How to confront him?

Discussion in 'Partner Support' started by eKat, Mar 28, 2018.

  1. eKat

    eKat Fapstronaut

    He relapsed again and this time I want to confront him in a way that will not cause an argument but will invite him to an honest conversation with me.
    Long story short:
    I’ve caught him on webcams in the past on and off for the last 13 years... what a fool I’m to believe that people can change! Makes me super angry
    I don’t mind him watching porn at all but live cams are different! And for me it is the same if he goes to a prostitute and ask her to do things in front of him and he pleases himself without physically touching her!
    About 7 months ago was the last time I know he went on the cams but sadly he also cheated on me in a real life. It was the most difficult time of our lives (our son was just 4 mo) but we decided to do our best to work on each other’s fuck ups because we want to be together. So we had multiple honest conversations with each other and each went off and decided to see how we will be in 6 months time.
    Well, we’ve been as happy and as madly in love as we were when we just met! He said I have improved many things that have been causing friction betwen us and that he is very happy with me... so I was over the moon and very proud of us as a couple.
    During those 6 months he shared his location with me and I knew his passwords to most accounts (part of rebuilding the trust)
    During that period I didn’t see any activities...
    Then last week he had to change his Apple ID password for security reasons. Then he became distant from me. And 3 days ago I walked into a room and I saw him on webcam app but he closed it all off and said it was just a porn!

    I knew something was wrong.
    And I have found what I’ve been looking for £20 worth of credit has been purchased on live streaming app...
    It broke me... he broke me and our family. I’m not sure even if I want to start conversation with him about it and listen to bullshit excuses or empty promises again...
    I don’t know what to do...
    What else is he lying to me about?
    Am I and our family really means so little to himthat he is prepared to loose it for a 5 min jerking off with some russian girl online?????
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2018
  2. Numb

    Numb Fapstronaut

    I've very sorry you have to be here. Is he a porn addict? Has he admitted to it? I honestly feel that it would be best for him to give up all of it, porn and cam sites to be successful. It is a slippery slope. Many guys have to reach rock bottom before they will change and they have to accept the truth of their behaviors. I see you wrote he said you changed things in yourself that he found caused friction in the relationship but what about him? To confront him try to do it calmly. You could write it down and use that as notes. Of course sometimes calmly doesn't work. Set boundaries and stick to them, do not say you will do X if he doesn't stop unless you plan to follow through. This last time I told my BF that it was it, I couldn't do it anymore and was leaving. I meant it too, as hard as it was to think about. It seemed to finally get through to him and he is putting in real effort and making positive changes. I would also suggest that you do some research, is a good place to start.
    Citadelle likes this.
  3. eKat

    eKat Fapstronaut

    Thank you for your reply.
    Yes he has admitted he has a problem and asked for my understanding and help. We agreed that next time he will have an urge, he will let me know about it so we can support each other.
    I really hoped he can keep the promise as I went through a lot of pain after his betrayal (we separated for some time too).
    I understand that addiction takes time and huge effort to fight. And people can sleep up...
    What’s disappointing is that after all the effort we’ve made, he lied to me again!
    I confronted him in a calm way. And asked him to tell me the truth. He denied everything and swore he didn’t go on the webcams until I presented him with the screen shot of his purchase history.
    Then he exploded and told me a lot of not so nice things.
    Now I don’t think I should stay with him any longer because he will never change and the way he treated me when I confronted him was the proof how little he cares.
    He said he did it because he was drunk and bored and it was a mistake and he hid it because he didn’t want any problems.
    Just 4 days before he told me how much he is happy and how much he loves me and he doesn’t need anything or anyone. That I can trust him. The next day, he went on webcams.
    I just simply cannot trust anything he say.
    I am also questioning whether he has been seeing someone else during this time and didn’t tell me because he doesn’t want any problems....
    We have a son and I wonder when people do these mistakes do they think about the negative impact a devorce or an argument will have on their children??
    I am doing my best to become a positive role model for our son (my parents were very abusive and I didn’t see healthy loving relationships between partners and parents with children).
    It’s just all upsetting. But as hard as it is maybe it will be best for him to leave us and do what he wants!
  4. Numb

    Numb Fapstronaut

    I don't think they really do think of the other people they are hurting why doing that. He sounds like he is still caught up in addiction and not ready to let go. Trust is so very hard to regain, especially when they keep on lying. I don't have any kids and I know many people disagree but I feel that it is healthier to split up then stay in an unhappy and abusive relationship, whether physically or psychologically abusive. You want to teach respect and love for others and yourself to your children. I am not saying it can not be worked out and to just leave the relationship, but I always find it a little sad when people stay together 'for the kids'. I grew up without a father, it isn't that bad. There was plenty of love even if my family is dysfunctional.
    I agree you can not trust, not if he is willing to lie to 'not hurt you'. It is really to protect himself and his addition. That is one of my fears, even though my BF has promised to tell me if he slips up that he won't for fear of hurting me. It takes more strength and courage to admit to your mistakes than it does to hide them. The fact that he is denying and exploded at you tell me he isn't there yet. Has he joined any support groups? Or therapy? They help many people. What seemed to help my BF a lot was reading many books on PA and betrayal trauma. He also joined this site. We have spent a lot of time talking, being open and honest with each other. He does not get defensive and even though I am sure much of what I say hurts he listens, truly listens. I feel these are all very important things for recovery. But if he isn't there yet there is nothing you can do but protect yourself and you child.
  5. Hey Kat. I would freak out! I really feel for you.
    If he's defending it, it doesn't sound like he's ready to change. Not yet anyway. He hasn't lost anything/enough to want to change.
    I'm wondering, do you think he knows you'll never leave him?
    Sending love n light X
  6. eKat

    eKat Fapstronaut

    By all means I’m not staying with my husband because of the child. Our son actually gives me more strength than ever to do the right things and think twice before acting out.
    I so thought we have had it all sorted after the last time. As you, we started to be open and our life was amazing! So much love and care and respect for one another.
    I’m still in shock that out of all times he chose to do it now...
    Since I confronted him today, we haven’t spoke to each other.
    I decided to go for a vocation with my son and to think it all through.
    I need to make a decision. I am tiered of all those expectations and disappointments. I cannot change him and I never really wanted to. The only thing I can do is to raise my son right:)
    Thanks again for your response. And I wish you all the best of luck!
  7. 21yearsin

    21yearsin Fapstronaut

    That's the best thing to do I think, I am planning one for myself if things don't get on track soon.
    eKat likes this.
  8. eKat

    eKat Fapstronaut

    I’ll let you know how it went for me. Currently I’m looking for some flights to the seaside:)) need to relax and get the energy to deal with it all.
    Last night he decided to go out and drink with his friends after making me feel awful with all his words. Also the place he went for drinks was located on the street with lap dancing clubs! That’s speak a volume about him!
    It’s as if he can’t make a decision to leave me so he is doing his best to make me go...
    Citadelle likes this.