how to end loneliness?

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by theFounder, May 22, 2018.

  1. theFounder

    theFounder Fapstronaut

    I always feel lonely. No real friends to hang out with me nor friends to share thoughts with. It's very hard to find male friends(I'm male). is having a gf can end my loneliness or it will be boring?
    John Baur likes this.
  2. astronautfrompompei

    astronautfrompompei Fapstronaut

    I think a gf will help, but it's risky not to have friends as you would potentially be needy with her and this could undermine your relationship in the medium / longer term.

    Why do you think you don't have friends? Is it more a matter of internal attitude (for example, anxiety, lack of interest or passion) or maybe a skill-situation since you need to refine and work on your social skills?

    Social skills are hard! If you don't happen to be particularly skilled at it, or you don't grow up in a context that allows or stimulates their normal development, you might be very well be less-than-optimal at them!
    theFounder and Buddhabro like this.
  3. theFounder

    theFounder Fapstronaut

    It's true that I lack social skills. I don't know how to acquire them?.
  4. astronautfrompompei

    astronautfrompompei Fapstronaut

    I'm in the same boat because I've recently realised the same hard truth.

    I've compiled a series of books I think are top notch and practical on the topic, and I plan to maximise my social / face time with people as much as I can, while I read through these books. Maybe this list can help you too:
    • Captivate - video
    • Improve Your Social Skills by Wendles
    • Social: Why Our Brains Are Wired to Connect
    • How to Talk to Anyone: 92 Little Tricks
    • Talk to Strangers: How Everyday, Random Encounters
    • People Skills: How to Assert Yourself, Listen to Others, and Resolve Conflicts
    • Get Off The Bench: Unleashing The Power of Strat Networking
    • Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes High
    • The Charisma Myth: How Anyone Can Master the Art
    • How to Have Confidence and Power in Dealing with People
    Let me know how it goes, I'm really curious about which approach / action will you take!
    Greenblanket likes this.
  5. switex

    switex Fapstronaut

    Dude without friends NoFap will be hard. Finding good gf that could help you out i dont know. I'm without a gf my friends help me out talking to them all the time and having a large circle of friends. Try to find some friends or a best friend that you can do something and etc.
  6. Zephon

    Zephon Fapstronaut

    Depends on the kind of this girlfriend, if a girlfriend should be the solution. I know people who have a good relationship to their partner but also people having a confusing or even a hell relationship to their partner.
    Keep in mind don't force yourself getting a girlfriend, only if you want one or better "can" have one.
    Better way is go out, visit clubs of for example gym or football or make vacation on your wished place. There are everywhere people where you can make friends. For example: I visit some festivals and meet new people, there are also people you can talk to them. I also have not many friends but visiting a festival is a good feeling for me because I see something different that differs from my daily routine. And it is never bad making something other then in the daily routine, it is good for your mentality and health!

    In the case of social skills: check out FarFromAverage and ImprovementPill on Youtube. Beside tips for flirting and girls they give also tips getting social skills and how to become more confident.