Incredibly difficult right now

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by john27, Apr 17, 2018.

  1. john27

    john27 Fapstronaut

    I'm so close to relapsing. It's been a tough week in my life with plenty of depressing things happening at once. I can't believe I'm still holding on. I just want to escape into the sweet PMO relief, but I know I will feel even worse afterwards and have to start all over after such a long streak. If I wasn't forever alone I would have someone to hug it out with and talk to right now. Goddamn this shit sucks. Just needed to vent this.
  2. nitsuj0786

    nitsuj0786 Fapstronaut

    Stay strong and vent all you want on here, we will listen. You can pmo but when it is all said and done your problems will still be there and you will have to face them eventually. You may care less but eventually it will all catch up. Even though things might be difficult right now it will be more difficult in that life style. I don't know about you but i hate feeling numb to the rest of the world. Chin up man.
    Deleted Account and john27 like this.
  3. Animation Fan

    Animation Fan Fapstronaut

    I'm sorry man. I hope you won't because you would only feel worse afterwards. I too once in a while need a hug to cure my depression, and just like you I can't get one at the moment.
    Deleted Account and john27 like this.
  4. Phoenix234

    Phoenix234 Fapstronaut

    I have also a very challenging day!! I was doing so well the last weeks. Now it’s getting warm here. Girls dress sooo sexy. It hit me hard after I saw in town a few strong triggers. I am very tempted. How beautiful and tempting female bodies are!!
    I decided to act it out different then falling into it. I want to communicate and get the urge off into something else. I will not fall
    john27 likes this.
  5. Phoenix234

    Phoenix234 Fapstronaut

    How much the energy can ride you. How hot it can make your body. How sizzling tibia to play with it
    Deleted Account and john27 like this.
  6. Phoenix234

    Phoenix234 Fapstronaut

    I am sooop super horny now
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  7. arpyegap

    arpyegap Fapstronaut

    I understand the temptation. I think we all do. Just know that you are not alone. I would suggest not playing along the edges if you can avoid it. It is a recipe for disaster. For any old people like me as Nancy Reagan would say "Just say no"
  8. Phoenix234

    Phoenix234 Fapstronaut

    Fighting it. But very difficult. I yearn a woman sooo much
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  9. Workforthatlife

    Workforthatlife Fapstronaut

    If you feel that way take a cold shower or start punching shit. *Aka not people or expensive objects* the pain usually helps me refocus
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  10. Stay the course.
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  11. I have this so often that it starts cooking in my pelvic I then have to either watch Pmo or seduce a man. I hate this on ke. I want to change this sooo much. But always end up again getting fucked from a stranger who uses me whom I don’t love nor care and feel empty about afterwards
  12. Workforthatlife

    Workforthatlife Fapstronaut

    Real talk, it a pain to feel that guilt of failure when trying to relieve that pleasure. I think of it as, "if everyone else can't do it, can I? Hell yes! Cuz fuck it!". I think if you actually find someone you know. Like emotional connection having sex would be 10x better. However just doing it with anyone is dangerous and less fun. I can't do it with a stranger. It just like a random person and I'm always thinking oh shit. They probably got super aids.
  13. TRIGGER I have a lot of random guys. I use condoms
  14. Workforthatlife

    Workforthatlife Fapstronaut

    Your missing the point of my message. Im saying sleeping with random people won't help you. Regardless if you use condoms. Me personal I always worry regardless if I use protection .
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