BDSM porn, help.

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Potato93, May 27, 2018.

  1. So the idea is that some people try to turn a traumatizing event into something that "turns them on"? to make something bad become something good? like what you once suffered is something you enjoy now, and itf its only that you learned to enjoy suffereing? a copying strategy? Could be true...most (all?) people that i know good enough to judge that are in brutal sex, or very promiscuit etc have a highly problematic background - or have been victims of sexual abuse.
    Potato93 likes this.
  2. _Xavier_

    _Xavier_ Fapstronaut

    Well I've reached the same conclusion. I was humble enough to say I made my best guess and asked her to correct me if I'm wrong. Which is different than assuming.
    And apparently rape is OK to her according to her most recent reply.
    Potato93 likes this.
  3. Potato93

    Potato93 Fapstronaut

    I'd guess is more complicated than that depending on the person, but yes, I thing there is definitely a correlation.
    Thank god I have good friends and family to support me and make me a better person.
    Family is everything guys. Trust me.
    _Xavier_ likes this.
  4. _Xavier_

    _Xavier_ Fapstronaut

    Good family is everything
    Deleted Account and Potato93 like this.