Hello, new here

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Orion_35, May 2, 2018.

  1. Orion_35

    Orion_35 Fapstronaut

    Hi , I'm a 35 years old heterosexual male from Israel. Currently I'm a student and alongside that I work nights. I am single, in my pass time outside of studies I like to make art, code, play video games and do some very basic workout exercises, I eat healthy and cook mostly vegan food; I also masturbate although I've learned the hard way to avoid using porn for that.
    (it would literally makes me unable to look women in the eyes and may even cause me to experience a kind of bodily stress, probably due to my body trying to inhibit excess arousal at inappropriate moments)

    I found the benefit of not masturbating by accident after hiking alone in nature for 3 weeks or so abroad in a place where there are hardly any people: There is so much to do all the time so masturbating never became a priority of any sort.
    After 3 weeks I became more confident in my interactions with people, even total strangers, I was talking to women without even realizing how or what happen and overall had more energy to be productive, more creative and ti do fitness , also I found I could become harder and last for as long as I wanted when I finally did masturbate. However I kind of fell off the wagon when I had some erotic dreams with nocturnal emission and even more when I started playing video games again due to the excuse of feeling like I needed to engage my gaming reflexes.. and I enjoy that since I need some adventure in my life, but I also think its a bit like an addiction for me.
    (and sure there are worse things when people turn to Alchohol, cigarettes or drugs when they need to relax, but I wonder if I can replace videogame addiction with something more productive)

    So now I want to get to that point again and while I do not seek total celibacy, I do want to stop masturbating and possibly also stop with videogames which seem to be related to my urge to masturbate somehow.

    So there, that is my scroll so far if anyone read it: Hi.
    P-Free and Tiger's Breath like this.
  2. Septimus

    Septimus Fapstronaut

    Welcome! I'm glad you're here. I hope you keep coming back.
    Tiger's Breath likes this.
  3. Tiger's Breath

    Tiger's Breath Fapstronaut
