Starting with full determination!

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by skyhit, Mar 19, 2018.

  1. skyhit

    skyhit Fapstronaut

    Hello everyone!
    Today 20 march 2018, I am starting a difficult journey towards making my life better.
    I tried this many times earlier but failed on 3rd day, again started but failed on 5th day, again but failed on 12th day, again but failed on 5th day last night.
    I think I quit. Not nofap but these small streaks. This is now a MUST for me.
    I'm just 15yrs right now and I think sooner I try easier it is.
    Please support me!
  2. Welcome.

    It's great to see that you've been making efforts at such a young age, and you're showing a level of insight I wish I'd had at twice your age. Push your streaks longer and longer, by kind to yourself when you slip, and keep your goals in mind.

    You've got this.
    skyhit likes this.
  3. Septimus

    Septimus Fapstronaut

    Welcome! I'm glad you're here.

    Yes, this is a hard battle, so don't get discouraged when you struggle. But what you can do is take the time you might otherwise spend on porn and fantasy, and instead, use it to explore this site, to learn and form your own plan of action. There are others your age here.
    skyhit likes this.
  4. skyhit

    skyhit Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the tip. I am not going back again!
    Septimus likes this.
  5. skyhit

    skyhit Fapstronaut

    Ummm, hi
    You know what : I Relapsed, yet again.
    Well i always do that the next day i start again with 'full determination' and after 3-4 day something goes wrong and 'determination' goes in a puff of dust.

    Let me tell you what exactly happened today.
    I was getting urges , not really the strongest but i thought for some instant motivation. So i opened youtube and searched 'nofap' and clicked on a video.
    Here is the summary of the video: "i am on nofap for 2years and it does not benefits exept saving time. The benefits that they talk about are just in their heads, you are just fooling your brain but i still recommend you to do nofap ".
    Well the urge, it was just waiting for a motivation and it got strong. I controlled myself and got for another video to find more or less the same thing.
    And my brain got damp and i............
    Well im definitely frustrated.
    That dosen't mean i quit. I will again stand. Please give tips and advice. I really need some tips.
    (Also please tell me how to use this nofap website, i really dont understand)
  6. Septimus

    Septimus Fapstronaut

    You use this site by:

    - Exploring. Visit different forums.
    - Reading.
    - Learning.
    - Connecting: comment; reach out to people with comments. Become a part of the community, not just a spectator.
    - From all this, you form your own, personal life plan. Do you know what times of day you tend to act out? Is it when you get up? When you get into or out of the shower? Mid day? After work or school? In the evening? What is going on? I'm gonna take a wild guess and say it's boredom. Or frustration because your day didn't go well. Or loneliness. Or other moods.

    Have you started tracking these days/times/moods? Pay attention to your own life, your own head. Notice patterns and vulnerabilities. And your personal life plan addresses these vulnerabilities.

    Did you read the link beneath my signature? It's here again: "What's working for me." If not, click on that link and read it. And look around this site, you will see lots of places where you are offered ways to start. Look up at the head of the "new to nofap" thread, for example.

    This won't all happen for you. You have to do the work. It will be work. It will be hard. It's like working out at the gym. Work and pain to make gains.
    tomisin likes this.
  7. I'm very sorry that you happened to come across to videos in succession that gave such a negative mindset. While they're both correct in that all those two participants are doing is saving time, there are things you'll have to do. You're going to have to make use of that extra time, whatever that may require.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 24, 2018
  8. skyhit

    skyhit Fapstronaut

    Thanks a lot! You have no idea how inspiring you are! I will learn from you.
    Thanks again
    Septimus and Deleted Account like this.
  9. skyhit

    skyhit Fapstronaut

  10. These things are going to happen from time to time. As I said above, be kind to yourself.
    skyhit likes this.
  11. skyhit

    skyhit Fapstronaut

    Thanks for your support!