quitting coffee???

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Deleted Account, Feb 28, 2018.

  1. hey ,

    i am really amazed about the benefits of no fab and it helps me a lot in the discipline departement. i quit smoking 17 days ago i am passed the difficulties now , i can feel it.

    But i still drink a lot of coffee and i wonder it isnt hindering my progression and also the healing process related to dopamine ?

    I wonder i reap the full benefits of no fab because of the addiction to coffee??? any thoughts on quitting , experiences of other nofappers?
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 28, 2018
    j_pwc_bat likes this.
  2. Zeroman123

    Zeroman123 Fapstronaut

    Drink coffee In the morning only I do it that way.it is very addictive.still manged to make one it's still hard.
  3. CrimsnBlade

    CrimsnBlade Fapstronaut

    There are actually some health benefits to coffee, but thankfully you can get those same benefits from decaf, so you don't need the caffeine. I used to drink quite a bit of coffee, and I enjoy it, so sometimes if I get that urge I will just get a cup of decaf. Do a little research, it is pretty interesting (as always, there are health risks too):

    Just a warning though, if you drink a lot, and you try to quit cold turkey, you are going to get massive headaches most likely, so be prepared. If you tried to slowly lower your consumption a little each day to where you got down to 1 cup in the morning or so, that would probably be less painful.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  4. lamstronger

    lamstronger Fapstronaut

    Caffeine isn't bad for you, in moderation. Coffee has many benefits. Quitting depends on the person. If you feel it's stopping your progression, try quitting it. I don't think it's a problem for me.
    Marcus444 and Deleted Account like this.
  5. Sight

    Sight Fapstronaut

    If you are having trouble, do this:
    Drop down to one spoon of coffee per day. USE THE SAME SPOON EVERY TIME.

    If you take six spoons, maybe drop to three first. If you are concerned you won't choose properly in the moment...prepare it in advance!
    Like say, you wake up groggy and out of habit you have a chugged a six spoon cup of adrenaline inducing caffeine and then you are standing there, staring at the bottom of your cup, going 'well, that's gonna keep me up a looooong time'.

    Instead, you can prep the next days cup by putting it in another glass and covering it up, or another vessel of choice and just making coffee in that.

    Alternatively, substitute with green tea, caffeinated. If you absolutely need the caffeine I mean, otherwise, chamomile can be a super relaxing choice.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  6. I'd just quit coffee 2 weeks ago. I don't care if people says it's healthy. The way it forced me to the toilet and the way it kept me awake even though my body needed sleep cant't be healthy in any way.
    I switched to drinking green tea and yes it has some caffeine in it, and in case you want zero caffeine, then you can choose hot water with lemon juice. You should expect a tiny headache the first few days but that's going to pass and you'll be just fine :)
    Deleted Account and Marcus444 like this.
  7. Marcus444

    Marcus444 Fapstronaut

    Be careful not to quit too many habits at once. Discipline is something that can be strengthened but also depleted, like an energy source.

    I quite coffee for a week, 2-3 times a year. It keeps me sensitive to caffeine. Otherwise, 'caffeinated' turns into your normal state and you forfeit its benefits.
    Deleted Account and Sight like this.
  8. Caliph

    Caliph New Fapstronaut

    Does drinking coffee excessively any effect on impotence?
  9. Admonius

    Admonius Fapstronaut

    I quit coffee nine months ago. I feel a million times better for it.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  10. scote73

    scote73 Fapstronaut

    Do you drink anything else that helps you stay alert or wake up, like herbal tea? Or are you able to naturally give yourself energy throughout the day? I'm also looking to quit drinking coffee and right now looking for possible healthier substitutes.
  11. Admonius

    Admonius Fapstronaut

    @scote73 i try to eat apples during the day. In general, I don’t drink anything caffeinated but it took a month before I felt good
  12. Coffee, in my opinion, can be very beneficial.
    But drinking garbage coffee will just mess with your head. I see people drinking those tall boy sized coffees. The cheap chain coffees are the worst (Dunkin donuts, or hortans for my fellow Canadians) it reminds me of really cheap cocaine lol.
    In the morning I have an espresso at home with a pad of butter and honey it in. I get no rush, no nervousness, no jitterines or anything.
    When I smoked I drank 4-5 coffees day. Now maximum 2. Usually one. I'm more inclined to a green tea.

    In moderation GOOD quality coffee in small amounts is good for you.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  13. Sorry but I simply don't understand how it's good for you to ignore the fact that your body is asking you to sleep? Sure it might be great for your boss at work that he has some employees that don't need to rest, but don't tell me that it's good for YOU and your health.
  14. Well, it's got the highest source of anti oxidants. Not a high level... The highest.
    So it terms of fighting cancer and diseases yeah its good for you.
  15. CrimsnBlade

    CrimsnBlade Fapstronaut

    There are other things that can give you energy throughout the day too, that aren't coffee. I used to drink a cup every morning and I recently started making smoothies in the morning and to be honest I feel just as awake as I would with a cup of coffee, it just depends on the ingredients you put in it. I've put bananas, blueberries, orange juice, spinach, and kale in a smoothie and I felt energized throughout the day just drinking that. Good sleep, not just sleep, and a diet that is full of foods that aren't junk are changes that can give you more energy in general as well.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  16. NZT 48

    NZT 48 Fapstronaut

    As stated previously, decrease the amount of coffee gradually every day by 1 spoon and use the same spoon each time when measuring. Just like with PMO you will have to battle through the withdrawal symptoms from caffeine - but it will be worth it in the end.

    You will become desensitized eventually and then you can use coffee for a big boost whenever you need it.
  17. Liveoak

    Liveoak Fapstronaut

    Ok kill me now. Im supposed to quit porn and M and now you are saying quit coffee!
    Deleted Account likes this.
  18. Haha one at a time one at a time Mr. Oak. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step..don't bite off more than you can chew. If you like coffee and see no reason to quit please good don't quit. If one day you wake up and say "coffee isn't doing it for me anymore" (like with PMO) then you can look at it. But for now drink away.
  19. Blade-rnr

    Blade-rnr Fapstronaut

    Not to be argumentative but there are many long term health risks as well as side effects associated with coffee including ulcers, damaged adrenal glands, insomnia, spikes in blood pressure, rapid heartbeat, etc. They outweigh the benefits.

    You could try cold turkey but will likely see some withdrawal symptoms if you drink a lot. In that case, the easiest way is to dose yourself down. Start with a cup a day and slowly cut back. 1 cup for a week... 3/4 cup for a week... 1/2 then 1/4 cup. Also, you'll want to drink a LOT of water. Many coffee drinkers are chronically dehydrated (one side effect of caffeine) which contributes to fatigue... which in turns results in cravings for more coffee.
  20. Hmm, well.. from what I've researched coffee is one of the healthiest things to you in terms of cancer prevention etc. 4-5 a day will probably hurt your nervous system but 1-2 cups of good quality coffee without dairy and sugar will be excellent for your health