Damaged Goods

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by StrivingMan, Apr 23, 2018.

  1. StrivingMan

    StrivingMan Fapstronaut

    :emoji_wave:Day 1: This is my story and my journey with my partner.

    I lost my virginity a little over two years ago to my ex fiancé. Since then I’ve always had trouble orgasming except on my own that being almost always with porn. I have shed many tears over it and counting about half the times we had sex I never orgasmed. I attempted no PM (before I had ever even heard of NoFap) and did about 30 days with some results but I struggled so hard with depression I feel right back in. Combining some other issues and our struggling sex life plus the distance because I moved around after I joined the Marine Corps it was too much, we ended things.

    Immediately I had downloaded dating apps already moved on and so detached from my last relationship. It’s scarey how distant we were. I began searching for something. Within a few days of the break up I downloaded Tinder again and saw I matched with someone I was already friends with but didn’t even realize was gay though I had my suspicions. (Note: I downloaded Tinder when I was in my past relationship so it wasn’t a week prior that I had it downloaded trying to fill a void) I went over that day something sparked. We had a lot in common, including our sexual strife, which we later discovered. I struggled with delayed ejaculation (DE) and he struggled with erectile dysfunction (ED). The common factor being porn was the only thing that’d fix it, ironically it was what broke it with a mixture of suppressed self feelings that being gay was wrong due to our up bringings. I started NoFap that day, hearing it from a friend at work and we (two other guys I worked with) were a support group. But like flys they dropped off and I made it to 52 days but we were having issues with sex and he didn’t want to so the drive became strong and I was weak. I downloaded Grindr and hooked up with someone. A few days later I was hooked on porn. My partner was understanding but the issue persisted but so does my drive to reboot.

    About two weeks ago my partner joined me on my journey of NoFap. We have reset twice but today we decided we need to take it serious so we set the stakes higher, PMO. Until we both make it 90 days we will not have sex. His clock reset last night and since we both have to make it, so did mine. We are a team.:emoji_two_men_holding_hands::emoji_handshake:
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2018
    Deleted Account and CowardlyLion like this.
  2. CowardlyLion

    CowardlyLion Fapstronaut

    Nice job! I’m glad you’re working so hard at this. And it is incredible that you guys were able to come this far on your own. I’m sorry for what happened in your past relationship, but sometimes these things happen for a reason. Especially if neither of you were happy. Keep your head up. This is an ADDICTION. It will get tough. But you’ve been through tougher, being a Marine, I’m sure. Good luck. We’re all rooting for you.
  3. StrivingMan

    StrivingMan Fapstronaut

    Thank you I appreciate the encouraging words.:emoji_blush:
    CowardlyLion likes this.
  4. StrivingMan

    StrivingMan Fapstronaut

    Day 2: :mad::emoji_middle_finger: I’m loosing my freaking mind!

    I was doing fine with the 90 no PM! I just began a new relationship. I’d only O maybe every other week or so but it was worth the waiting and since the relapse it’s gotten soooo much harder not easier. I thought it was day 3 not 2. Yesterday I struggled with depression and confused feelings about my past relationship and assuming I was the fuck up and broke his heart. On top of that all I can think about is fucking. I prefer topping but if I’m in the right mood I’ll bottom. I’m so horny I don’t even care! What upsets me is I don’t care who it’s with.

    I explained it to a couple of the guys I work with and why I’m doing it. I mentioned the emptiness I got from that hook up and how I fear it again. I want it but I don’t want to want it. It’s all that’s in my mind though. There was this one guy I was talking to and he was married but his husband is away (military as well) so they have a open relationship. I thought about screwing him for a hour last night, it consumed my mind. So I think about how I am going to manage these urges when we are long distant for a few months. I’m just struggling on what is right and what’s going to make me happy vs empty. Will these desires ever go away? Is it bad to want to find a “buddy” while my partner is gone for the purpose to maybe continue the no PM trend? I think it’s No to both but I just want someone’s approval so I can act out.
  5. CowardlyLion

    CowardlyLion Fapstronaut

    The first few days are the hardest. Just push through it. Find a way to distract yourself. Do something you love. Take your mind away from sex. Think about the pain it has caused you and how much better you will feel when this is over. It’s going to be hard. But once you get a good streak going, it will be easier to maintain.
  6. StrivingMan

    StrivingMan Fapstronaut

    Day 3: :emoji_blush::emoji_cry:

    Been a much better day! I feel like there are some many other things I’ve chosen to think about but my emotions are a little wild also. It’s difficult letting go too. The first time When I made it to 50+ days I wasn’t viewing it as perminate. I was just testing how well I’d do. So now knowing I’ll never look at porn again. I’m sad. It made me happy and gave me what I wanted. It was sex with no complications, no risk, no pain, no judgement. That’s what I loved most about porn. It didn’t have an opinion of me. It accepted me for me. It didn’t care who I was or what I wanted. It allowed me to explore my interest in older men without the fear of they are going to die before I do or my intrest in bigger men without the judgment from my friends. Porn has been my safety net like that one friend some of you may have that if you’re still single at 35 you’ll get married and have kids. That has been porn for me. Now that I’m back in the real world not having really left it I’m dealing with a lot of fears and emotions I believe I surprised and was able to because of porn. I’m just going to be honest and say I’m a little lost. My fear of the consequences of who I love have been something I have been suppressing for a long and I don’t know how to deal with it.
  7. CowardlyLion

    CowardlyLion Fapstronaut

    That is a common fear us addicts think about. But it’s just the addiction speaking. There’s a fear of missing out, the feeling that you’re losing a good friend. But it’s not real. It’s the addiction talking. A good analogy a lot of people use...imagine you were an alcoholic. Alcohol and your abuse of it ruined your life, your family, your happiness. So you’ve started AA. Yes, in the long run, a recovering alcoholic can never touch alcohol again. But he needs to take it one day at a time. “Today, I’m not going to have a drink. It doesn’t matter what I do tomorrow. But I won’t drink today.”
    But you wouldn’t think it’s good for a recovering alcoholic to have a drink ever again, would you? Even just one little sip...it sets off a horrible chain of events.
    And if you heard an alcoholic discussing his fondness for “the old days” and how he’d miss his “old friend” who gave him the courage to talk to his wife for the first time...he forgets it’s also the reason she left him.

    The addiction is strong. And the hardest part is admitting that you are addicted. You might not even fully believe that yet. But you are here for a reason. It is buried deep in your brain. It’s pulling on you to come back. Just for a minute. It’s not so bad. Remember all the times you felt good?
    It is a trick. It is more powerful than you could ever perceive. Just focus, push through it, and you WILL be able to do this.
    StrivingMan likes this.
  8. StrivingMan

    StrivingMan Fapstronaut

    Day 6: Over a hump

    Today was a good day. Some other things are happening in my relationship so I have been struggling with depression. I over think a lot but this has given me some time to understand what I’m looking for. What I want. So we’ve been discussing that. It’s been emotional but hopefully we can move past it. Besides that today was good. I don’t know if it was just because I kept busy or what. I had a couple moments where I desired it but for the most part I haven’t thought about it. I feel balanced again. Hopefully this trend will continue but I know there will be more hard days to come.
    CowardlyLion likes this.