Do you smoke marijuana?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by MetalHeader, Mar 19, 2018.

  1. Wze

    Wze Fapstronaut

    I assume it's just due to more generational support towards marijuana.

    It'll definitely be interesting if marijuana starts to become a full regularity.
  2. but WHY?
  3. You are once again changing the subject. YOU CLAIMED the law couldn't be enforced. its the exact opposite - our elite don't want to enforce it.
    a. overall positive view of image of 'weed' as you call it in main stream media,
    b. soft media c
    c. unilateral ignoring the law, as with immigration non-enforcement.

    it's legal to grow and research in medical research facilities there are, as you have pointed out countries where it is legal.

    oh this canard. Just because there is one drug (alcohol ) that is legal and causes problems as pot smokers always point out, that doesn't make it moral to make another damaging drug legal.
    Alcohol also has other user legitimate uses -it is deep part of the cultural - pot is not it is only used to get high and has no long cultural tradition in the west. And spare me the multicultural argument, I don't want to bring it in to our culture anymore than female circumcision.

    People who use weed now are all selfish assholes. They cannot but know that honest judges and police are being assassinated in mexico and other countries that try to curtail the trade, and are such narcissistic self absorbed assholes they don't care, take a deep 'toke' and blame the government for not making it legal.

    Pot smokers just want to get high- they don't give a damn about cancer patients, incarcerated minorities or anything else but their 'right' to get high.

    That shows, ergo that your question is a ridiculous one. No one responsible would smoke it.
  4. I support researching it medicinally - not recreational 'getting high'.
  5. There are significant restrictions on how it can be researched due to the narcotics classification schedule.
  6. ClaudeDuval

    ClaudeDuval Fapstronaut

    Good in small doses but I feel like people get addicted to it and rely on it for happiness(escapism). It can definitely consume and hinder your life if you let it. All the pot heads get angry if you say anything bad about it which shows you how addicted they are. It becomes part of their identity. Sad tbh.... I'm not anti drug as I use PEDs but use drugs responsibly.
    xeon1993 likes this.
  7. Agree 100%... but even further people can get addicted to a lot of things to unhealthy levels for similar reasons: diets, exercise, tv, and of course porn.

    I'm a recreational and medicinal user and know a lot of peers who are the same. I would agree that some people take it too far and have had interventions with these people, because yes pot can be harmful if abused.
    I view it as much less harmful however than some of these pain medications prescribed on a regular basis. A lot of people I know (including well-respected community members) have had troubles with prescribed pain meds, some even taking it to the next level. A good friend after having a kidney removed decided to forgo his extra scripts of pain meds (after the first couple days) to just vape marijuana as he has had struggles in the past with excessive use of pain meds. Personally I agree with this choice and feel it should be a medical alternative at a federal level.
    Also, yes weed is tied to the drug wars, but at least in the community of smokers I know,most people are very concerned about the quality and where they get their's and either grow it or get it from a local grower (as its legalized where I am to grow)
  8. Toomuchh

    Toomuchh Fapstronaut

    You must be smoking some good kush.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  9. Wze

    Wze Fapstronaut

    Well, in recent studies, the actual chemicals in marijuana, more specifically, CBD, has the ability to treat epilepsy, addiction, and even cancer cells.
    Calipso likes this.
  10. Mankrik

    Mankrik Fapstronaut

    This world is so complex and fast paced. I spend all my time working and stressed. I'm only human, my needs are simple. I just want to go out in nature with a girl I like and smoke some weed. Nothing else is going to make happier or be better for me psychologically. Wilfred-Drinking-Game-Bong.gif
    Calipso likes this.
  11. Calipso

    Calipso Fapstronaut

    yes once a week, only to relax
  12. that doesn't answer the question why recreational use has become so much more widespread. In the 1950s hardly anyone did, why do they now?
  13. Wze

    Wze Fapstronaut

    I never referenced recreational use being more widespread currently-I mentioned that marijuana has gained more support because of its abilities.

    The 1950s weren't nearly as technologically advanced as we are today, and it was only believed to be a bad thing because of politicians like Harry Anslinger referencing it as a drug that Mexicans, Negroes, and Filipinos used.

    Racism was very much alive in those times, and it only built on the fire, while discouraging others to use it.
  14. No, I don't smoke weed. I think life is one big growing experience and I want to face all my tests 100% myself, 100% present with 100% of my wits about me. So if I feel anxious, I see it as my opportunity to develop the ability to work through the anxiety and find inner peace. I don't seek an external/chemical solution. If I want to be happy, I work for that, I earn it. To me, using drugs, alcohol, porn, food, etc, to make me feel good is kinda like a shortcut that gives the semblance of happiness by giving a burst of pleasure. But for true, lasting happiness that resonates deep within the soul, you gotta take the long way.
    ivanhoe and Deleted Account like this.
  15. Great way to put it, like you said these all can be used as shortcuts that one should never rely on. However, food is one of my favorite hobbys, but like you said work for it, so I like to indulge in the entire cooking process shopping, prep, cook, enjoyment.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  16. i see people didn't smoke it because they were 'racist'.

    its being used more as a recreational drug now the 'benefits' are excuses. Potheads don't care about cancer patients any more than they care about judges in Mexico being assassinated by drug king pins. They are selfish assholes who want to get 'high' that's it.
  17. of course you can't refute what I said so you resort to this.
  18. Toomuchh

    Toomuchh Fapstronaut

    I didn't want to shit on you, but if you insist.

    I'm saying that your comparison with Singapore isn't a realistic applicable to north american society, because Singapore has a strict prohibition against drugs that result in them executing people for doing it. It's not realistic to expect American society to adopt that kind of policy. Please explain how that would happen. Strict enforcement of drugs in North America just resulted in lots of people no matter the degree to which was involved going to jail, to the point where not only were drug users affected but their families as well.

    Here is a report from the US government talking about the cost of enforcing drugs law, not only marijuana but drugs in general and how much of a burden it has been. Note this is 2006, before recreational marijuana was legalized in 2012 (First states were Colorado/Washington)

    It suggests to say that the law enforcement system is already overburdened, and that by legalizing marijuana, you free up law enforcement to focus their attention onto more serious drugs/crimes.

    Here is also something you can read to why the war on drugs was a failure.

    None of what you stated is facts, just your opinion.
    That's like me saying, the elites in this country want everyone to use youtube. How do I know? Everyone is using it now. People used to read the newspaper but because of elites in the country, everyone is using the internet to get their news. Wtf does soft media c mean and what kind of proof do you have the c is related to anything lol.

    basic google to prove to you how stupid you really are.

    You don't address why legalizing weed is immoral, you just dodge the question.
    Ignoring that you make an exception that alcohol is "deep part of cultural" even tho the affects of alcohol addiction is worse than marijuana addiction, that doesn't matter because all you need to do is prove to me that legalizing weed is immoral and I can change my stance.

    This is your response to my question "Please tell me why the people that use weed responsibly should be punished for using just a bit.".
    So what you are saying, for the people that don't abuse weed, but who might after a long and hard day of work, go back home and roll a joint to smoke, should be punished for just doing something to help them unwind after a stressful day. Something harmless to society.
    So your justification is to say "People who use weed now are all selfish assholes" so they should be punished for something minor like smoking a joint. They're just "such narcissistic self absorbed assholes they don't care, take a deep 'toke' and blame the government for not making it legal." You just generalize a huge group of people to the stereotype based on your own feelings and spout it like it's fact.

    The reason why I didn't bother giving a serious reply before was because like I said earlier, you don't debate with facts, you debate with feelings. And if you aren't open to debate ideas through truth of facts but rather with your own feelings, there's no point for me to talk to you. Because all the facts I give you, and I have given you many, you reject based on your feelings. And I can't change my stance based on your feelings, but if you give hard facts, evidence based on real world things that are credible, then yeah, I can say hey you are right, we shouldn't legalize weed. But because you don't give me any facts, you just vomit about how you feel about weed and how you feel about the people that smoke weed, talking to you isn't productive at all.
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2018
    Deleted Account likes this.
  19. no, actually every pro/legalize it group and individual I talk to says the same thing - you included. You ignore the fact that honest people are getting murdered- journalists, judges, police, in countries like mexico - so you can get high. Then you blame the government for making cannabis illegal.
    I would rather be 'stupid' than this narcissistic and immoral.

    Your reading comprehension is quite poor. I have said to you, repeatedly that the difficulty or expense in enforcing something or the fact that it is 'widespread' are not moral reasons to shrug one's shoulders and give up.
    I see no moral benefit to legalizing a drug which is known to be harmful and just because we have harmful drugs that are legal, that doesn't justify making more harmful drugs legal.
    "NIDA contracts with the University of Mississippi to grow marijuana for use in research studies. The contract was renewed in 2015 under an open solicitation process. The University designates a secure plot of land where marijuana crops are grown every few years, based on current and expected demand. The marijuana is grown, harvested, stored, and made available as bulk marijuana or other purified elements of marijuana to use for research."

    ..hmm what did you say 'basic google to show how stupid you are"

    Your article simple claims that in Canada they have to fill out paperwork for a regulated substance, which of course is what you advocate for legalization.. "Basic google to show how stupid you are"....

    Again, we don't have strict enforcement for street possession under certain amounts. Highly publicized stories of media and entertainment figures getting arrested for drug use but serving no jail time have been going on since the 1960s when we began to decriminalize possession, and recreational use has steadily risen.
    First you claimed enforcement doesn't work, then you claimed the type of enforcement example I provided isn't realistic
    Do you agree that enforcement works in Singapore and leads to lower usage?
    yes or no.
    That is the point. Some drug dealers should be excecuted. Ones pushing mass amounts on children for example - and frankly - I think the same for big pharam who knowingly pushed dangerous, even lethal 'legal' drugs on people.
    Facts are not the only thing one 'debates' with.
    Logic, reason, and reasonable assumptions.
    Can we reasonably assume that the 'zeigiest' among the elite, media (news and entertainment is to legalize marijuana?
  20. Well Im gonna just try a hopefully quick alternative perspective, this is to clarify my opinion from personal experience, studies, and reasoning.
    To preface I use marijuana recreationally and self prescribed medically however fairly limited in both cases (last time was in Feb) It has been a great alternative to pain meds and helped me reduce my drinking over the past few years. (I beleive) it would be beneficial as an alternative for some people addicted to some of the 'harder' drugs especially if its easier to come by.

    I am, like most people I know very cognitive of the damage of the drugs wars and source only local production (direct from local growers).

    When you consider the drug wars you can in many ways compare them to the mob during prohibition where illegalization greatly increased crime due to a constant demand but with only illegal sources to obtain. Once it was relegalized margins dropped and the gangs needed to explore alternate revenue sources.
    Similarly, with increase domestic growing capacity, weed prices in mexico are dropping. Also, as a drug it is not great lb for lb from the production side. Cost for volume and weight is much less than for say cocaine and after transportation even less. Legalizing if done properly would help mitigate drug cartel activity in this space and create economic benefits domestically-(I believe).

    Yes it is still difficult for medical research due to historic fear and drug classification of weed. There is the hope that if we can get it recreationally legal it will help loosen the restrictions medically. However that is a completely different intricate game with drug company lobbyists.

    I totally agree with you we need better ways to punish big drug companies. They literally are killing people when they restrict access to drugs that are life-dependant and which they have a monopoly. In my mind that is second degree murder.

    Last I have see contradictory evidence that decriminalization is causing more people to start smoking. Kids these days seem to be more well behaved.
    I know your point was more regarding increase in consumption, which can be attributed to general population growth and easier access for people who already smoked.
    Ok not terribly short, but appreciate your opinion if your think my interpretations are off.
    ivanhoe likes this.