Picking up women at the bar

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Svabo, Apr 15, 2018.

  1. Svabo

    Svabo Fapstronaut

    So yesterday I was at the bar. I bought myself a drink and sat there and checked out women. Problem is that all of the women were in packs and seem uninterested in anything but their conversations with their friends and I, being alone there was sticking out like sore thumb. Probably a huge turn off for women...

    So I was thinking what should I change in the future? In my mind, a successful hunter always looks like this: uninterested guy who is smoking a cigar. But problem is that I don't smoke (and I'm not willing to) and also, I just don't know how to be uninterested and in same time to check out what is there to offer

    Any advice how not to look like I'm on the hunting mission. I really hate bars and loud music and really don't know what to do there beside checking out women...
  2. elevate

    elevate Fapstronaut

    You hate bars and loud music... yet you're at a bar with loud music trying to attain women that go to bars with loud music.

    How about you do something you actually find interesting and meet people that way.
  3. I wrote this elsewhere a while back, if it's any good to you:

    "I'm not an expert by any means, but a few thoughts (you or someone else may have better ones):

    If you're not "feeling it" in one bar, go to the next one.

    Is there a girl that looks bored, or is looking for attention?

    Say to yourself, okay, the goal is just to talk to some girl. I could say hi, do you know if there's a band playing later? No matter how she reacts, I will have accomplished my goal."

    Or just go out and have fun. Talk to anyone who looks friendly, male or female. Have a laugh. Peace.
    Buddhabro and Svabo like this.
  4. Bars are not always the best way to go women are drunk or on drugs or both , I have never been a huge fan of them to meet women , try looking at were you shop at stores, malls, public events and practice there you will begin to see patterns that only come with face to face meetings its all a numbers game don't take things to seriously
    Svabo and TheNewestCreation like this.
  5. Svabo

    Svabo Fapstronaut

    I wish that girls were drunk at bars in my country, at least they wouldn't be so stuck up :D
    No, acting all high class is the game here, you would only see teenager females in the group drunk here and that is very rare event. Everybody are so stuck up...
  6. which country are you from ?
  7. Svabo

    Svabo Fapstronaut

  8. You can achieve the uninterested look by going several days without sleep. You don't need to take up smoking. Just get a fake cigar.

    Do not take any of this advice.
    Deleted Account and Svabo like this.
  9. Svabo

    Svabo Fapstronaut

    Well, I think its better that I take stress relieve pill so then I really wouldn't give a fu*
  10. I remember when I used to go to clubs and bars I thought a lot of women were like that, remember when there with there friends they will act different then they would when they are buy themsevels that's why I gave up the bar game long ago
    Svabo likes this.
  11. manimlonely

    manimlonely Fapstronaut

    You can always do what you like to do, you can always realize that desperation is probably the most unattractive trait of a man. It's very sad to be desperate. You should really think about all the real stuff that you should be doing at your age. If you will keep your mind busy, you won't find yourself in such pity. I'm a man too, but I can tell you one thing, there is nothing more sexier about a person than him/her being very into something, being very concentrated in some kind of a hobby and passionate about something. Try finding yourself in that bar full of people, others will find you automatically.
    Svabo likes this.
  12. Bar game is just bad. Just dont do it. Install Tinder and start hooking up.
    Svabo likes this.
  13. immadothis

    immadothis Fapstronaut

    buy a drink, don't let them think, you went there to only pick up girls, let them think you are on a mission, if you're not fake it but don't fake it actually, be natural, be yourself and tell me of this one worked, do your shit and on the way you see a women, be like you look cute and etc
    Svabo likes this.
  14. Svabo

    Svabo Fapstronaut

    I know... In my imagination I have scenarios that suggest that the best group to pick up solo is group of three women: not all three will be full into conversation and there aren't so many of them that I'll loose in the crowd.
    So, gruop of three is ideal: I can just come and start to mess up with them, like "hey girls, I've conducting an experiment..." and such stupid stuff and try to entertain them. By attacking a group of three it will show how self confident I am so at least one will fall, if not all three...
    oh my brain, how you make nice imagination scenarios :D
    immadothis likes this.
  15. immadothis

    immadothis Fapstronaut

    I read on aproaching a group, you gotta look at their feet, if they open, then you can join, but if they are closed in group, then they discussing something important and you shouldn't approach, good luck :)
    Svabo likes this.