Circumcision Trauma and PMO Addiction

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by PMO addict, Apr 27, 2018.

  1. u376

    u376 Fapstronaut

    Circumcision is very unnatural thing
    And it reduces penis sensation a lot
  2. PMO addict

    PMO addict Fapstronaut

    yay glad you think so :)

    i hate it when people are indifferent or even positive about circumcision. But when someone disagrees with it I am very happy. Eventually I have to be indifferent about others views on it because there's always gonna be people IN DENIAL. In fact no one is really PRO CIRC they are just in COGNITIVE DISSONANCE.

    To bring it back to PMO addiction... Um... That was my main goal. So just to help people be aware that neonatal circ -> PTSD -> addiction.
  3. u376

    u376 Fapstronaut

    But I have heard
    That circumcision helps in controlling masturbation
    But again that statement is false because I have seen many circumcised men addicted to masturbation
    PMO addict and Immature like this.
  4. PMO addict

    PMO addict Fapstronaut

    Neonatal or forced child Circumcision -> Post Traumatic Stress -> Addiction/Dissociation

    Always 100% always always always 100%

    it is TBMC (trauma based mind control)
    u376 likes this.
  5. MindfulAchilles

    MindfulAchilles Fapstronaut

    Jewish here. Didn’t have it done at a younger age, chose to do it at a later age (my own decision).

    Painful, yes (it burns for a while). Necessary, yes (part of my identity). Will I do it to my sons, yes (same explanation - Jewish heritage).

    Now on the plus side I wont be adding to the chance of infections on my end, or hers. It’s virtually impossible to claim that orgasms are better - because we’re talking of many factors.

    So... Yeah. I don’t think that this research is very based on child development. Leaving your kid crying for more than 5 minutes on their own gives the same PTSD effect and cancels your whole thesis. Same goes for many other situations. Trauma and coping with it through seeking comfort is part of being human.
  6. PMO addict

    PMO addict Fapstronaut

    It doesn't have to be.

    Circ trauma (un anesthatized mutilation of genitals) will cause alot more PTSD than leaving a kid crying for 5 minutes. It totally destroys their brain.

    I hope you change your mind, but if you're set in your ways... Nothing I can do.

    This thread is about Circ Trauma, PTSD and how it leads to addiction though. So I don't want to totally make it an off topic thread with circ debates. As it started it was relevant to addiction section. (Not saying your post was wrong just reminding any moderators who read it)
    Fix_It_Mate and u376 like this.
  7. MindfulAchilles

    MindfulAchilles Fapstronaut

    I agree that there could (COULD) be trauma that affects the brain/behavior later on. But that would be supported by a heavy dose of statistics that show a very definitive affected group of people among cultures that favor circumcision - and that is not the case.

    As for real trauma research (I’m a Human Services and Pre-Counseling major) and statistics about effects on behavior that leading to compulsive behavior (including addictions - and I make a distinction because porn is not an addiction by most psychologists), it tends to focus on attachment theories and family history. So for the vast majority of professionals, medical procedures performed during childhood are not the main culprit when trying to find the source of a problem.

    I do believe this is a good theory to research, but as stated in this thread about pro-circumcision folk - when you’re biased against circumcision you will find it hard to believe it doesn’t affect behavior at all. I guess we both have similar points, and similar basis. I, for now, will choose to follow what most professionals say.

    If you’re really into finding a sexual source to your compulsion, try sexual abuse. I was not aware of it, and a heck of a lot of progress came about when I was able to land on that uncharted territory of my childhood history.

    Again. I was not circumcised as a child - yet I have this. I know many who were (heck, I’m from Israel.. lol) and don’t have this problem. I think it contradicts your theory, but I find it interesting and will read and watch the stuff you posted because of my interest in psychology.
    PMO addict likes this.
  8. "Always 100% always always always 100%" ??? So many men have been circumcised over so many years - nothing like 100% are addicts.

    I'm sure it's traumatic, that is clear, and I am wholly opposed to the practice on un-anesthetized, non-consenting infants.

    I'm not sure that circumcision is the place to lay all or most of the blame for porn addiction.
    PMO addict, Fix_It_Mate and u376 like this.
  9. u376

    u376 Fapstronaut

    i dont understand whick kind of infections you talk about
    there are plenty of uncircumcised people without any infection.....ofcourse there can be exception .....but doing it for the sake of infection or remained urine drops........just too much
    i think there are only two religions which practice this
    PMO addict and Fix_It_Mate like this.
  10. Once upon a time, it was believed and stated that the female partners of circumcised men were less like to get cancer of (I think) the cervix. I'm pretty sure that has been disproved.

    Currently, there are statements being made that circumcision decreases the chance of catching HIV - but the last time I looked, these were disputed by those saying they were based on studies in Africa and those studies had poor methodology.

    Psychology Today has a series of articles on circumcision here:

    The other articles in the series are linked at the bottom of that one.
    PMO addict likes this.
  11. PMO addict

    PMO addict Fapstronaut

    Well actually circumcision is sexual abuse. it is an abuse and violation of the genitals. The child is forcefully held down and their genitals are touched and mutilated. Since the genitals are a sexual organ, which is being abused, it is sexual abuse.

    I appreciate that you will look into it... Word about the circumcision problem is spreading. Your kids have a higher likelihood of finding out once they're older, the harm of this. And it might adversely affect your relationship with them. Please give them a better chance to grow up as whole, healthy, human beings, instead of putting them through this torture.

    Here is also a link to Ron Goldman. This fellow is Jewish and acknowledges the place of circ in Judaism but still gives lots of science as to why the harm is too severe.

    It is unknown why professionals still deny or do not acknowledge the harm of circumcision. It could be their own cognitive dissonance (for example of they harmed their kids this way, or if they were circumcised, and can't face it) Many victims of forced male genital mutilation go to "professionals" for help and are gas lighted... But that doesn't mean the "professionals" are right. "Professionals" are not perfect.

    I'm sure that if we eliminate circumcision from the equation at least things will be a little better. Even with no other adverse situations circ would be enough to cause severe PTS.

    The other factors kind of muddle it. But I am saying circumcision in neonatal infants or forced on children, without anasthetic, will cause severe PTS, 100% of time. And PTS leads to addiction and dissociation. The addiction and dissociation MIGHT not take the form of porn it could be food or work or abusing others or other things but everyone who was subjected to this has severe PTS and symptoms of addiction and dissociation.

    yeah foreskin is not dirty. that is a myth.

    just clean with soap and water.

    all supposed medical benefits for circ are actually myths unless baby boy is born with his pee hole covered. (very low %)

    Thanks :)
  12. MindfulAchilles

    MindfulAchilles Fapstronaut


    I hope you find the true source of your behavior. So far I think you’re tilting at windmills.
  13. PMO addict

    PMO addict Fapstronaut

    btwiseman likes this.
  14. u376

    u376 Fapstronaut

    you didnt mentioned earlier....that you are circumcised
    why and how?
  15. This type of mutilation is buried in the unconscious of most men because it is such an attack on the male ego when it is brought to the conscious mind. The ego does not want to contemplate such a permanent weakness being the cause of such misery and so seeks to bury it. In turn, the effects of this mutilation come out not only as anxiety and depression but also anger, hyperactivity and PTSD symptoms because this circumcision problem is not faced head on. This has been my experience, at least.
    PMO addict likes this.
  16. PMO addict

    PMO addict Fapstronaut

    i was subjected to forced genital cutting as an infant

    the doctors conned my parents into an un necesary surgery. I was taken away from parents, strapped to a table called a "circumstraint" and the surgery was forced on me with either no anasthetic or a topical which barely does anything. (no way of finding exactly which right now)

    this happened for no good reason.
    Immature and u376 like this.
  17. PMO addict

    PMO addict Fapstronaut

    Well said. Thank you @btwiseman :)
    btwiseman likes this.
  18. u376

    u376 Fapstronaut

    I think there are certain surgeries which can do that
    But leave it
    There are some who are worried about their size
    So you should see the bright side
    billiammn likes this.
  19. PMO addict

    PMO addict Fapstronaut

    Sorry @billiammn . Yes forced genital cutting costs us a lot. A lot of men feel this way about it. Right now they are working on ways to regenerate it but they all seem experimental. I haven't done the stretching because I am afraid of hurting it and more so because I feel it would trigger a relapse.

    Thanks for joining the thread. Dr. Ron Goldman (author of Circumcision the Hidden Trauma) says our main option is to greive the full extent of our loss.