Can someone give me exercising advice?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Deleted Account, Feb 24, 2018.

  1. Ever since january 2018 I have vowed to become healthy and to exercise. I have created a CRAPPY exercise plan that included weights and body weight exercises a month ago that gave me no results and was awful.

    (It's because I know NOTHING about weightlifting, bodybuilding, calisthenics, nutrition, exercises and all that stuff)

    Today I decided to read about exercising and I eventually found a good exercise regiment to take (that I can do)

    Now I prepared a workout schedule with this:

    Full body workout (a) (bodyweight)
    Quads: Lunges
    Butt and Hamstrings: Hip raises
    Push: Pushups
    Pull: Pullups
    Core: Planks

    Saturday (exercise/a)
    Sunday (rest)
    Monday (exercise/a)
    Tuesday (rest)
    Wednesday (exercise/a)
    Friday (rest)
    Sunday (rest)
    (2 rest days at the end of the week)

    But I have a pair of dumbbells that I want to integrate into my bodyweight routine. I want to at least do bicep and tricep with weights so I can tone them better.

    Can someone who is good at weightlifting suggest and tell me which exercises I should do? What weightlifting exercises should I take up and include in my current plan?

    My English is terrible so I hope you understand what I am saying.
    Noelle likes this.
  2. Slamex

    Slamex Fapstronaut

    Dumbbells can be used for almost all your workout needs when it comes to biceps, triceps, shoulders, back, chest, hell even legs.
    If youre looking for muscle growth and increased strength you'll want to do low repetition with heavy weights.
    If you're looking to improve muscular endurance (can move weights for a longer period of time) you'll want then opposite. Low weight with high repetition.
    Rest time between sets (the amount of times you do a group of reps) depends on what you're looking to improve. Heavy weight, long rest times, light weights, short rest time.
    Bicep curls are key for those bigger biceps and triceps extensions with 1 dumbbell for increased triceps muscle.
    I could go into more detail but it depends on what you're really looking to do. Check reddit fitness subsection for people who have been doing this a lot longer nthen me and have more experience.
    Deleted Account and Noelle like this.

  3. Quads: Lunges
    Butt and Hamstrings: Hip raises
    Push: Pushups
    Pull: Pullups
    Core: Planks

    I do these in one day (on my exercise days)
    What kind of weight lift exercises should I do? and must I do them in ONE day? just like my full body weight routine, right?

    But doesn't adding weightlifting to the regiment make it extremely hard and difficult?
    Can you tell me the name of the exercises I must add? and can you tell me when to do them in reference to the plan I made above?

    I only have 5KG dumbbells and I can barely lift 6.5 KGs, so 5 KG is my current "endurance" is that too weak?

    Thank you very much for replying :)
  4. Slamex

    Slamex Fapstronaut

    If you want to focus solely on body weight fitness google "reddit bodyweightfitness recommended routine". Its pretty much all you need to know on starting up with body weight fitness.
    If you want to get into good shape it will be tough, like nofap it requires discipline, you have to make the decision and know that you might not see the results straight away and it won't be looking good in an week but if you stick to it the end will definetly be worth it.
    I do majority of my exercise with weights and only incorporate 1 bodyweight exercise into mine so I wouldn't say you must add exercise into your plan. There is no one plan to beat all.
    Don't worry if you can't lift more then 6.5, start with 5kg if that's what you can do then do that.
    Google "frankoman-dumbbell-only-split" if you want to try a dumbbell routine, or find a way of incorporating it into your bodyweight training.
    Deleted Account likes this.

  5. Thanks for the reply. Can I add bicep curls, and kickbacks for bicep/tricep? And how many sets and reps?

    So if I do them ALONGSIDE the body weight routine (3 times a week/4 rests) it won't be over-training right?
    I am really scared and naive about this. That's why I am so sensitive about it...

    I expect results after 7 months, is that unrealistic?
    I'll check that "frankoman-dumbbell-only-split" thing. But I will only pick 1-3 weight exercises into it, is that OK?


    Take 3-4 exercises from there, right?
  6. HooEmAi

    HooEmAi Fapstronaut

    I would find a way to hold both dumbbells at the same time or put all the weight on one and work in some dumbbell rows and rear delt raises. Also, for upper back in the horizontal plane, don't sell short doing rear delts against the corner of a wall. Look that exercise up, it's a bodyweight way to work your upper back/traps as well.

    For the arm/shoulder exercises, you can work in doing lateral raises, curls in all grips (pronated, hammer, supinated; can even do single arm with more weight if your weights are interchangeable), and kickbacks/extensions. The extensions overhead for triceps and overhead pressing (think pike press) are the only two exercises that REALLY nail the long head of the triceps (the biggest head, therefore, the BIGGEST mass builder on the triceps). If your dumbbells are really light (i.e. you can do 20+ reps on some exercises or all, FOCUS on the contraction/squeeze and do these exercises at the end of your calisthenic compounds when these muscles are already fatigued. Good luck!
    Deleted Account and Noelle like this.
  7. Slamex

    Slamex Fapstronaut

    Don't worry about it mate, we all have to take those first steps. If you want to add it, add it. Bicep curls will be good if you're looking for bigger arms. I'd go with 5 sets at 8 reps heavy weight if you want to improve strength. Find a weight that gives a bit of strain and you're sweating at the end. If it's properly hurting and you can't curl your arm without swinging your whole body lower the weight.
    Triceps exercises will definetly increase the size of your arms. (Bicep, 2 muscles, triceps 3 muscles. More muscle on an area with more muscles will be bigger). Again I'd recommend 5 sets 8 reps heavy weights.
    You're going to feel strained to begin with, especially sore the next day, but if itnfeels like a twinge more then an ache you're probably straining your muscles too much.
    Yeah I'd have posted the link but not allowed to yet.
    Do it, add a few, see how you feel about it, want to add more after a while do so, ifnyou want to remove some and focus on the bodyweight after a few weeks then do it.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  8. HooEmAi

    HooEmAi Fapstronaut

    Oh, and OP, look into getting a set of good interlocking bands with handles as well. CONSTANT tension and heavy resistance on a good set. Very cheap. Like 30 USD for a set that can go up to 150 lbs. of resistance. Can't beat that! You can then do all your exercises for arms/shoulders/upper back/legs and then some with a good set of bands along with calisthenics. BUT I DON'T WANT TO CONVOLUTE THINGS HERE, those calisthenic movements are your bread and butter. Good, controlled reps and feeling the intended muscles working on compounds will beat isolation movements any day of the week for getting a better body/better health!
    Deleted Account likes this.

  9. Damn that talk was more complicated than the math I take at school. But I will read it and try to apply some of it on my next exercise day. I'll read it thoroughly and use google translate to see what I can't understand.

    Do I incorporate those things with the routine I made? Like do all those ~10 exercises at once?

    But can you give me the raw name of that exercise?
    is it called "rear delts" or what?

  10. My parents give me allowance to buy stuff and they'll never allow me to buy anything other than what I own now. I fought world wars to get the permission to buy those dumbbell rows.
  11. @Slamex

    Is this the rear delt you spoke about?

    Also, I added a few exercises to the list:
    Quads: Lunges
    Butt and Hamstrings: Hip raises
    Push: Push ups
    Pull: Pull ups
    Core: Planks
    Lower legs: Calf raises
    Bicep: Bicep Curls
    Triceps: Dumbbell Tricep Extension
    Rear Delts: Wall Rear Delts

    But how much sets should I do with the Bi/Tri/Rear?
    Also, aren't those too much exercises for one day?
    Thanks for helping!

    Are those 9 exercises enough? If I had to add a 10th exercise, what would it be?
    HooEmAi likes this.
  12. Slamex

    Slamex Fapstronaut

    Sounds good man. Keep it simple and work hard. Try and add weight each week to the dumbbells if you can, maybe a small amount or more if you can handle it. You'll find your muscles arent getting complacent and still have to work hard. You might not notice an change in your look but you'll be able to lift more for longer and that's the thing you want to happen if you want to see definition
    Deleted Account likes this.

  13. I want to add a 10th exercise to cap the routine, what do you advice me to take? Which muscle or exercise did I miss? Thanks for the help!

    I only have 5 KG atm. My brother has 8.6 KG but I can't even do a curl with those so yeah I'll go with my 5 KG for a while.

    The list is too long... I am sure this exercise regiment will take more than 60 minutes instead of ~25 hahahahaha!
  14. Slamex

    Slamex Fapstronaut

    Depends on what you want. Extra arm exercise, I'd say triceps dips, can use a bed frame or chair for that. If its legs try wall sits. Just lean against a wall in a sitting position, it burns like hell but good for your legs.
    Timing depends on how much time you have available. If you're free for the days you've planned for then hell yeah take an hour, put on some headphones and a playlist and go to town. If not, try to change the list to what you can do.
    Deleted Account likes this.

  15. How about using a handgripper? I have this

    Can I include this in my workout? How much reps and sets? And what does it do? Someone told me it makes the nerves in your arm stronger, is that true?

    Do I list it as Forearms: Hand gripper?

    More Forearm Muscularity
    Hand Endurance
    Increased Hand Strength
    Improved Dexterity

    What's dexterity? How can your fingers become more "flexible" than they already are?
  16. Slamex

    Slamex Fapstronaut

    It improves your grip and forearm strength. Good little thing to do if you're not doing anything or just watching TV or the computer. Just keep going until you're maxxed out but not like its paunful
    Deleted Account likes this.
  17. Ok thanks so now I got this list capped:

    Quads: Lunges
    Butt and Hamstrings: Hip raises
    Push: Push ups
    Pull: Pull ups
    Core: Planks
    Lower legs: Calf raises
    Bicep: Bicep Curls
    Triceps: Dumbbell Tricep Extension
    Rear Delts: Wall Rear Delts
    Forearms: Handgripper

    I will do this 3 times a week. I will do my best to stick to it and I will do 50% of them in a day where I am tired as a minimum. Will I see good results in 6 months?
    I use chair to assist my pullups. Increasing my gripstrength would make pullups easier for me, right?

    I feel happy that today I created a decent plan. Before I had a terrible plan that gave me no results. I must do the same for studying...

    Today I made an account and asked the same question on bodybuilding . com but frankly only one guy responded with a hard gym-oriented workout.

    It's funny how I got more help from a fapping website hahahah!

    Thanks man hahahahaha
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 24, 2018
  18. Slamex

    Slamex Fapstronaut

    You keep it up, do it 3 times a week and keep a healthy diet (which is a whole other ball game, nor my strong point(just try and cut down and limit fatty food and processed stuff)) you should see a change in your body after 6 months.
    You're body is only as strong as your weakest link so forearm strength and grip do play a big part but we're looking more at trying to lift 250lb deadlifts so don't worry too much on wrist strength but dontnfeel likenyou can't include it.
    Good luck mate.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  19. All these are good and effective exercises. I'd also recommend switching up your routine from time to time so that you don't reach a plateau.
    Deleted Account likes this.

  20. I will never be able to lift deadlifts because I have no barbells and I don't want to advance to advanced bodybuilding. I just want to get a healthier body. I got a skinny-fat belly though, will that belly flatten out as I do those exercises?

    My diet is terrible because I can only eat what my parents cook and having rice for dinner is a must. I don't know how to cook anything other than eggs. I will not spend a lot of money on food too, but I have stopped drinking any soft drinks (pepsi/fanta/cocacola etc) and I haven't eaten chips for 2 months. I will cut everything that I don't need.

    but I really, really feel happy about what I accomplished today.

    I was too lazy to pursue and read those articles about exercising and almost gave up but hey at least I finished the day with a valuable thing.

    I can barely study (school stuff) but now I will try to do that aswell. I'll try to develop 2 habits (3 w/NoFap)
    1. Better health by better food/exercising
    2. Better grades by studying more.

    But I don't know how to force myself to study. I feel emotionally numb and overwhelmed and can barely concentrate/focus
    what to do?

    But damn imagine if I actually manage to go hard mode for 7 months + those exercises... my health will probably triple, fuck yeah!
    LordPBA likes this.