Superpowers Makes NoFap Look Bad

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Mar 2, 2018.

  1. I came across people online who say doing NoFap has given them superpowers. I mean the kind crazy superpowers that you see in Marvel or DC movies/comics. Some of these people claim that NoFap has caused them to levitate and move objects without touching them. I think such things make NoFap look stupid like we're some sort of crazy cult. This is nonsense and might put people from doing it. I truly hope no one here believes they'll be able to fly like Superman by doing NoFap.
  2. Man, Nofap gave me the ability to write poetry while surfing. Psht, so, I don't know what your talking about :rolleyes:
    sonicBoi likes this.
  3. Yes, that’s foolish as well as calling any benefit a superpower since all you’re doing is gaining back natural abilities after years and years of self-abuse.

    As for looking like a crazy cult, well, that’s going to happen regardless since NoFap is countercultural in its approach towards pornography.

    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    Every movement has its associated cult. From sects of religions to atheism, from feminism to MRA’s, from LGBT to traditional marriage supporters, from meat advocates to veganism, from NoFap, etc...

    These movements make people self-righteous and boasty, which may be one factor responsible for cult-like behaviours.
  5. ^this and many also find within this forum that hypersexualization in general is bad - and that goes against strong ideological forces - sexual 'liberation' was a core part of the radical social revolution that took place in the 1960s and is now being used to actually curtail our freedoms- and if you think this is hyperbole, try calling Bruce Jenner "he" and watch what happens to you.

    Also remember there is a multi-BILLION dollar entertainment and pornography industry that has vested interested in keeping you hooked, weak, and enslaved.

  6. Hell, calling them "superpowers" is an exaggeration in of itself. They're not "powers". Just great feelings. And it's that increased testosterone, greater confidence, lack of social anxiety, etc that brings attention from girls.
    Deleted Account and Supermarron like this.
  7. That also makes it worse in other ways too, I've seen people say the only reason they're here to stop porn is to have those "superpowers". Then when they're in a flatline or they feel worse because of the low dopamine they get angry and quit. lol
  8. I always laugh when I see people talk about quitting just because they’re not getting the “superpower” benefits . It’s as if they don’t understand that a life not jerking off to fake crap on a screen is benefit enough to stop.
  9. I do it to be a better person, hopefully rid the awful feelings and depression I developed from years of chronic pmo, and to connect with my SO. Yet for them? They expect to be I dunno like the hulk or something, and don't actually understand or care about the aspect of nofap. Those people honestly suck.

    The true superpowers you gain eventually are being able to feel alive like a bloody person again and not an empty shell, I long for that day and that's why I'm committed no matter how rubbish my life has been.
  10. Gotham Outlaw

    Gotham Outlaw Fapstronaut

    You mean I can't shoot a laser out of my penis? Damn.
  11. [​IMG]