had it removed as adults, either for medical or personal reasons. Everyone else didn't have a choice because it wasn't their decision. We were born and our parents decided.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 30, 2014
  11. MelancholyWeightlifter

    MelancholyWeightlifter Distinguished Fapstronaut

    I said IF that is the case. I didn't say that I was happy about it, just that there is less to crave. I completely disagree that sex is "the highest joy". That is a subjective anyway. The highest joy for me personally is the realization of my goals, physical pleasure is meaningless to me.
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2014
  12. NoBrainer

    NoBrainer Distinguished Fapstronaut

    This thread may be getting a bit off topic now, but anyway. There is more to sex than just physical pleasure Melancholy (says the virgin lol). Making love is one of the most meaningful connections between two people. I agree, achieving your goals brings some of the best feelings in the world, however there is a lot to be desired in companionship as well.

    I am aware of your views on this topic by the way, I just thought I'd say I think of sex as being about more than just pleasure.
  13. MelancholyWeightlifter

    MelancholyWeightlifter Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Right, right, I understand NoBrainer. I agree that sex can and SHOULD be more then just mutual orgasm. But to say it is some sort of "transcendent experience that is the culmination of human existence", as some view it, seems stupid. This just propagates the erroneuos view that sex and romantic relationships are essential to happiness. I think the only true joy and happiness that we have comes from within.

    This is a very vague thread anyway and doesn't really relate to rebooting at all, so I don't feel bad derailing it, LOL. But really though, this does relate somewhat, FreedomFlight originally said that decreased sensitivity/pleasure in the circumcised penis would devalue the sexual experience. Others also say that sex doesn't feel as good. I say that it doesn't matter, because in the end, physical pleasure is meaningless, absolutely and completely pointless. So who cares if we're circumcised?
  14. TeddyBear

    TeddyBear Guest

    I agree that this thread has gotten increasingly pointless. I also most definitely agree that happiness must start from within and that we can't rely on someone else to make us happy.
  15. FutureGuitarGod

    FutureGuitarGod Banned by User Request

    I was born in the United States, so I was circumsized at birth. I consider the practice to be unnecessary as a medical procedure, and barbaric when it comes to religion. I mean, who was the first motherfucker to say that he was weirded out by having foreskin? It makes very little sense logically in the Judeo-Christian convention. If God created mankind in his own image, then why bother with commanding some prophet to circumsize infant boys as a rite? If I were God, I'd make the people who grovel at my feet perfect the first time around. That way, there wouldn't be any need to remove anything from their bodies which I'd deem to be unnecessary. See how weird this is?

    Physiologically, foreskin helps to protect the penis. Uncircumsized dudes have more sensitivity. Perhaps us circumsized guys have lower sensitivity due to scar tissue, but I've honestly never really bothered myself or otherwise made an issue out of it. Really, I think it all boils down to perception and envy. We guys tend to measure up and make issue of penis size and performance. Women really don't care about it, but you see these bogus studies in men's magazines and such that defy common sense. Every guy wants to pass along his genes, which is why we strive to be like our heroes. We see guys with more money, success, digger bicks, whatever; and that perception forces us to step up and try to one up that guy. The worst case scenario is being some ignorant doof who doesn't bother with trying to compete.

  16. Man, your posting is really GREAT, awesome!! Please spread your opinion.
    The problem in this world is that the wise guys are rather rare, and they also tend to speak not much. And thats why the dumb are ruling all around the world and are creating such a mess.
  17. TeddyBear

    TeddyBear Guest

    Just to correct you, circumcision is forbidden in the bible. It's an Old Testament practice that only applied to a very small group of people. It was never "required" for any large number of people ... and the New Testament did away with it completely. Circumcision is more a medical practice than a religious one. Just to make that clear. People who attribute it to being in any way related to Christianity don't understand circumcision in Christianity, including Christians.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 1, 2014
  18. Gettoffmynutz

    Gettoffmynutz Fapstronaut

    I would love to hear what women think about this issue.
  19. Monster Carrot

    Monster Carrot Fapstronaut

    Actually I think women should stay out of here. This is not a Cosmo article.
  20. NoBrainer

    NoBrainer Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Hmm, except sex is the action in which to bring life into the world, therefore it is essential to human existence (and just life in general, or to mammals at least).

    I agree that happiness and joy must come from within, yet sex should be a celebration of happiness. A celebration of dedication and bondage to another person. To me, it seems beautiful how two people could share their sexual energy with each other (regardless of whether they're having sex or not). Certainly, happiness must come from within, however I don't believe that's the only form of true happiness. For example becoming a parent makes most people very happy.

    I do not believe physical pleasure is completely pointless. I do value physical pleasure, however that doesn't mean I'm going to go sacrificing my long term goals by jacking off!

    Note: this is all my opinion. I don't want people thinking I'm telling them how to live their lives, just as I don't want people telling me how to live mine (within reason).
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