Gah! It's So Difficult!

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Animation Fan, Apr 5, 2018.

  1. Animation Fan

    Animation Fan Fapstronaut

    I can barely get the timer past a day! I don't go full on stare onto the screen P, but I quickly scroll to get an idea of what the object is. I don't remember the full details of the image, but I hate that I'm getting so close to it.

    I'm so darn addicted to the sudden "shock" that comes from the thrill of getting near it. How do you all overcome the urge for that "shock"? It usually comes when I'm bored out of my mind.

    Keep in mind that a lot of times it's in an office, so going for a walk or playing a game is out of the question.
  2. Why is this coming on your screen at all? Especially at work?

    Stop "peeking" - it fucks me up every damn time!
  3. Animation Fan

    Animation Fan Fapstronaut

    Trust me, I know. It's just so hard to fight it when I fell like I'm in such a sludge.
  4. MasterRoshi

    MasterRoshi Fapstronaut

    What has helped me (aside from my wife leaving me) is every morning I’ve been doing a daily maintenance thing. I spend 30 minutes doing a few healthy things to get me ready for the day.

    First is 10 minutes of journaling. I make sure to be as honest as possible about my condition. I have a habit of convincing myself that everything is ok, knowing I’m lying to myself but believing the lie. In my morning journal I write about the struggles from the day before and how I’m honestly feeling. Open for me is a cover up for the true feelings I’m having: depression, anxiety, loneliness etc...

    Second is 10 minutes of zen meditation. I focus on my breathing g and keeping a still mind. This might be a huge benefit that Seems stupid. There’s loads of online studies about meditation.

    The last ten minutes is exersize. Either yoga, or weights, or pushups. Nothing complicated but just a positive action where I’m mindful of my poem addiction and therefore I’m doing healthy things instead.

    This 30 mins has really helped me throughout the day, but I do think a major part of my current success is the intense self honesty with myself.

    Aside from the above, I’m attending 1 or 2 sex addicts anonymous meetings and also had my first session with a therapist this week.

    Good luck hang in there! If you have any questions or need more help, LMK, I’ll do my best to help you out.