Skinny Fat

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Fix_It_Mate, Mar 2, 2018.

  1. Fix_It_Mate

    Fix_It_Mate Fapstronaut

    Hey there!

    I get the feeling that I might be "skinny fat". I'm 20 years old, 176cm tall (5'9 for you Americans) and I weigh about 62-63 kilograms (around 140-ish lbs, a bit under). On the surface, that doesn't scream fat at all, but I'm not particularly happy with how I look when I take my shirt off.

    I have a slightly flabby stomach, man boobs (bane of my existence) and fairly skinny arms and legs. These seem to point to skinny fat, although the man boobs could possibly be girly genetics rather than fat.

    I've done a lot of cardio over the last couple of months and cut out a lot of junk food and sugary soft drinks, and probably lost about 4-5 kilograms in that time. My stomach looks a bit smaller and my pants feel a bit looser, but I don't look particularly shapely. The man boobs really haven't budged.

    I'm getting the feeling that now might be the time to start bulking up and putting on muscle rather than shrinking away into nothing but a gut and man boobs.

    So I'm wondering on what the best way to go about this is? I don't have access to a gym but we do have a weight bench. Advice on what exercises to do, how often, how many reps/sets etc. would be greatly appreciated. I also think I probably need to eat more.

    Thank you for your help!
  2. Lonewolfpt

    Lonewolfpt Fapstronaut

    What worked for me was jumping rope for 30 minutes whilo doing pushup sets up to 50. And when Its the right weather I go to a park where I can do pull ups
    Deleted Account and Fix_It_Mate like this.
  3. Fix_It_Mate

    Fix_It_Mate Fapstronaut

    Thank you. I'll see if I can find a skipping rope somewhere, probably beats doing tons of exercise bike.

    How many push up sets should I do? I'll need a lot of work to get to sets of 50, but I can probably start with sets of 10-15.

    What should I do with the weight bench?

    Should I be eating an excess of calories if I still have a slightly fat stomach and these stubborn man boobs?
  4. Lonewolfpt

    Lonewolfpt Fapstronaut

    Skiping rope and pushups will already do great for you. The tradition boxing training does wonders in getting you skin and muscular. You get a slim look, isnt that what you looking for?

    What i mean was that i do like 5 sets of 12 pushups. Up to 50.

    Do you have dumbells or a bar that you can add weight?
    Fix_It_Mate likes this.
  5. Xuarez

    Xuarez Fapstronaut

    - 3 x 10 wide push ups
    - 3 x 10 tight push ups
    - 3 x 10 diamond push ups
    - 3 x 5 hindu push ups (it's for shoulders)

    If you can't do 10 push ups then do 5.

    - 3 x 30 squats (can be 20)
    - 3 x 15 split jumps (can be 10)
    - 60 jumps on jumping rope- 10 per one foot, 10 per second foot, mix it

    1. It's hard, I know, you don't have to do all of these exercises. Just try. You can do half of the time or reps.
    2. This one is harder but effects are better.
    3. The easiest one:

    You can do only reachers and pulse rows. 30 reps per one exercise, do 3 rounds.

    Triceps will grow with chest. Do you have dumbbells? They are necessary to do biceps workout. Reply and I'll give you some exercises. They are necessary to do traps too (barbell shrug exercise).
    Use jumping rope before and after workout, 3 x 1 minute.

    Losing fat is connected with diet. It's all about calories you need or you don't need. But if I give you all of the tips connected with calories you will get crazy and loss your motivation.
    So, don't eat fat meat (try chicken and fishes- just once per day, not a lot), eat a lot of vegetables and fruits (don't eat a lot of dates, bananas and other fruits containing a lot of sugar [fructose]- you can eat them before/after training only, but it's not necessary), try green/white/red tea or yerba mate (my favourite)- they "accelerate" digestion and burn fat because of caffeine. Limit milk. Limit "white" bread, dark is better.

    You can try taking whey protein (mixed with water) but it's not necessary. The same with some superfoods (like hemp seeds or chia seeds)- they are good but it depends if you have money. Sometimes they cost a lot if you don't know where to find lower prices :)

    That's all. If you have any questions- just ask.
    Fix_It_Mate likes this.
  6. Skinny-fat is a paradox? o_O No? :confused:
    Deleted Account likes this.
  7. Huh? "Skinny-fat"? That makes no sense.
  8. Fix_It_Mate

    Fix_It_Mate Fapstronaut

    Would you honestly say someone who is 62 kilograms and 176cm tall is overweight?

    Yet I still have an unflattering appearance.
  9. I have no idea. But that expression makes no more sense than saying tall-short. :rolleyes:
  10. Fix_It_Mate

    Fix_It_Mate Fapstronaut

    You may be right, but I didn't invent the term. Look it up.
  11. Fix_It_Mate

    Fix_It_Mate Fapstronaut

    Yeah. Contrary to my avatar, I don't want the Schwarzenegger look. Just to look lean and hard. So I can take my shirt off without feeling like a fatso.

    I have some 2.5kg fixed weight dumbbells (pretty small) and a barbell.
  12. Fix_It_Mate

    Fix_It_Mate Fapstronaut

    Thanks for all that. Will give it a try.

    I have some 2.5kg fixed weight dumbbells (pretty pointless I know), and a barbell I can add more weight to.
  13. JustinX

    JustinX Fapstronaut

    No skinny-fat is exactly correct expression. Who says otherwise dont know a shit about this topic.
    My advice if you want to look better there is no point working on your abs, because you want see any results from it. Your priority should be to get of fat. If you get rid of enough fat I guarantee that even with those abs you have right now, you can have 6 pack. Then try to hit you chest (benchpress, push ups), lats (pull ups), and maybe legs (deadlift with that barbell).
  14. You don’t need dumbells for bicep work. Chin-ups will help your biceps.

    Diet and chest work will help man boobs. Eat healthy—real food.
  15. Jungler

    Jungler Fapstronaut

    Invest in buying a punching bag.

    Works wonders with any routine you're doing and it gets you seriously toned + increases your overall strength.
    Fix_It_Mate likes this.
  16. RationalBrody

    RationalBrody Fapstronaut

    The following should be foundational habits upon which you will conquer the skinny fat syndrome:
    • Intermittent Fasting 16-8
    • Carbs cycling (and possibly calorie cycling) mandatory. Drop your overall carbs intake, your body doesn't process it well
    • Eat a medium-high protein diet
    • HIIT sprints (15-20 min) on your rest days, fasted if possible. It will immensely improve your body recomposition
    • Eat clean 80% of the time. You just don't have the luxury of putting fast food and coke in your body
    • Strength training in a moderate rep-range 6-12 rep range, with an emphasis on compound lifts. If you don't have access to a gym, do calisthenics. If you don't have access to a calisthenics park, do bodyweight workouts 3 times per week (push-ups, pull-ups, bodyweight squats, pistol squats, Inverted rows, burpees, kettlebell swings)
    You're welcome.
    Fix_It_Mate likes this.