I did the best I could.

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Dragon Silver, Mar 4, 2018.

  1. Dragon Silver

    Dragon Silver Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    Its a day that has been quite on the sad side of things. I must declare this ends my long streak. I will not go in tears and pretend my world washes away and all dear to me will hate me. But it is a shame. I did all the methods but the memories came rushing back and once again I fell in. The whole battle restarts. I know that a life lesson is to stand up when you fall, to continue and to only strive for better days. Yet, I want a solution that will be a lifelong victory, I do not want to always end up at ground zero over and over again like a broken record. Life is just to important to always have to resort to breaking down. I know its human, but does it have to truly be infinte. I want to place a cap on this addiction, to remove the lighter to these cigarettes. Must I live like that all the time? This is becoming beyond me. I would like to hear your advice, please do lend me a hand, I think that will be enough to get back on my feet and fight harder, Thanks.
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2018
  2. Lau

    Lau Fapstronaut

    Bro as a human being we all screw up, everyone here has f### up and reset their counters countless times. The process may take a while but addiction doesn't just go away like that man. Each time I did it I feel bad and disappointed in myself but this what makes us keep going because I didn't want feel that shame anymore. Keep going for it soon brain will learn to reject that filthy habit that we all have here.
    Dragon Silver likes this.
  3. JustinX

    JustinX Fapstronaut

    "I did the best I could" ---> this is always all you need to do, nothing more is necessary.
    By doing so although you have not succeeded now, your "best you could do" just slightly expanded by the new experience you gained and if you do it again, the same cycle of growing continues until your "I did the best I could" will be enough for conquering the addiction. Good luck, dont be so hard on yourself, imho you are doing great job now
    Dragon Silver likes this.
  4. GG2002

    GG2002 Fapstronaut

    Recovery for most from any addiction does not take the first time. It is often riddled with relapses. All you can do is learn from this relapse and go forward doing better the next time.
  5. Dragon Silver

    Dragon Silver Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    Words can not describe how thankful I am to hear that. Trust me, this is a side of me that is very personal and hurts to talk about it. In truth, its possibly my darkest part. Its always lingering in my mind, when will it happen again? The memories of the porn sites the videos run in my head no matter how hard I try to blank it out. I for sure can do two months at a time but it gets me when I am weakest, alone and or depressed. That is what I try to avoid. I place alot in the way yet it happens. Regardless thank you all for reaching out to me, I would like to talk with you all, I hope we can up with solutions for us all.
  6. Determined_to_Succeed

    Determined_to_Succeed Fapstronaut

    Tears come to my eyes reading this, because of how many times I failed. I even have history on this site, and was appalled to find my own posts from four years ago, then NADA. Just lots of bs justification in my mind. My God. At least you aren't doing THAT.
    Seriously, it is hard. It hurts like nothing else. That being said, You are in it for the long haul. I get that, and applaud it. And just like anything else, you are getting better with practice.
    You probably know quite a few tools and tricks. Well, here is another one, which I am using and here it is:
    The counter. You have it set for "meeting your goals". Goals and plans are fine. Important even. It helps to know where you are going. But in this path, there also needs to be an entirely different mindset from goals. I don't know what has motivated you to feel like you need to "meet your goals", because you didn't say what is was. In fact, I don't even know what your goals are. However, because you are on this site, they probably include no porn use, perhaps no masturbation. So here is the tool: forget the counter. Forget the future. Even though you (of course) have plans, forget it. What I mean by this is that you have a task, and that is to deal with what is directly in front of you. Forget worrying about whether or not you have urges, or porn images running through your head. You can't control that. You can control one thing: your behavior in response to whatever is going on. Get that through your head. You cannot "stop the thoughts", you cannot "stop using porn forever". Even thinking both of those things is extremely counter productive and will lead you down a path of confusion and anxiety, because that is all it produces. Change is about the NEXT THING YOU DO. Not anything else.
    Dragon Silver likes this.
  7. mapache

    mapache Fapstronaut

    Dragon Silver,

    I cannot tell you how many times I have felt how you're feeling. Over the last fifteen years, I have tried and failed to remove PMO from my life. I've had streaks that ended at 18 days (my longest until now), 13 days, 2 days, 1 day, 1 hour, 20 minutes...etc...

    I'm no expert, but I would bet that almost everyone (if not everyone) on NoFap who has defeated (or is defeating) their addiction has experienced the really, really unpleasant and frustrating feeling that you are sharing with us. That doesn't make it any less painful, of course, but it does mean that there is hope that one day you will overcome what today seems insurmountable.

    Here's a bit of advice that I would share. We all have different styles and preferences, so it may or may not be helpful.

    Fill your free time with new routines! This will make days go by faster (and slowly, surely take you towards your goals.)

    Pick things that are important to you (or that you would like to be important to you) and start finding ways to dedicate time to those things. When I stopped PMO in December, I chose to change my eating habits. To do so, I am cooking most of the food that I eat which, of course, is a routine that takes up time (definitely a big plus) while also helping me progress towards one of my goals (being healthier). Another change that I made was with cleanliness. While I was in the fog of addiction, my apartment was always very dirty. Now, I have tried to create routines for sweeping the floor, cleaning the kitchen...etc...This is not exciting, I know, but it fills up time (very important) and helps me reach my goals (being cleaner). As a (more fun) way of filling up time, I have started reading more often. Reading, like cooking and cleaning, takes up time and also carries me towards my goals (being more informed professionally and personally).

    If you choose to try this strategy, let me know. I'm happy to help in any way that I can.

    Whether you go this way or not, remember that BRIGHTER DAYS ARE AHEAD. There's always hope!
  8. Dragon Silver

    Dragon Silver Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    Thank you. Its been rough on me lately. Having to fight a digital addiction that I have honestly questioned since the beginning why? I am a person with much on his plate, still in high school, working hard to make my dreams a reality. Senior year as a matter of fact. I want to go to college, become a Vet and have a good lifestyle. I want to be with my family and make sure that they know I love them. Yet, behind all the positives, I still sink in. I still end up in a site that I know in my heart in soul I would have never ever come close to, yet there I am. My concept of love and what makes a couple is broken by what I myself, end up seeing. The pureness in me leaves me, at times I am frozen in class needing to calm myself down, ask for a short break to cool off or drink water to get the stress out. I will admit, I have gotten better, I have slipped up only four times within six months, but when It hits me, it breaks that. The time I grinded falls out of line and lt just feels as if you have been stuck all that time, its awful. I understand that it is great, I have improved, infact many times I have shared my insight to others, but I feel like a liar when I fall back into it, as the advice I gave them was if anything, a failed set of tools. I believe that it is best I instead of ranting at myself, I need to see what life is worth and motivate myself, live in the present, not the bubble of the past.
  9. Dragon Silver

    Dragon Silver Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    Its become in a nightmare to me. Everyday sitting there doing my best to live life, and suddenly, falling back in a place I never expected. Yes, I have not watched porn for some time, yes I have been able to cope with this addiction and of course I have gotten far better...yet I still find myself still broken by porn, directly and indirectly. I know that I am no victim in truth, but I am with a mental struggle that cannot break off. Those dear to me see me as cold and no longer the creative kid they once knew, now I isolate myself in an attempt to free myself from myself. I am in a sense, in a state of denial. I know what I have and what I am living through, but it do not want it to be a part of me. I wish, and it may seem childish, but I would hope that I could just accept it and have the damn guts to tell someone these feelings. I understand I speak freely here, but yet I feel like a coward when I do not seek help from others. I have seen videos of those who have limitations and they are able to live a lifestyle I want, to live every moment as it is my last, yet this feeling comes over me and soon enough it happens again. Thank you for your patience with me and for listening to my struggle. I would like to create a whole story in detail on how it has affected me and to share my insight in what I have learned, and where I have fallen, I hope you all have a great day/night.
    mapache likes this.