How can fasting help stop pmo?

Discussion in 'Nutrition and Supplements' started by Sakhi, May 21, 2018.

  1. Sakhi

    Sakhi Fapstronaut

    Hi guys its been 3 days since I havent pmo. Because we are muslim, this month we fast. Besides fasting really makes quiting pmo very easy to me. I havent seen any flatline in the last three days. There is also one point to mention is that I had also been trying to stop pmo before fasting...
    MasterGamer likes this.
  2. _overcomer_

    _overcomer_ Fapstronaut

    so you mean fasting helps... cant it be, that it gets even harder, because you feel maybe weak? I don't know.

    But great, that it helps you!
  3. Sakhi

    Sakhi Fapstronaut

    Well man it has really helped very much. The sexual urges die while you're fasting..
    MasterGamer, u376 and _overcomer_ like this.
  4. I believe that, because i always want to masturbate more when i feel full.

    By the way, did you know your counter says 180 days?
    Sakhi likes this.
  5. John Lee Smith

    John Lee Smith Fapstronaut

    I don’t think fasting can help you with pmo.
    I think feeling hungry can infact trigger cravings.
    But if that is helping you, good for you.
    Deleted Account and Sakhi like this.
  6. theguythatreallyquits

    theguythatreallyquits New Fapstronaut

    I can't really tell if fasting helps but for me eating healthy does! I've tried eating more healthy (less meat, more fruits and vegetables, no processed food) and while I'm on my "diet" I feel little to no need to masturbate despite eating way less than I normally do. For me it's the good feeling that helps me. If I do something good for my body I feel more powerfull and less depressed which results in nearly no need in masturbating.
    Sakhi likes this.
  7. Sakhi

    Sakhi Fapstronaut

    Guys believe it or not fasting helps me alot to stop pmo
    MasterGamer and u376 like this.
  8. Going Keto diet helps, and that is basically only 2 meals a day and below 20g carbos. Because you are not triggering your blood sugar. Not only that but you can lose a lot of weight in short amount of time if your overweight. There are some vitamins supplements you should probably take if your doing this for many months.

    More info:
  9. Sakhi

    Sakhi Fapstronaut

    Well we must be fasting only for 30 days because of religion that is why. Because of this Im having good chance not to pmo too. We neither eat nor drink from the early morning untile sundown..
  10. u376

    u376 Fapstronaut

    I can explain you why it helps
    I myself has done Hindu vrats(fast) which somehow help
    When we fast we are controlling our temptation of eating.....
    Means we can eat....we have all delicious things around us but still we abstain from it ....for spiritual reasons
    This kind of training helps us to control our other temptations like sex or pmo
    _overcomer_ and Sakhi like this.
  11. I've been intermittently fasting. I've found it a little easier not to PMO recently. Wasn't a conscious thought, but now this thread has made me think about it - yeah, I think there might be method to fasting.

    Also, I'd add I read online that you can stay below 50g carbs and still stay in ketosis? I've watched a lot of documentaries on this diet (JOE ROGAN!!!) and the downfalls of other diets and I'd suggest that the industrialisation period over the last couple of centuries that introduced new kinds of carbohydrates into our diet are the cause of major diseases. These major diseases weren't so prevalent before industrialisation. We're the only species who have a body that can't naturally deal with high amounts of fat. It seems only too obvious to me that we should try and limit our carbohydrate intake.

    Cereal is the devil.
  12. It depends on your intention of fasting. If your intention is just no eating and drinking, it's useless.
  13. Sakhi

    Sakhi Fapstronaut

    Guys relapsed again on day 10 of no pmo while fasting. But it was fasting that help me make it 10 days
  14. That's exactly it for me, I know at least personally when I get hungry and I don't eat (like say a snack of grapes or I miss a meal by accident) it brings all sorts of cravings like mad, so fasting would do the complete opposite if I tried.
  15. John Lee Smith

    John Lee Smith Fapstronaut

    Yes that is what I was trying to say.
    Fasting is not that helpful against Pmo.
    Hungry, angry lonely, tired rule.

    But fasting is great in enhancing yourself spiritually.

    Conscious fasting