HELP! Flatline, Head injury, Super powers

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by RecoveryOn, Apr 19, 2018.

  1. RecoveryOn

    RecoveryOn Fapstronaut

    Hello, fellow fapstronauts. This is my first post here ,I have a long story so I'll try to make it as short as possible.
    I hope you take the time to read because this might be helpful for you..
    So, like many of you, I started Pmo at a early age. Around 10, 11 years old . I am 21 now and I started to have PIED last summer. I'm sexualy active since I turned 17. I've had sex almost everyday because I was in a 4 year relationship, but I was frequently pmo'ing when I was alone.

    So after the break up and many more personal problems I turned to pmo, even more. I got a new girlfriend but coudnt have sex. That's when I started seeing signs of pied.( we broke up eventually ) So that's when I found the NoFap community. I officially started "nofap" on October but coudnt make it even a week.(life was hell)..
    Then at late December i started a good streak that went clean through the whole January. The strange thing was that my flatline started from day 1 but didn't last more than a week and I felt very quickly the "super powers"
    I am an athlete so I've noticed a huge difference in energy and performance. My confidence went through the roof, It's like I was reborn and life was great again. My pied was almost gone too..

    But then the strong urges got me and on day 43, I relapsed. To my suprise the next day I still had my super powers n life was still great.. the problem was that urges kept coming at me and I relapsed again a week later... and so on I had a binge session the whole month of March.
    I also relapsed on a flatline at the beginning of April :/ I was barely hard even. This didn't help my progress I imagine..

    So, now, from the 8th of April, I started a new streak with directly flatline from day 1 again . Symptoms weren't that strong it's just that my dick was numb but I still had morning wood. But this past Saturday I sufferd a head injury. I fell directly on my head, I got lucky I didn't brake my neck .
    And from that day on my morning wood disappeared and all the flatline symptoms hit me hard.
    Severe Depression , no motivation, super tired , no apetite.. I've never felt so tired in my life ,it's like I stand up for 10 min and I have to lay down..its that bad.. i feel like my confidence and libido completely disappeared..
    Today a drunk guy came up to me and hit me in the face for no reason, and I did absolutely NOTHING about it... I felt completely numb, no anger , no adrenaline, NOTHING !! This symptoms scare the shit out of me.. so my question is..
    Is this only a severe flatline or my head injury Is in action as well ..because I read that a head injury can cause severe fatigue and depression.
    So is it a flatline , head injury or maybe both. I need help guys, it's pretty bad.i need your advice. I don't want this to last long... I Workout 5 times a week and I started taking cold showers I know this will help. Thank you for your feedback and Time
    Sorry for my English it's not my first language .
    Deleted Account likes this.
  2. Beat Beat-Meat

    Beat Beat-Meat Fapstronaut

    Dude. Head injuries can cause all of the symptoms you are mentioning. You might want to see a doctor if possible.

    I wish you the best in your recovery.
    RecoveryOn likes this.
  3. RecoveryOn

    RecoveryOn Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the reply bro
    I mean is it possible for this to make my flatline last longer or it has nothing to do with it
  4. Beat Beat-Meat

    Beat Beat-Meat Fapstronaut

    Depending on the severity of the head injury, i suppose there might be a correlation which could prolong the flatline symptoms, but there wouldn't really be any way of determining it since a head injury, such as a concussion, can induce all of the same symptoms seen in flatline. If you weren't really experiencing flatline and now you are getting all the symptoms you mentioned after you hit your head, it's reasonable to assume that they are caused by the head trauma. They sound pretty severe based on what you are describing. You really should consider visiting a doctor. Head injuries are nothing to mess around with...
  5. RecoveryOn

    RecoveryOn Fapstronaut

    I already saw a doctor and he gave me prescription only for a x ray for my neck. He said, that if I didn't pass out after the hit, there is no need to examine the head
    And I know I'm in a flatline because I got very low libido and dick feels lifeless right now.. Anyhow my other question was is it normal to have a more severe flatline on your second long streak? Because my first one when I made it to 43 my flatline was no where near as strong as this one..
  6. byeoldfriend

    byeoldfriend Fapstronaut

    Hello @RecoveryOn, just wanted to welcome you, I can't give you any advice as I haven't experienced nothing of it. Well, just one advice: go see a doctor.

  7. RecoveryOn

    RecoveryOn Fapstronaut

    Thank you bro
    I mean have you experienced a flatline severe as this ? Forget about the head injury
  8. byeoldfriend

    byeoldfriend Fapstronaut

    No, I'm just beggining my nofap journey
  9. Will27272

    Will27272 Fapstronaut

    Hey man,

    I'm flatlining pretty hard at the moment, and I feel like a flatline can exacerbate other circumstances in a big way.. If I was to take a guess based on your post it would be both.. I didn't realise until I had my first real flatline that nofap really is no joke.. What we're doing is powerfully changing our brain chemistry..

    The other day I was at uni and i had to go hide somewhere nobody would see me because I was shaking and sweating uncontrollably and this didn't stop for hours... I could only imagine that If I'd fallen on my head I would have been a total mess..

    How much of this is the head injury, how much is the flatline? Really hard to say, but I don't think either are insignificant..

    You should definitely go see a Doctor, but there's a good chance he won't understand the idea of a nofap flatline, so he may look at your symptoms strictly from the standpoint of concussion when it isn't the whole story... If you could explain to him that you were a serious porn addict and you were already feeling depressed and withdrawal symptons BEFORE you hit your head he should take it into consideration, though.
    byeoldfriend likes this.
  10. Anurag12

    Anurag12 Fapstronaut

    I feel for uh as I have gone through the same path, it's flatline which does weird things, don't bother about flatline, these things will pass one day, no matter how hard you feel. Porn withdraw flatline has depression and fatigue common symptoms.
    Don't worry bro, first make your injury heal as quick as possible and keep patience.
    U will b a better person on other side's.
    Keep it up
    All d best.
    Don't loose hope
  11. Hey @RecoveryOn ,

    Another warm welcome.

    --> L
  12. Will27272

    Will27272 Fapstronaut


    If the doctor is saying your head is fine, it might be the flatline? Which from one perspective is a good thing because it's temporary...

    I'm not sure about second streaks flatline, but I have a theory that the numbness you experience on a flatline is your body's way of telling you to stop fapping and recover.. maybe after having relapsed your body is sending stronger signals to DEFINITELY stop fapping so as to make sure you don't do it again..
  13. RecoveryOn

    RecoveryOn Fapstronaut

    Thank you all for the replies and support guys, this site is great !
    Things are looking up
    my symptoms are getting better I feel less fatigue ,depression isn' that strong and I got my morning wood again . But know I'm probably still in a flatline cus other than the morning wood I get no boners at all trough out the day even if I wanted to and my confidence isn't as high as usual. Im on day 14 now, I hope that this flatline won't last long. I know success is coming guys. We must suffer now so that we can live the rest of our lives as champions :)
    I wish you all a great recovery !!