Acne Problem

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Deleted Account, Mar 8, 2018.

  1. I have pretty bad acne in comparison to everyone I know. I also get that I'm only 15 and that it will probably give away later. Its mostly just scared problems for me.

    It really bothers me, having this acne. To me, it makes me unnatrractive and stuff like that. Its not as bad as the worst people who ever had acne though, and I do take care of it.

    Am I worrying about it too much? Should I stop being so concerned with my acne and just live my life? Or should I worry more? Honesty is needed for me RN.
    GPero82 likes this.

    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    If you think it’s bad, you can see a dermatologist if you can, and they can prescribe a medicine that usually contains either benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid in it. Both can lessen acne in their own way. My sisters needed it as teenagers (I had near-perfect skin ;)... except for my back...) and it helped them out.
    differentoutlook likes this.
  3. pezzer

    pezzer Fapstronaut

    yeahh, I was prescribed 'isotretinoin' when I went to the derm, I tried everything else, wasting so much money on facial cleansers that just never worked for me. I felt so cheated and so hopeless but that stuff just helped me out so much. It's for serious acne and at the time I would have my hair over my face because of my shy attitude towards school and the people there. That was probably what caused it, it's not like I didn't take care of myself. I feel as though it's not always a case of hygiene and sometimes it's best to just wait it out or seek that help if its really getting to you like it did for me. Thats all I saw when I looked at myself and it just took me down a pretty unhealthy spiral whereby that was on my mind all the time. But if you were to consider that, make sure you read the side effects as it can make some people depressed although for most the depression is from the acne so it kinda counters itself out if it does it's job well. It's meant to shrink the oil glands and produce less of it thus drying up the spots effectively. It can work wonders
  4. Perfect_Stranger

    Perfect_Stranger Fapstronaut

    drink enough water.. i tried it works
    Deleted Account likes this.
  5. Definitely will start that! Thanks brotha!
  6. Perfect_Stranger

    Perfect_Stranger Fapstronaut

    youre welcome... i would like to add that do massage of whole body with mustard oil and take warm shower. it helps giving very clear skin..
  7. I used accutane. Lots of people describe awful side effects. Other than dry lips I never had an issue.
    pezzer likes this.
  8. Sort out your diet. Quit dairy, it has more than 30 different mammalian hormones and will wreak havoc in your body.
    pezzer likes this.
  9. I had pretty bad cystic acne at one point. I tried every over the counter I tried eliminating dairy. Nothing really helped much. Accutane was my saviour. I don't recommend trying that first. Try the OTC stuff, try changing your diet etc.
    Accutane can have severe side effects so it's a last resort thing.
  10. JustinX

    JustinX Fapstronaut

    Wash your face every fucking day before sleeping and after every physical activity where you sweat.

    I had them too, washing stopped creating new acne and I got rid of the old one that I had already on my face with help of dermatologist.
    But even now when I am 28 years old if I forget to wash my face (drunk or whatever) next morning I will find one or two new small pimples. So do it consistently every day and you can beat your acne too.
  11. Yes
  12. Jamiemh90

    Jamiemh90 New Fapstronaut

    Hey dude, on reddit check the subreddit "acne" and read the sticky post it really helped me.

    Specifically hydrocolloid patches, had no clue what they were until then, you can get a pack of about 200 for about £12. They don't really stop the acne for appearing but when you get a break out they clear it up so much faster. At least for me.
  13. softmax13

    softmax13 Fapstronaut

    Before using Accutane I would advise trying these first :
    1) Cut off diary\junk food\high sugar
    2) take a Zinc supplement(preferably L -OptiZinc 30mg)
    3) Stop fapping (it messes up with your hormones)

    if after two or three months nothing has changed then you should try Accutane.And yes you should stop worrying.Believe me, most people don't care unless they are so shallow.Besides, you are doing your best and seeking treatment at a young age.Just live your life and forget about it.
    Deleted Account and pezzer like this.
  14. Arvid Vuze

    Arvid Vuze Fapstronaut

    water and cut back on sugar/carbs a bit
    pezzer likes this.
  15. Yeah everyones acne is different.

    Is it only severe on your face or is it severe on your back and shoulder as well?
  16. lyophobic sol

    lyophobic sol Fapstronaut

    YESSS!!!! I too have acne problem. I had them on my cheeks but now by washing my face daily twice(in afternoon and at night before sleeping) i have controlled it.

    But my forehead still has some. And my back and shoulders are filled with acne marks. New ones too pop up there frequently. I maintain hygiene and rub my back and shoulders while bathing but it seems to have no effect.

    I am not sure but I have observed that after masturbating my hair used to become oily. That could be the reason I have acne on my forehead to due oil clogging my pores. No idea about the shoulders, have tried everything to no avail. Fighting my addiction is a first try. Don't know what might be the result.

    I drink 3L of water daily, on an average. That should have been enough. I will try increasing my consumption and tell about the results.

    I am new to quitting PMO, have been here for 2 days. I hope to solve this acne crisis by fighting my addiction.
  17. lamstronger

    lamstronger Fapstronaut

    There are certain foods that promote acne, look em up, take them out of your diet. Drink lots of water, when your body cant detox itself, it comes out as acne. The yellow/white stuff coming out of acne spots are dead leukocytes, that die fighting toxins. And like mentioned above, see a dermatologist for a prescription for medication.
    pezzer likes this.
  18. I had terrible acne and tried just about everything creams, pills, doctor vistits , from the time I was 13 till I was 23 then it let up some I feel for you buddy because I have been there done that
  19. I had also very bad acne in my teens and tried creams and pills. But around my 20/21 my acne was gone.

    For me chocolate and pork and fapping triggered my acne, especially fapping.

    Stress can also cause more acne, just stay relaxed about it :). When you worry to much about it, visit a GP or an dermatologist.