So many triggers

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Robinwithai, Mar 19, 2018.

  1. Robinwithai

    Robinwithai Fapstronaut

    I am an 21 year old male, and have been watching porn since grade 5, ie age 11. As with all addictions, it started quite innocently but lead me to very nasty stuff. I've watched porn every day for the past 12 years, sometimes edging for 7 hours before orgasming. I have never had a girlfriend so I don't know if I have PIED. I probably do. But that's not what I want to talk about.

    I have been in therapy for the past 2 years which has made me very aware of my inner world and the triggers I suffer from. For me, porn is not the problem, it is merely a symptom of my brokenness. For example, I would be watching a movie and see how a pretty girl was making intense eye contact with a male character. That would trigger me into feeling rejected, inferior and invisible. It would also cause an obsession and fixation on this girl. In order to escape from these intense emotions, I watch porn. Not because the girl was wearing a short dress or whatever, but because of the pain that was triggered in me. Or I'd suddenly realize walking home from class that i would be alone for the rest of the day, and that loneliness would than push me to the comfort of porn.

    What I'm trying to say is that we all have different triggers based on our past. If our dad manipulated us or abused us emotionally, it could result in you struggling with rejection which could lead to porn. I want to encourage you to start dealing with the problem, instead of focusing on the fruit of the problem. I've been on this journey of healing for long, and can say that my desire to watch porn has decreased because my brokenness is slowly but surely being healed. I still fall allot, but that's part of the journey. Most days I don't want to leave my room because I am so terrified of the triggers that wait outside, but somehow I've made it this far, and I trust with all my heart that I will one day have the ability to have an intimate relationship with my wife and be the husband she deserves.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  2. kevinfine

    kevinfine Fapstronaut

    @Robinwithai , You're absolutely right.

    Stay Strong and Steady On!
  3. Robinwithai

    Robinwithai Fapstronaut

    Thanks so much @kevinfine Same to you friend.
  4. Ridley

    Ridley Fapstronaut

    Hey, man, this is really good advice. Thanks for sharing. I think addiction (not just porn addiction) is often a symptom of a bigger problem in one's life (though, not always). I've faced a lot of rejection in my life, and I often feel like I'm not good enough. If I'm with friends, I feel like I'm not funny enough. If I'm with my girlfriend, I feel like a shitty boyfriend. If I'm working on a personal project or something, I feel like I'm not creative or dedicated enough. Sometimes I'll let these feelings of inadequacy build up inside me instead of admitting to myself that they're feelings and identifying them in my head, and that build up makes me feel depressed. When I feel depressed, I turn to porn, because it will never let me down and it will always make me feel good (even though I'm aware it's a shallow and short-lived good feeling). I think I wouldn't be as likely to use porn if I found a better way to deal with the pain I feel from all the other stuff in my life. Good luck on your journey, and I hope you become stronger and more resilient to life's challenges.
    Robinwithai and kevinfine like this.
  5. Robinwithai

    Robinwithai Fapstronaut

    Yes, we are definitely on the same page, @Ridley. I think the solution to most of our issues, urges and triggers is to learn to love and accept ourselves, and not to allow shame to fester and become toxic. Love doesn't exist, it calls everything into existence. So, when you feel inadequate, love yourself and feel how adequacy is called into your existence. Godspeed bro
  6. ac1909

    ac1909 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for sharing your journey with us and im glad youve been able to notice whats causing you to watch porn. Its never the porn itself its always an emptional or psychological “scar” we have and PMO is coping with those problems.

    The objective is to not rely on nothing to help us cope but ourselves and those we love. Be ok with having to face rejection, discouragement or whatever feelings have caused us to fall into PMO. Im still struggling to get there as im very lonely and have had lots of problems in my past but im beginning to cope with everything slowly but surely.

    Lets stay strong and never give up because thats the key. You can fall a billion times but always getting back up is key to success
  7. Tyler G.

    Tyler G. Fapstronaut

    Thanks for sharing!
    Right now, I feel like relapsing. Because I have work to do and I know I'm letting people down because I'm not fast enough to do it the way they want. So I feel inadequate. I think I suffer from feeling this huge gap between the ideal version of myself, who rarely occurs, and reality. It's hard. It feels like being beaten up by your parents over and over again. Except you're doing it to yourself.

    And avoiding pmo is an excellent thing. But it doesn't get the work done. So the feeling stays. It's like you can't feel better, you can only feel less worse.

    Sorry for the negative toughts. I'm having a hard time not relapsing.

    But you kow what? Tommorow is springday. And that's good news for everybody!

    I wish you all sun and colourfull days.
  8. Robinwithai

    Robinwithai Fapstronaut

    Wow, thanks for your vulnerability @tyler. I pray for strength and that you and I will learn that we are good enough. We are life itself. We humans have the amazing ability to persevere when things are at their worst, and everything will be worth it. All the loneliness, anxiety, despair, powerlessness and pain from falling will never trump the space that we will find ourselves in when we have overcome this battle.
    Tyler G. and ac1909 like this.
  9. Hufflekid

    Hufflekid Fapstronaut

    Porn often does fill the gaps for other traumas in our lives. I began with it because I didn't learn about having safe sex with another man in school and my parents sure as hell weren't going to teach me about it. Over time it became a way to deal with stress.

    If I've learned anything about trauma/triggers in the past few years (and I've had many traumatizing experiences), it's always best to expose yourself to them so you can deal with those emotions. The more you throw yourself into the uncomfortable and come to terms with it, the stronger you become.
    Tyler G. likes this.
  10. Tyler G.

    Tyler G. Fapstronaut

    Thank you both for the answers! I'm still struggeling. I didn't relapsed (yet) but I feel confident I can and I will overcome this in the long run.
    It's just frustrating that right now the power I have is just enough to fight the battle, but not to build the walls to stay out of danger...
  11. Tryingto

    Tryingto Fapstronaut

    This is certainly my experience. Nice op, @Robinwithai. Nice thread.
    Robinwithai likes this.
  12. Tyler G.

    Tyler G. Fapstronaut

    Well for the moment, it's all I have to offer.

    Thanks for reacting. You are right. We are life itself. We just have to learn to not spoil it around.


  13. Out of the Furnace

    Out of the Furnace Fapstronaut

    really great post mate!
    i can say you are one of the few people here that realize what the root cause of our porn problem is.
    we all have hurting inner children still inside of us and before we do not cure them we will keep falling into our addictive behaviour.
    addiction is escape. escape from trauma.
    Tryingto likes this.
  14. Robinwithai

    Robinwithai Fapstronaut

    Thats deep dude.
  15. Robinwithai

    Robinwithai Fapstronaut

    YESSSs. I do however think that somewhere inside of us is a child that is whole and not addicted to porn. Who we were before we became "sick" And I think the key is to continuesly have a discourse with your inner child and try and be there for him, comfort him, get to know him, Because that is who you truly are.
    ac1909 and Tryingto like this.
  16. Out of the Furnace

    Out of the Furnace Fapstronaut

    yes, that child is whole. but you need to reconnect to it. to be a full human being again. only that way we can fight this and get rid of the addiction.
  17. I’m a sex addict in SAA and have been in therapy for years. I’ve learned in SAA that’s sex addiction and porn addiction has nothing at all to do with sex - it’s an emotional problem, as I think you alluded to.

    I’d love to discuss more with you if you’d care to start a new convo with me, or reply here. All the best.
    - Beach
  18. i wish you the best of luck!