Tips on sleep

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Deleted Account, Apr 11, 2018.

  1. I've been having an insanely hard time falling asleep lately, and I have no idea why. Anyone have any tips?
    Deleted Account and wisdomkaulen like this.
  2. Sometimes I drink warm milk.
    (Totally redneck but I put molasses in it sometimes) :emoji_stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
    HopeThisWorks111, _Xavier_ and Hitto like this.
  3. Lol that sounds disgusting... But thanks lol
  4. Deleted Account likes this.
  5. I've been trying to focus on my breathing to keep my mind blank, but that doesn't seem to help. I feel like I'm on the edge of falling asleep and the I wake back up and that just keeps happening over and over. I guess part of the issue might be my husbands snoring. I'm anticipating him snoring, so it's already making me feel like I'm not going to sleep well as soon as I start trying to fall asleep. It's really frustrating. Idk what to do about it. I already wear ear plugs. I even bought some super expensive fancy ear things that drowned out sound really well, but unfortunately they hurt my ears way too much so I had to send them back.
  6. More noise, not less works for me. White noise, fans etc.
  7. We do use a fan, which would be really nice if I didn't need ear plugs. But with the snoring, I can't handle not having ear plugs.

    I think I have this thing called misophonia. It's not like a legit disorder recognised by the DSM, but there's info about it online and stuff. I am really sensitive to certain sounds, and no matter how much I try to ignore them they drive me so insane. Anything rhythmic and repetitive for a long period of time makes me want to kill someone. Like my blood starts to boil and it makes me super anxious. Clocks, birds, frogs, crickets, and particularly snoring.
  8. I'm the same way... I'm in the habit of falling asleep on the couch/floor because my room shares a wall with someone who snores. Do you know how effective your earplugs are? The best earplugs are the custom sort musicians (and maybe hunters) use. They'll be fairly expensive but you might be able to find a custom molded model that gives up to ~40db attenuation... It'd still be an annoying sound but not nearly a loud (40db is the difference between a concert and a conversation). Some brands off the top of my head: Westone, Etymotic Research, JH Audio.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  9. I'm not sure if this is true or if it was just a marketing ploy, but I've heard that any ear plugs aren't going to be able to block enough noise from snoring, especially if you're sharing a bed with someone, because sound doesn't just come from noise in the air that can be blocked by ear plugs, it also comes from vibrations.

    My ear plugs are actually pretty dang effective at blocking sound, especially when they're nice and new. I need to replace them more often probably. But even so, it doesn't always help. Which is really annoying, because he doesn't even snore very loud. But I can be asleep and then he starts snoring, and even with my ear plugs it actually wakes me up and then I can't fall asleep again.

    And because of this, I go to bed anxiously awaiting being woken up, which makes me even less likely to fall asleep because I can't relax. So it's an endless cycle. :/
    Deleted Account likes this.
  10. The thing that usually keeps me awake is my own brain.
    I use my powers of fantasy for good in this case by imagining myself somewhere else. A beach, tropical, comfortable, hammock maybe...
    It helps turn my brain off of worries and stuff.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  11. IronDog

    IronDog Fapstronaut

    I don't know your lifestyle, but eating food before you go to bed or anything that can metabolize and give you unwanted energy can make it difficult. Alcohol, caffeine, sugars...... sometimes a walk or something can help also. Exercise during the day can also be helpful. Burn off excess energy.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  12. Thanks for the tips. I finally got good sleep last night, so that's nice. Still woke up a couple times because of the snoring, but it was better than it usually is. My husband slept a little differently to hopefully help with that, and I think it did.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  13. Valerian root is pretty good.
    SilentJay313 likes this.
  14. oneaffidavit

    oneaffidavit Fapstronaut

    I can vouch for exercise or walking. Try walking as much as you can. Just couple of days back, I walked for 60 min and then 30 minutes and also had only 6 hours of sleep previous night. Still I slept around 12AM on that day. That much energy I had. I am zero-exercise guy.

    You have to utilize the energy for physical activity. Otherwise, you will end up getting restless and then won't be sleeping until 1 or 2AM and next thing you know......relapse.
  15. kropo82

    kropo82 Fapstronaut

    Deleted Account likes this.
  16. I do appreciate the exercise advice, but for me it's mostly mental energy that's keeping me up, not physical. My work is very physical and I'm almost always super tired and ready for bed, physically, way before bed time. Lol but my brain just wakes up and is extra alert right as I'm getting into bed for some reason. Even if I've been sleepy all day, my brain just starts daydreaming about all kinds of things right when I'm getting in bed.
  17. He hasn't, but I don't think that would work. There are different types of snoring, and his is definitely not caused by nasal issues. It's a tongue/mouth thing.
  18. I used to fall asleep using technology and had trouble falling asleep. Now i just lay down comfortably and breathe slowly to 10 and then repeat, keep going until you just fade off.

    Melatonin is key if you I've been trying to fall asleep for a while and can't. Its healthy, really cheap, and easily available.
    Kenzi likes this.
  19. When I can’t sleep I usually take some AdvilPM.
  20. I'd like to get to the root of the problem and find a healthy solution that doesn't involve medication. But thanks for the suggestions